Wednesday, October 30, 2019

A Response to Crossing the Tracks of Friendship and Dating Essay

A Response to Crossing the Tracks of Friendship and Dating - Essay Example It also shows that lately there have been signs of disagreements in the relationship on topics like "religion, being involved in church, and also about being sexual" (Braithwaite, 1999). Beneath the questions is the hidden issue of intimacy, whether they would indulge in it since they have started to get involved physically already or abandon it altogether in congruence to their concept of friendship. Despite their uncertainties, Robert and Anya's main objective is still each other's well-being because they do genuinely love each other and are, "almost soul-mates" (Braithwaite, 1999). That love is outwardly displayed in the form of constant communication about their relationship, that they can be "open and direct with each other" (Braithwaite, 1999). The dominant medium of communication is the late-night conversations over the telephone. Because of their willingness to talk openly together they seek solutions to their questions. One solution they have come up for their interpersonal issues is their mutual categorical agreement not to date. One convenient advantage is the clarity of the definition of friendship and its conventional boundaries, that they need not anymore court possible miscommunication or mixed signals with their actions towards each other. This is the best solution at hand because it is commonly agreed by both and leaves no room for ambiguity. The disadvantage, however, is that it currently halts any development towards and intimate relationship. A relationship is a dynamic process and two people who are attracted to each other and share the same values ought to have every room available for going to the next level, if permitted. Yet both also see the possibility that they "don't have to see friendship and romance as excluding each other" (Braithwaite, 1999), that maybe they can have both. An advantage of this solution is the acceptance and recognition that both concepts, although seemingly contradictory, can further enhance the relationship. In friendship is the ease that Robert and Anya have already established in talking about anything of consequence which can probably lead, as they further mature, to a deeper understanding of each other's unique individuality and very personal needs that romance can fill in. This case teaches us that interpersonal communication is a practical necessity that requires a lot of work to interact well in society. Interpersonal communication is a work by itself. It s not just a passive tool to be used to go about one's everyday business but is something that grows and can be developed through deliberate effort. One applicable theory in the case is the theory of Relational Dialectics of Leslie Baxter and Barbara Montgomery which tells about the simultaneous presence of the push and pull of tensions in a close relationship. The closer the relationship is the more conflicts will come threatening to tear the relationship apart (Cooke, "Relational"). It is evidenced by Anya's perception of Robert's lack of consideration of her feelings when he kissed her without her express consent, the early observation incompatibility, the playful accusations of who likes whom more with Robert's vehement rebuttal, Anya's supposed flirtatious nature and her denial of it. Under this theory, these potential conflicts are best

