Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Being Single Today Final

I strongly believe that being a single person is easier and carries fewer stigmas than it was 10 years ago. The Census Bureau reported last year that approximately 97 million Americans above 18 years were single with most of them having never married before. People have whole-heartedly embraced single hood way of life as normal. The initial tradition of women thinking marriage immediately after college has been abolished. Although most single people above 18 years look forward to marriage at a certain point in their lives, this does not hinder them from working hard to achieve in life.The effects of everyday wedding celebrations and the many dating sites have received neutral effects on most youth. (Sharon, pp 98) Happiness has proved to be acquired or created and traditional way of doing things and defining happiness has changed. I am single at 20 and happy. People have accepted the single way of life and the stigma attached to it is declining. There has emerged alternative ways of leading better single life. Perception about single hood way of life has changed to be more accommodative. Society is slowly recognizing the needs of the single people who were initially not excluded in work policies and tax codes.Books are published to enlighten the single on how they can be happy despite their single status. Such books include: Better Single than Sorry, A No Regret Guide to Loving Yourself and Never Settling. Such books encourage the single people (Sharon, pp 99) Single people can enjoy their life and maximize their happiness even when they are alone. In restaurant, parties and movies they can have fun by concentrating on themselves and the activities carried out at the respective places. Even in wedding parties one can socialize with people present and celebrate the day’s activity without thinking about relationship.(Jennifer, pp 110) Relationships are not working out nowadays, people are getting married today and divorcing tomorrow. This has made people s hy away from marriages or relationship. Some are worried about finding the right partner and have ended up staying single for longer. As more women are gaining education and staying and striving to achieve more in their career goals they are forfeiting traditional rules non relationships /marriage and motherhood (Jessica Yellin pg 108) I believe being single has more benefits or advantages than when in a relationships.Most of my friends share this conviction. People have different moodiness and emotional changes. If one is in a relationship one has to cope up with the other person’s feelings. The baggage of tolerating another person’s feelings is out of the question in the single hood way of life. http://www. aretax. furniture. com/article/article4. doc An old friend once collapsed and on rushing her to the hospital she had a feeding disorder. It was to our great astonishment that she had foregone meals for a couple of days in trying to cut weight as her spouse always complained she was growing fat.Such problems are hard to be encountered by the single people. One is able to appreciate one’s self and does not have to go overboard to simply please a partner. I believe single hood way of life will improve an individual’s personality. It can help one become a well-rounded person as one’s free time can be used in having fun as well as acquiring skills beneficial to the individual. It enhances independence a value that is envied by many. Instead of searching for friends to hand out with that time can be used in productive activities that will go a long way in ensuring their self-improvement.Recently, a woman took his husband to court over their finances. The lady was financially stable, a good job, house and care. Her family was also of a higher status socially. The husband was accused of misusing the wife’s finances. I just stopped and wondered where one’s independence goes on getting into relationships. One doesnâ €™t have control of his or her own finances. I think such problems would not arise if one chooses a single way of life, as they would have complete monitoring of what is their own. I went picking my cousin one day, as there was a movie to watch.Everyone was talking about it and it was a must watch. The disappointment on my face cannot be explained when she told me that the boyfriend was coming over and they were going to watch a football match. I pitied her since I knew very well she doesn’t like football. Is it this slavery? One doesn’t have for activities that they please with a single hood way of life one has the time to spend with their friends and don’t have to sacrifice what is meaningful to them (http://www. avetexfurniture. com/article/article4. doc)I wonder how I would deal with irritating habits of a partner. I agree nature has it that all people are different. Everyone is unique in his or her own ways. There are those who snore and those who do no t? Compatibility of divergent personalities could be difficult. For instance, I would not sleep peacefully when someone is snoring next to me. My single hood way of life eliminates such worries. I do not have to worry or deal with someone else’s personal habits that are unacceptable or irritating to me. I have seen couples break up due to very trivial issues.Trivial they may appear to me, but the involved parties handle them with a lot of intensity. A lady broke up with her boyfriend of six years simply because she bought a car without his consent. I wondered aloud don’t rights and independence exist anymore? Must I seek for another person’s point of view before responding to issues that affect me or must I seek another person’s consent before doing anything? Single people do not have to undergo such problems. They can spontaneously decide on the course of action to be taken in responding to any issue.Freedom of choice is best exercised when one is single than when one is in a relationship or is married. (http://www. avetexfurniture. com/article/article4. doc ) Relationship demand time and resources. People in relationships buy each other presents or gifts, which cost money. Treats also involve finances. To flourish parties involved must spend ample time together; this is not the case for the singles. The time they would have spent together is used more productive activities like mounding one’s career. Efforts are channeled towards career growth and development.Most single people develop their career to great heights and are able to raise their social status. Single people do not have to answerable to anyone. They are free to choose the direction of their life without prior consultations. They are masters of their own life and destiny. One doesn’t have to worry of why they interact with, as would be the case in relationships when a man may be offended if his lady interacted well with other gents or vice versa. One is i n a position of expressing their feelings in words without constraints. References: Jennifer Benjamin.How to love your time alone. Even the most social chicks occasionally find themselves flying solo pg. 109-111 http://www. aretexfurniture. com/article/article3. doc Jameson Oliver . 10 benefits of being single http://www. avetexfurniture. com/article/article4. doc Sharon Jayson. Free as a bird and loving it, more Americans are happy to marry later †¦ or not at all. Pg. 98- 99 http://www. avetexfurniture. com/article/article1. doc Jessica Yellin. Single Female and Desperate No More, 2006. pg. 106/108 http://www. avetexfurniture. com/article/article2. doc

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