Friday, August 23, 2019

Developing strategic recommendations of Starbucks Coffee Company( the Essay

Developing strategic recommendations of Starbucks Coffee Company( the assignment is about Information management) - Essay Example The Company also uses the AS/400 midrange system for most of its critical databases, together with some Oracle databases. The network operating system used is Novell Netware with Microsoft NT for some of the groups at the headquarters. (Rubenstein, 1997). The Starbucks Company uses IBM 4600 series point-of-sale terminals with some wireless networking at these points. The Company strategy also includes measures to improve the speed of service and line efficiency at individual stores, including the provision of additional registers for this purpose. The Starbucks Company has been expanding its international operations and has had some success; however its international operations are not as profitable due to its joint venture and licensing agreements. It also experiences operational problems due to the lack of a trained workforce and finding suitable real estate for its stores. The Company’s recent entry into the Russian market has been criticized as a move made too late to try and capture an already congested market. (Merrett, 2006). Analysts have also pointed out that Starbucks needs to rethink its entry strategy into international markets and take into account, the risks arising from volatile political and business environments across the world, especially in view of the increased sensitivity in the world about America and American companies.( According to Earl (1989:69), â€Å"no single IS strategy formulation will work†, therefore on this basis he argues that IS/IT strategy within a firm should follow a multiple methodology made up of the three pronged approach. The three pronged approach consists of the top down, bottom up and inside out approaches. The top down approach seeks to clarify the business strategy in terms of the IS needs and policies. It matches the business needs with the current investments in Information Systems. This approach is implemented using the critical success

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