Monday, October 28, 2019

How Fidel Castro is a Revolutionary Essay Example for Free

How Fidel Castro is a Revolutionary Essay Some men are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. Those were the words of William Shakespeare in â€Å"Twelfth Night†. Some men are born and die without been sung. Their impact is not felt and they die to be forgotten by men. On the other hand, some leave their prints on the sand of time, their names and memories warm in the hearts of men. Such men are rare and are called legend, their names remembered by generations to come. Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz is such a man. There comes a time in any nation when history is made. When the government of any given state fails in its responsibility, then there is need for a change. At such times, the people naturally desire a change because their trust and hopes have been drained. The people clamor for a new government, a fresh vision and seek a new hope. The question that raises concern in the minds of the people of such state is who will bear the touch? Who will lead the struggle against oppression? Who is the fearless man that will fight for what he wholly believes in? In South Africa, it was Mandela, in India it was Gandhi, in America, it was Martin Luther and in Cuba it was Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz. One thing is peculiar of these people They were all great revolutionary leaders in their countries. Who then is a revolutionary? A revolutionary is a person who promotes or actively engages in a form of revolution. Revolutionaries are often of the idea that a change is needed and that such changes might not come without forcing it out. The use of violence is acceptable once the desired result is achieved. A revolutionary believes and seeks to uphold certain ideals or ideology. If history is to be written, the archives of Cuba will not fail to recognize Fidel Castro. For one thing, he is arguably the most prolific leader that the country has produced. He is not just a leader but he was the one that spearheaded the revolution in the nation of Cuba. His impact on the nation of Cuba can not be overemphasized. Today, one can hardly talk about the nation of Cuba without mentioning the name Fidel Castro. The question is how did this man, born like you and I were, create a niche for himself. How did he become a revolutionary leader? What exploits did he perform that made his name indelible in the annals of history? Lawyer, Cuban Revolutionary, political leader, and the former President of Cuba, Fidel Castro was born on August 13, 1926 on Cuba’s North coast to Don Angel and Linda Castro. His parents were immigrants from Spain who had come to fight the United States during the Spanish- American war of 1898. He was trained under the Jesuit priests who instilled discipline, dedication and assertiveness into him. His interests were in issues that had to do with politics and government. He immersed himself in the polemical climate of Cuban politics, nationalism, anti-imperialism, and socialism. As a student of Havana University, he was elected the president of The Law Student’s Association. He had his degree in law at the University of Havana in 1950. In 1951 he became a leader in the emergent populist political movement led by the Partido del Pueblo Cubano. The group was known in Cuba as Ortodoxos, an anti-Communist nationalist group promising major social, economic and political reforms, and expecting to gain the presidency through electoral politics. He had planned to contest for a position in the congress but his plan was foiled when Fulgencio Batista usurped the constitutional government. When this happened, Castro and some of his folks who had the mind of contesting in the elections before the government was taken started planning a means of overthrowing the government. Later in 1952, Fidel Castro plotted his own quixotic revolt, this he did by leading 130 followers to attack the Moncada army barracks in Santiago on July 26, and 1953. The attack was a poorly planned fiasco in which the rebels tried to bluff their way in. They intended to overpower the 1,000-man garrison, seize some weapons, and then hand them out to crowds of supporters who never rallied to their cause. In 1955, he was granted political amnesty and he later left Cuba for Mexico where he began to train an expeditionary force. He later formed a guerilla force that aimed at a revolution that was filled with promises of land reforms, jobs and equity for all. This made the militants grow by the day. The people of Cuba began to see a new hope and a new dawn. They will give anything they can to stop the dictatorial rule of Fulgencio Batista. In 1956, Castro launched the revolution with the help of the 82 man strong guerrilla. Unfortunately, they were ambushed by the Cuban Army and were almost killed by the invasion. At the end of the day, only Castro and eleven of his men managed to escape from the hands of the Cuban Army. At this point, it was apparent that there was no man power to win this revolution. Therefore, Castro began a massive campaign where he sought to win the peasants to his side. After two years of confrontation, the revolution turned out to be a victory as he has already won most of the peasants to his side. This victory is so significant because Fidel Castro’s Guerrilla will be the first to will a military in Latin America. This proved him to be a great political strategist. On the 1st of January 1959, the Cuban revolution began with him being at the center of it. Many people joined this revolution for different reasons. It was believed that Fidel Castro will return the country to a constitutional rule, and the reaffirmation of civil and political rights. For others, who envisioned a major re-structuring of the society, the issue was social justice. These people placed their future into the arms of Fidel Castro and so it was easy for him to establish himself as the sole leader of the intended government. However, once he got to power, Castro steered his country towards communism and collective ownership of properties. He believed and practiced communism in its possible way. This made the landowners and the American nation furious. Apparently, Batista had previously developed relations with America. This came to an abrupt end at the advent of Castro’s communism. All privately owned businesses, both the ones owned by Cubans and/or the one owned by internationals were taken over by the government. Prior to this time, the America was almost in total control of the industries in Cuba. They made money from the Cubans without fuss. The standard of living of the average Cuban citizen was greatly altered. The major idea of communism is that the working class should be in charge of the government. At this point, privately owned property was regarded as illegal. Castro was of the idea that the money of the country should be distributed equally to all citizens, according to their needs. Also, the government controls the lifestyle of its citizens. Education is also an integral part of the new Cuba’s Communist government. As Castro had hoped for, these changes did have impressive short-term effects for Cuba. Serious illness and economic hardship were almost nonexistent and Cuba had the greatest number of teachers and doctors in that area of the Caribbean. It was a new dawn for Cuba as people seemed to be looking toward a better and more relying future with Castro in charge. However, these benefits did not come without a price. For instance, in order to protect the new forms of communism, Castro eliminated elections and freedom of the press, imprisoned political opponents, and made religion a thing to be ashamed of. Castro then began to act like his counterparts who were leaders of communist countries, doing things such as putting industry under government management, claiming the property of people not born in Cuba, creating communities for agriculture, and establishing laws to help laborers and peasants . Cuba’s new form of government not only affected its people, but also affected its own relationships with other governments around the world. International reactions varied from country to country about the communism in Cuba. Many of Cuba’s newly enforced laws and government created barriers with neighboring Latin American nations and in 1962 Cuba was dismissed from the Organization of American States. Because of the United States’ opposition of Communist governments, they were quickly on bad terms with Castro and Cuba. The United States government was led even further in their decision to end any relation they have with Cuba after the Cuban government seized all land owned by Americans Not all nations were in opposition to Cuba’s change of government. As a matter of fact, Cuba enjoyed a cordial relationship with The Soviet Union. The Soviet government, which was also Communist, assisted Cuba by offering financial aid, trade and the overdue payment of Cubas debts. Apart from these, Cuba was also accepted into the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON) in an agreement signed in 1972 with the Soviet Union. Through his long rule as the Leader of Cuba, there have been several attempts made by the US to assassinate him. All these efforts have proved abortive as he has tactfully eluded them. In 1961-63 alone, the CIA recorded hundreds of violent sabotage operations, including several assassination attempts that relied on everything from exploding cigars to bacteria-infected handkerchiefs and aerosol sprays laced with LSD. According to Mr. Castros security services, the CIA and Cuban exiles in Miami hatched no fewer than 638 plots to kill him. All these plots have proved abortive. Fidel Castro is a legend. He has lived a life of impact and we are learning about him today. Whatever the view might be, one thing is certain; Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz is a revolutionary – one that will not be forgotten generations to come. Reference: †¢ Buckman, Robert T. World Today Series- Latin America 2000. Harpers Ferry, WV: Stryker-Post Publishers, 2000. †¢ Fidel Castro Cuban Leader. Newsmaker Profiles. Internet. 28 November 2000 http://www. cnn. com/recources/newsmakers/world/namerica/castro. html †¢ Kolb, Richard K. Cold War Along the cactus Curtain. VFW Magazine Jan 1999. SIRS. 18 October 2000 †¢ History of Cuba. Internet. 14 November 2001 http://www. emayzyme. com/lectures/HISTOR~/. htm †¢ Horne, Jed. Fidel’s Cuba: Revolution Running on Empty. Times-Picayune Publishing Corporation 14 March 1993. SIRS Knowledge Source. 30 October 2001. †¢ Jervis, Rick. Cuba. Scholastic Update 23 February 1998. EBSCOHost. 14 November 2001. †¢ Fidel Castro. Anti Essays. Retrieved March 26, 2008, from the World Wide Web: http://www. antiessays. com/free-essays/699. html †¢ Fidel Castro. BigNerds. com. Retrieved March 26, 2008, from the World Wide Web: http://www. bignerds. com/show. php? eid=699 †¢ Situation and Prospects in Cuba. (1963, June 14). (Item No. CC03127). Retrieved May 8, 2002, from Digital National Security Archives database. †¢ Chapo, Richard. (2006, October 28). Ten Interesting Tidbits About Cuba. EzineArticles. Retrieved March 25, 2008, from http://ezinearticles. com/? Ten-Interesting-Tidbits-About-Cubaid=341249 †¢ Intelligence. (2008). In Encyclop? dia Britannica. Retrieved March 25, 2008, from Encyclop? dia Britannica Online: http://www. britannica. com/eb/article-233697 †¢ Rodriguez III, Alejandro. (2008, February 19). Fidel Castro Cubas Leader Steps Down Changes Nothing. EzineArticles. Retrieved March 25, 2008, from http://ezinearticles. com/? Fidel-CastroCubas-Leader-Steps-Down-Changes-Nothingid=996440 †¢ Castro, Raul. (2008). In Encyclop? dia Britannica. Retrieved March 25, 2008, from Encyclop? dia Britannica Online: http://www. britannica. com/eb/article-9439238 †¢ http://www. marxists. org/history/cuba/archive/castro/ †¢ http://www. heritage. org/Research/LatinAmerica/wm1188. cfm †¢ http://www. cnn. com/2008/WORLD/americas/02/24/cuba. nextpresident/

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Teaching Philosophy Statement Essay -- Teaching Education Careers Essa

Teaching Philosophy Statement I am not one of those people that knew absolutely for sure from age five that they wanted to be a teacher. I have thought about many different professions during my educational career and have changed my mind at times in deciding the best route to take. However, teaching has always been something I knew I would enjoy doing. I would often tell my teachers in school that I would like to be an educator, but this statement usually left me with looks of shock and responses that I could achieve so much more in my life. I would find myself very confused; wondering why these people picked a profession they believed to be so unimportant and meaningless. Regardless of their objections, I have continued to want to pursue this career. Furthermore, as a teacher, I plan to inspire my students to achieve their dreams instead of pushing them into a direction that may not be the best for them to take. These things have helped me in writing this paper of the educational goals and philosophies tha t I perceive to be important in education. I feel the environment a child is placed in plays a huge role in determining the type of student they will become. Like the philosophy of behaviorism, I believe positive and negative reinforcement can work together to help mold children into becoming successful people and productive students. All humans are born into the world innocent. However, external factors they experience in their environment as they grow into adulthood largely decide the choices they will make in their lives. In addition, these factors are also fundamental aspects in establishing how students will behave in the school setting. A person needs only to look into any typical classroom to see how... to be interested in math, and they all will not want to become math teachers like I want to be. However, I want to show all of my students that they need the principles of math not only to perform class assignments, but also to complete tasks in their everyday lives. In conclusion, I plan for myself and for my students to work hard so that the greatest amount of learning possible will be achieved in our classroom. I want my students to feel comfortable talking to me about anything from math questions to their personal problems. I want to be more than a teacher to them. I want to be a friend and a mentor to them. For me, being a teacher is not worrying about how much money I will make or how long my summer vacation is going to be. Being an effective teacher will be knowing that I have made a positive difference in each and everyone of my student’s lives.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Isaac Asimov and Entropy

As It's used In Isaac Asimov The Last Question entropy can be thought of as the point In which human existence is eradicated by the heat death of universe. Isaac Asimov used entropy to explain our mortality and show how even if we attain the highest level of technological achievement there is, nothing in this universe can prevent our eventual destruction. Vim's Watson recently competed on Jeopardy! Against the TV quiz shows two biggest all-time champions (Jackson). Developed by IBM Research, Watson Is able to categorize vast volumes of information and using sophisticated algorithms built for searching known facts Jackson).Watson can then answer questions in natural language (Markova). Watson is an information seeking tool that's capable of understanding human enquires in order to deliver that content through a naturally flowing dialogue. Watson consistently outperformed its human opponents on the show, winning $1,000,000 that was donated to charity (Markova). Multiple, in The Last Qu estion , Is a similar computational machine, but what makes It ultimately superior than any computer we have today is its ability to actually think.Watson can only answer questions with known facts. It can't answer the unknown any better than pure speculations. Multiracial was eventually able to reverse entropy, creating the oral anew (Asimov). Keith Chilled, from Lancashire, England, Is attempting to create a machine that produces work Indefinitely (Roach). Such a device would violate the axioms of thermodynamics. Perpetual motion machines are machines that are supposed to neglect the laws of thermodynamics and continuously turn work back into work with perfect efficiency (Y. V. C. Raw ).One of the three laws of thermodynamics states that the amount of entropy in the universe can only increase making Chiding's machine impossible to build (Y. V. C. Raw ). The theoretical scientific exploration of the ultimate fate of the human species always begins and concludes with the laws of the rmodynamics (Ben-Anal). Entropy can be called the universal harbinger of the end of time (Ben-Maim) . The Last Question revolves around an artificial, learning supercomputer that is unable to save the human species from extinction and the threat of heat death (Asimov).Even with advances in science and technology throughout the story, the computer remains unsure about the future of Its creators. Nothing lasts forever. Even the youngest stars on the most distant planets will Turn out IT given enough time. Natural silence tells us Tanat everything In nature Is subject to entropy. Entropy is a central element in Isaac Asimov's famous short story that continuously plagues the human population with its definitive ending. Multicasts actions create a new Big Bang, thus resetting entropy and time (Asimov).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Impact of a Deaf Child on Families

Impact of a Deaf Child on Families A bird calls and the phone rings. Yet the girl makes no move to listen to one or to answer the other. A baby’s cry goes ignored and the tea kettle on the stove continues to whistle. Most, but not all cases of childhood deafness and hearing-impairment are diagnosed between the ages of 18 months and 3-years-old (Mapp 50). Sometimes called the invisible handicap, hearing loss explains why sign language is the third most used language in the United States (Jones 54).While recognition of sight problems or physical impairments may be triggered by spotting eye glasses or a wheelchair, deafness must be discovered through acts of direct communication. The girl walks down the hall and does not acknowledge her friend calling her name. The term disabled has been much debated in recent years. It is both a classification of a functional limitation and a branding stereotype that scars a certain type of person. More than 90 percent of deaf children are born into hearing families.Before the 1970s, the impact this group of unique children had on their families and how the family structure adjusted was little studied (Mapp 7). Though raising a deaf child is challenging at times for parents and influential on how siblings are treated, it can also be a rewarding experience and an adhesive to hold together a family. When a child is diagnosed with deafness, it is the flag marking the beginning of a series of potentially draining events for his or her parents.Though many parents say that raising a deaf child differs in subtle yet slight ways from the already challenging aspects of raising any child, they also agree that their child’s disability tends to amplify emotions, especially in the early stages of diagnoses. There are feelings of disbelief, confusion, and disappointment that lead to anger while guilt mingles with a sense of mourning. Through all of these overwhelming responses, parents learn to deal with the seclusion, to recogni ze the drawbacks of their situation, and to effectively develop strategies for their families.Though it is too generalizing to say that all parents react the same way to their child’s hearing loss, many parents do react in similar manners. It is the hearing parents that are affected the most by the arrival of the news of hearing loss in their child. Deaf parents, on the other hand generally embrace the handicap of their child because they realize they have the resources and language knowledge to help the child. In studies done comparing deaf hildren from hearing parents with those from deaf parents, the children from deaf parents significantly outscored their counterparts in areas such as vocabulary, reading, social skills, and mathematics. An explanation for this may be that the children of hearing parents experience something called â€Å"language deprivation† by which they are stripped of the knowledge commonly passed down through the direct exposure to a language n atural to their parents (Mapp 190). For this reason, the stresses of raising a deaf child fall heavier on hearing parents.Many hearing parents feel this diagnosis shatters the illusion that their child is and will be perfect. This loss of innocence is a sentiment that many parents mourn. Many parents of deaf children have had little or no contact with the deaf community and are forced to comprehend a subject entirely foreign to them. Shock is a common response and works well as a defense mechanism that enables parents to begin the stages of mourning the illusionary loss of their normal child (Luterman 6). This shock gradually fades to disbelief as parents grasp at the permanent and incurable meanings of the word â€Å"deaf. Many ask how such a thing could happen in their family and occasionally the hearing problem is kept a secret. Though she was diagnosed in kindergarten, the girl begged her parents to keep her secret for years, senselessly believing that if no one knew about it t hen the problem did not exist despite the molds she wore in her ears. On top of denial, many families feel overwhelmed and that they have been given too much information in too short of a time period and may feel either ill-equipped to face the challenges of the diagnosis.With this fear often times comes anger and most parents of hearing impaired children feel a fundamental anger without an outlet through which to vent. There is anger at themselves, at the world, and even at the deaf child themselves. Sometimes this anger turns itself inwards and manifests itself as depression; other times it is capable of either strengthening or creating rifts within family systems and relationships. Perhaps one of the most prominent emotions felt by parents of deaf children is guilt.The future they had envisioned for their child has been violated in ways they never expected. Many parents would agree that having a hurting child and being helpless to assist them is one of the most distressing feelin gs they will ever experience (Luterman 9). Although having a deaf child can be rewarding in many ways it is very hard to see this in the beginning and the diagnosis affects parents in some very unique ways. Since the 1970s, studies have been done directly assessing the impact a deaf child has on families, especially on parents.It became clear from these studies that mothers and fathers deal with the stresses of their ill child in very different ways. Since mothers are typically invested in the daily stresses of raising a deaf child, studies have shown that they are more likely to be very involved in health and safety issues. Fathers on the other hand are typically found to engage in more distant roles of parenting due to occupational time consumption and are more successful at developing relationships with their child that does not revolve around the child’s disability (Luterman et al. 34-35).Studies have also shown that the time following a child’s diagnosis can be pa rticularly trying on husbands as they are trying to reassure their wives that everything will be fine while privately attempting to deal with their own deep and emotional grief (Luterman et al. 7). The separate roles each parent takes on complement each other by providing unique skills for their child. One of the most emotional taxing yet gratifying parts of raising a deaf child is that the mother is typically the one member of the family most capable of communicating with the deaf child.She becomes not only a mother, but an educator, social guidance counselor, communication specialist, interpreter, and audiologist consultant (Mapp 15). The girl’s mother went to the school district when the girl entered high school hoping sign language classes were available as a precaution in case her half deaf child continued to lose her hearing. They refused to even consider letting sign language qualify for her foreign language requirement. Another recurring theme in the challenges faced by parents is the abundance of ignorance in the faculty of school systems themselves.One frustrated parent wrote said about mainstreaming her deaf child into a hearing school, â€Å"†¦the teacher sometimes forgets†¦her limits and limitations†¦and does something incredibly dumb, such as the time in fifth grade when the teacher gave my daughter an oral spelling test of single words† (Luterman 175). Though most studies have focused extensively on the impact of a deaf child on parents, it is equally important to understand how it affects siblings. Family dynamics as well as parental reactions shape whether the hearing problem will strengthen the family structure or create tenuous situations.The definition of a family is a system of which all parts are inextricably interconnected (Luterman et al. 41). The sibling of a deaf child is typically forced to grow up faster than other children their age and assume greater responsibilities. One of the greatest favors a paren t can do for the sibling of a deaf child is to realize that an entire family unit cannot be healthy when revolving around the limitations of one of its members. In 70% of the cases of deaf children, there is one or more sibling involved in the family’s makeup (Mapp 65).These children can suffer from having a disabled sibling because their parents may feel both physically and emotionally exhausted after caring for the child that seems to need more attention. The sibling may feel neglected and guilty that they somehow evaded deafness themselves while their brother or sister is suffering. There may be feelings of shame and embarrassment when an adolescent child draws attention by signing with their sibling in public. Older children may feel a deep rooted anxiety that their own children will suffer from hearing loss.As with the relationships between parents, it is important that siblings be given a venue of open communication to vent their anxieties and frustrations. Clear commun ication is the key to a successful family structure. It has been found that some siblings may react with attention-seeking strategies like poor academic performance, illnesses, and recurrent tantrums. Other children may internalize their issues and end up with innate resentment issues when they are older (Luterman 143).While having a deaf sibling undoubtedly has drawbacks many siblings reported positive attributes as well. The recurring theme was that compassionate individuals with greater sensitivities to prejudices came from families with disabled children. These siblings also attributed the bond their family shared to their ability to form a cohesive unit during times of crisis (Luterman et al. 50). In order to thrive, it is vital that the family copes properly with the stressors associated with a deaf child.One of the most damaging, yet well intentioned acts a parent of a deaf child can commit is overprotection. Parents of handicapped children regularly underestimate their child ’s abilities, thus not allowing the child to make mistakes and learn. Overprotection leads to feelings of incapability and will hinder the child later in life. It must be acknowledged and accepted that even with interpreters, communication in a mainstream school will only be at about 75 percent for a deaf child (Jones 53). Instead of shielding a child from this barrier of communication, a parent must learn to mbrace it as a time of growth and a test of patience. Many parents see having a deaf child as a gift, as an opportunity to tap into strengths they never before realized they had. Though mothers of deaf children are likely to name healthcare providers as sources of support whereas hearing mothers named friends, it seems as though the levels of happiness of both women are consistent (Mapp 118). A parent’s attitude toward having a deaf child molds not only interfamily relationships, but the success of the child themselves.The original confusion of their child’ s diagnosis can morph into knowledge; the anger becomes a steady energy and focused drive, while the guilt turns into a lifelong commitment. The most important part of having a deaf child is that it forces ever member of a family to reevaluate life and realize just how precious of a gift it is. A disability only becomes a handicap when an individual allows it to skew their perception and hinder their accomplishments in life (Duckworth et al. 2). The girl smiled at her parents as she boarded the plane for college.It was through the hard work of her parents that she had made it so far. Never had they allowed her to see herself as tainted. They dealt with their issues quietly and ensured that the girl’s sister was never left behind. Through a sense of humor, teacher meetings, hard work, and patience they had shown her that her limitations led to endless accomplishments. The diagnosis was a hearing impairment and the girl is me. Works Cited Duckworth, Derek and Mark Philp. Childr en with Disabilites and their Families. New Jersey: Humanities Press Company, Ltd. 1982. Print. Jones, Reginald L. , ed. Reflections on Growing up Disabled. Virginia: The Council for Exceptional Children, 1983. Print. Luterman, David M. and Mark Ross. When your Child is Deaf: A Guide for Parents. Michigan: York Press, Inc. , 1991. Print. —. Counseling Parents of Hearing-Impaired Children. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, Inc. , 1979. Print. Mapp, Idalia, ed. Essential Readings on Stress and Coping among Parents of Deaf and Hearing- Impaired Children. Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 2004. Print.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Battle of Stony Point in the American Revolution

Battle of Stony Point in the American Revolution The Battle of Stony Point was fought July 16, 1779, during the American Revolution (1775-1783). In the summer of 1779, the leadership of the Continental Army decided to mount an assault against Stony Point, NY after the position had been occupied by the British. The assignment was given to Brigadier General Anthony Wayne and the Corps of Light Infantry. Striking at night, Waynes men conducted a daring bayonet attack that secured Stony Point and captured the British garrison. The victory provided a needed boost for American morale and Wayne received a gold medal from Congress for his leadership. Background In the wake of the Battle of Monmouth in June 1778, British forces under Lieutenant General Sir Henry Clinton largely remained idle in New York City. The British were watched by General George Washingtons army which assumed positions in New Jersey and to the north in the Hudson Highlands. As the 1779 campaigning season began, Clinton sought to lure Washington out of the mountains and into a general engagement. To accomplish this, he dispatched around 8,000 men up the Hudson. As part of this movement, the British seized Stony Point on the eastern bank of the river as well as Verplancks Point on the opposite shore. General Sir Henry Clinton. Photograph Source: Public Domain Taking possession of the two points at the end of May, the British began fortifying them against attack. The loss of these two positions deprived the Americans of using Kings Ferry, a key river crossing over the Hudson. As the main British force withdrew back to New York having failed to force a major battle, a garrison of between 600 and 700 men was left at Stony Point under the command Lieutenant Colonel Henry Johnson. Consisting of imposing heights, Stony Point was surrounded by water on three sides. On the mainland side of the point flowed a swampy steam that flooded at high tide and was crossed by one causeway. Dubbing their position a little Gibraltar, the British constructed two lines of defenses facing west (largely fleches and abatis rather than walls), each manned with around 300 men and protected by artillery. Stony Point was further protected by the armed sloop HMS Vulture (14 guns) which was operating in that part of the Hudson. Watching the British actions from atop nearby Buckberg Mountain, Washington was initially reluctant to assault the position. Utilizing an extensive intelligence network, he was able to ascertain the strength of the garrison as well as several passwords and the locations of sentries (Map). The American Plan Reconsidering, Washington decided to move forward with an attack utilizing the Continental Armys Corps of Light Infantry. Commanded by Brigadier General Anthony Wayne, 1,300 men would move against Stony Point in three columns. The first, led by Wayne and consisting of around 700 men, would make the main attack against the southern side of the point. Scouts had reported that the extreme southern end of the British defenses did not extend into the river and could be flanked by crossing a small beach at low tide. This was to be supported by an attack against the northern side by 300 men under Colonel Richard Butler. To ensure surprise, Waynes and Butlers columns would make the assault with their muskets unloaded and relying solely on the bayonet. Each column would deploy an advance force to clear obstacles with a 20-men forlorn hope to provide protection. As a diversion, Major Hardy Murfree was ordered to stage a diversionary attack against the main British defenses with around 150 men. This effort was to precede the flank attacks and serve as signal for their advance. To ensure proper identification in the darkness, Wayne ordered his men to wear pieces of white paper in their hats as a recognition device (Map). Battle of Stony Point Conflict: American Revolution (1775-1783)Dates: July 16, 1779Armies and Commanders:AmericansBrigadier General Anthony Wayne1,500 menBritishLieutenant Colonel Henry Johnson600-700 menCasualties:Americans: 15 killed, 83 woundedBritish: 20 killed, 74 wounded, 472 captured, 58 missing The Assault On the evening of July 15, Waynes men gathered at Springsteels Farm approximately two miles from Stony Point. Here the command was briefed and the columns began their advance shortly before midnight. Approaching Stony Point, the Americans benefited from heavy clouds which limited the moonlight. As Waynes men neared the southern flank they found that their line of approach was flooded with two to four feet of water. Wading through the water, they created enough noise to alert the British pickets. As the alarm was raised, Murfrees men began their attack. Pushing forward, Waynes column came ashore and began their assault. This was followed a few minutes later Butlers men who successfully cut through the abatis along the northern end of the British line. Responding to Murfrees diversion, Johnson rushed to the landward defenses with six companies from the 17th Regiment of Foot. Battling through the defenses, the flanking columns succeeded in overwhelming the British and cutting off those engaging Murfree. In the fighting, Wayne was temporarily put out of action when a spent round struck his head. Battle of Stony Point, 1779. Library of Congress Command of the southern column devolved to Colonel Christian Febiger who pushed the attack up the slopes. The first to enter the innermost British defenses was Lieutenant Colonel Francois de Fluery who cut down the British ensign from the flagstaff. With American forces swarming in his rear, Johnson was ultimately compelled to surrender after less than thirty minutes of fighting. Recovering, Wayne sent a dispatch to Washington informing him, The fort garrison with Col. Johnston are ours. Our officers men behaved like men who are determined to be free. Aftermath A stunning victory for Wayne, the fighting at Stony Point saw him lose 15 killed and 83 wounded, while British losses totaled 20 killed, 74 wounded, 472 captured, and 58 missing. In addition, a host of stores and fifteen guns were captured. Though a planned follow-on attack against Verplancks Point never materialized, the Battle of Stony Point proved a vital boost to American morale and was one of the final battles of the conflict to be fought in the North. Visiting Stony Point on July 17, Washington was extremely pleased with the result and offered lavish praise upon Wayne. Assessing the terrain, Washington ordered Stony Point abandoned the next day as he lacked the men to fully protect it. For his actions at Stony Point, Wayne was awarded a gold medal by Congress.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Cultura Approach

Culture is defined as everything that occurs in a society. It consists of all the customs and practices handed down from generation top generation. According to Geertz, culture is a ‘system of shared meaning', although he finds this definition to be rather ambiguous and prefers to delve into the details of culture that are found within subcultures and countercultures. Culture is also integral in explaining the way in which society works and functions. It helps to explain the reasons behind people's action and beliefs and why societies follow the normatives that they do. It also helps to explain the reason that societies conform to the guidelines that are presented, however, it lacks in explaining why and how these guidelines are constituted and assembled. Culture is also useful in predicting what a society considers to be common sense. There are certain facets of life that a person begins to accept with question which are highly impart due to cultural expectations. From a very early age, a child knows that they are not supposed to talk to strangers, or accept candy from a stranger, or get in a car with a stranger, etc. Children are often taught these ‘rules' by their parents or teachers even though, at a young age, the child would not know or understand the consequence of breaking one of these rules. These are things that are ingrained into our minds at a young age and it is only when we are mature enough to understand the full meaning of each guideline that we begin to question them. Another example is learning not to touch a plate that has just been taken out of the over or off the stove (or any other hot plate). We often learn not to do this through conditioning but it is an idea that exists throughout all cultures - d o not touch something hot because you will just get burned. These are examples of what we consider to be common sense. They are perfectly understandable and people do not often question the validity ... Free Essays on Cultura Approach Free Essays on Cultura Approach Culture is defined as everything that occurs in a society. It consists of all the customs and practices handed down from generation top generation. According to Geertz, culture is a ‘system of shared meaning', although he finds this definition to be rather ambiguous and prefers to delve into the details of culture that are found within subcultures and countercultures. Culture is also integral in explaining the way in which society works and functions. It helps to explain the reasons behind people's action and beliefs and why societies follow the normatives that they do. It also helps to explain the reason that societies conform to the guidelines that are presented, however, it lacks in explaining why and how these guidelines are constituted and assembled. Culture is also useful in predicting what a society considers to be common sense. There are certain facets of life that a person begins to accept with question which are highly impart due to cultural expectations. From a very early age, a child knows that they are not supposed to talk to strangers, or accept candy from a stranger, or get in a car with a stranger, etc. Children are often taught these ‘rules' by their parents or teachers even though, at a young age, the child would not know or understand the consequence of breaking one of these rules. These are things that are ingrained into our minds at a young age and it is only when we are mature enough to understand the full meaning of each guideline that we begin to question them. Another example is learning not to touch a plate that has just been taken out of the over or off the stove (or any other hot plate). We often learn not to do this through conditioning but it is an idea that exists throughout all cultures - d o not touch something hot because you will just get burned. These are examples of what we consider to be common sense. They are perfectly understandable and people do not often question the validity ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Win a Tylenol Scholarship

How to Win a Tylenol Scholarship SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you're planning on pursuing an education or career in health care, you should definitely check out the Tylenol Future Care Scholarship, amerit-based award meant for undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled in any of a wide variety of health-care programs, including public health, health education, med school, nursing, and even pharmaceuticals. I'll talk about the eligibility requirements and the application process firstbefore discussingtips and strategiesyou can use to optimize your chances of winning aFuture Care Scholarship. What Is the Tylenol Future Care Scholarship? The Tylenol Future Care Scholarshipis forstudents interested in pursuing educations and careers in health care. Its aim is to take financial stress off of promising students so that they can focus on their studies and long-term career goals. The scholarship program's motto is "The Future Needs You,"and soas you might imagine, ideal applicantsare bright, career-oriented, focused students whohave strong leadership potential. Each year, 40students receive Tylenol Future Care Scholarships. These arenon-renewable, one-time awards. So if you've won in the past, you are not eligible to re-apply. For the 2019-20 competition, two scholarship award levels will be given out to 35 winners: 10 $10,000 scholarships 25 $5,000 scholarships In order to receive the award, you mustbe enrolled continuously, full-time, at a program that falls within the eligibility requirements described in the next section. NOTE: High schoolers are not eligible for this scholarship. If you're a high schooler looking for a scholarship for college, you should read this article instead. Are YouEligible for the Tylenol Scholarship? To be eligible for the Tylenol Future Care Scholarship, you must meet all the following criteria: Be aresident of the US (including Puerto Rico) If you are an undergraduate: Must be a college senior who has been accepted to and plans to enroll in a graduate program in 2019-20 Must provide proof of enrollment to a graduate program in medical school, nursing, or pharmacy The graduate program must bebased in an accredited, nonprofit, two- or four-year US institution If you are a graduate student: Must provide proof of enrollment to a graduate program in medical school, nursing, or pharmacy The graduate program must bebased in anaccredited, nonprofit, two- or four-year US institution Must have one or more years of graduate school remaining Cannot be an employeeof Johnson Johnson Consumer Inc., McNeil Consumer Healthcare Division, or ISTS Inc., as well as any of their affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising and promotion agencies, or families If you meet all the above criteria, you're on the right track to submitting a successful scholarship application. What Do You Need to Apply for the Tylenol Scholarship? Unlike many other academic scholarships, the Tylenol Future Care Scholarship is not need-based.This means that you won't have to submit any financial information for consideration. Your finances aren't a factor in the Tylenol Future Care Scholarship competition. In addition to submitting the online application, you will need to prepare the following: Arà ©sumà © Your undergraduate and/or grad school GPA (if currently in grad school) Academic records in nursing, med school, and/or pharmacy Two 300-wordessays and one 100-word essay focused on your career aspirations (I'll talk more about these shortly) What Is the Timeline for the Tylenol Scholarship? The 2019-20 Tylenol Future Care Scholarship application opened on May 1, 2019. The deadline is June 27, 2019, at 11:59 p.m. PT.All scholarship applicationsmust be submitted online at ISTS. For the first round in the application process, you’ll be asked to submit all the materials described above in addition to evidence of any community involvement and/or volunteer service. Semifinalists will be selected and notified on July 11, 2019,at which pointthe semifinalist portion of the application process will open. The deadline for this second application phase (during which you will likely have tosubmit further materials) is August 8, 2019. Notifications will be sent both to award recipients and semifinalists not selected for the awardon August 22, 2019.Checks will then be issued to winners by September 10, 2019. How Can You Use Tylenol Future Care Scholarship Money? If you are awarded a scholarship, a check made out to your school (not you!) will be sent to your mailing address. It is your responsibility to then take this check to the appropriate office at your school. Scholarship funds may be applied to tuition, fees, books, supplies, or equipment for classes. How to Raise Your Chances of Winning a Tylenol Scholarship An independent selection committee will evaluate the Tylenol Scholarship applications and select the recipients based on the following factors: College GPA Academic records in medical school, nursing, and/or pharmacy Community involvement and/or volunteer service Essay content In the following sections, I’ll discuss the best approaches for increasing your scholarship chances when you address each application component. Your Career Path The 2017 winners of the Tylenol Future Care Scholarship endorsed pursuing the following career paths. Although it’s impossible to know whether a disproportionate number of applicants are medical students (which could account for the high percentage of med school awardees), it seems that this scholarship generally favors future physicians: Career Path Number of 2017 Winners Medicine 29 Dentistry 6 Public Health 3 Biomedical Engineering 1 Physical Therapy 1 College GPA If you’re applying for this scholarship, you’ve probably already graduated from collegeor are very close to finishing up. Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do to boost your GPA after the fact. If you experienced any hardships or extenuating circumstances that negatively affected yourGPA, come up witha tactful way to explain those circumstances in one of your essays.This will be especially effective if you frame a hardship as a factor that’s motivated your career path. For example, if youexperienced an illness or injury which prevented you from performing at your best academically, explain how that challenge ultimately inspired your health-care career choices. This guy's injury to his writing hand definitely didn't make term papers any easier. Academic Records Are you already enrolled in a graduate program that would qualify you for this scholarship? Your academic records are your chance to prove that you’re invested in a particular career path. You can strengthen this component of your scholarship application if you're an undergraduate by strategically selecting your classes. If you're interested in applying to medical school or nursing programs, forexample, you could demonstrate commitment to your career path by meeting all pre-med requirements. If you're interested in public health or health education, see whether you could take any classes at your university's school of public health. Ultimately,one of the best ways to improve your chances of winning the Tylenol Scholarship as an undergraduate or grad student is to focus on your academic studies and overall performance. If you're a strong student, you'll be a strong applicant for not only the Tylenol Scholarship but also other merit-based scholarships, graduate programs, and even future jobs. Community Involvement Volunteer Service Youprobably figured that the Tylenol Future Care Scholarship program heavily weighs applicants' community involvement based on its motto: "The Future Needs You." It's clear that the strongest applicants will be those who are dedicated to service- that is, helping others- as professional health-care specialists or providers. One way to stress your dedication to service before you actuallystart a career in health care is to engage inrelevant volunteer work and/or community involvement. If you are applying or have already applied to medical school, chances are you have some health-care-related volunteer experience on your rà ©sumà ©. But people's interestscan change over time.Do your own volunteer/community involvement experiences lend themselves to an easy-to-follow narrative?If your volunteer interests aren’t directly related to your current career path, then use them to discuss how your present interests (both academic and professional) have shifted in a logical way. Focus particularly on any leadership experiences you have.For instance, maybeyou served as a club officer or organized a volunteer effort. Strong leadership skills are often valued by corporate scholarship programs because they are expected to predict who will find future success. Programs such as the Tylenol Future Care Scholarship want to invest in scholarship recipients who will effect positive change when empowered through education. These essays give you the chance to convince readers you're worth investing in. Essay Content All applicants will have to submit two 300-word essays and one 100-word essay focusing on your career goals. Past Tylenol Future Care Scholarship winners have been able to articulate why and how they became interested in health care through compelling, logical narratives.Here are some examples to give you a better idea of what I mean: A2012 winner named Nmanditalked about growing up inNigeria and the time he met a US-educated physician who came back to his country to provide medical care to its citizens. As a child, Nmandi didn't have access to proper medical care when injured. Theseexperiences shaped his passions and interests, and inspired himto pursue a career in medicine. A 2017 winner, Courtney, understands the strain medical emergencies often put onfamilies and children after witnessing her own mother suffer a stroke and later struggle with simple, everyday tasks.She exhibits a passion for service and empathy. A 2017 scholarship winner named Amid, who already holds a Master of Public Health and plans to focus on medicine and public health, has experience as a non-profit founder and global health researcher, showing true dedication to the field of medicine. You can read more about the 2017 Tylenol Future Care Scholarship winners on the official site. You'll have your own reasons for pursuing schooling and a career in medicine.They might not be as dramatic as the examples above, but as long as you're genuine in your three essays, you’ll come across likable and authentic.Here are some tips for approaching your essays: Tell a story.Did something or someone spark your interest in health care as a child? Was there one particular experience that made you realize how important medical care/dental care/health education was to you? Be humble.This scholarship is for future health-care providers- people who dedicate their lives to serving others. Why do you want to serve others? How do you see the opportunity to serve others as a privilege? Express gratitude for the scholarship opportunity.How will this scholarship help you in the short term and long term? Your short-term goals should be related to your academic performance, and your long-term goals should be related to your performance as a future health-care provider and/or educator. Present a polished finished product.Have one to two experienced editors/proofreaders look over your essays before you submit them. What's Next? The Tylenol Future Care Scholarship isn't the only funding option out there for ambitious college students. Check out our guides to the Walmart Scholarship, National Merit Scholarship, and standardized test scholarships. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Ground Chocolate & Co. Marketing Plan Research Paper

Ground Chocolate & Co. Marketing Plan - Research Paper Example The paper describes the main strategies of "Ground Chocolate & Co." GROUND Chocolate & Company considers diverse promotional channels that would foresee the marketing and promotional efforts outreach the maximum number of individual from the market segments. Since the company practices premium pricing, most of the people from the target market are aged between 20-40 and mainly middle class educated individuals with knowledge on the global health concerns. Both vegans and diabetics, who make a crucial market segment, can safely consume our products. Therefore, they are considered in our promotional strategy. Various quality chocolates we produce require different raw products and expertise. Due to this aspect, it is only relevant and fair to price differently in order to meet the incurred costs of production. Our profit margins are fair. Therefore, our consumers receive fair prices according to their tastes and preferences. All our products are of high quality. Prices vary from the purest grounded chocolate to the raw bars. Our fair prices are exhibited on the wraps to enable our consumers make choices appropriately and according to their preferences. In any case, the cost incurred will surely worth the taste of our quality chocolate bars. Be ready for a completely new chocolate experience with GROUND Chocolate & Company products. We have the most flexible and considerate pricing plan that is concerned with the equity needs of our target markets. Given the high quality of our products, we do not price cheaply, but affordable.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Social work- Understanding Human Behaviour Essay

Social work- Understanding Human Behaviour - Essay Example As argued by Davis (1996), there is a component of risk assessment in most features of the task, from the decisions that influence the liberty of individuals and the amount of assistance and support they receive, to decisions about policy on resources provision. Social workers can only accomplish these assessments if they are capable of recognising the certainty of risk and to take into account their responses to it. Two such responses were identified by Davis (1996) as those of risk minimisation and risk-taking, asserts that â€Å"Risk-taking is... an essential element of working with mental health service users to ensure autonomy, choice and social participation. It is a means of challenging the paternalism and over protectiveness of mental health services† (Davis 1996: 114). Elements of paternalism and over-protectiveness are features of the condition of risk minimisation apparent in guidelines of care management, care programming (CPA), documentations of hospital discharge s and supervision records which, if professionals are not cautious, could result in needless controls being placed on the liberty of individuals diagnosed as being a threat to themselves and to others (Tew 2005). This consequently curbs the likelihood of integrating individuals with mental illness in their communities. Social workers have to find a neutral ground between being overcautious by needlessly restricting the experiences of their own and of their clients, and being inconsiderate by putting themselves and others in excessive risk (Gitterman 2001). Social workers are concerned with delivering the most favourable and beneficial mental health service for carers and service users. This suggests a service that is helpful, involves carers and service users in the process of decision making and is risk-free for all involved (Garlick 2007). Risk-free, effectual mental health services adopt a developed approach to risk, in

Non-Cultural And Cultural Factors In Marketing Case Study

Non-Cultural And Cultural Factors In Marketing - Case Study Example A country like India is considered as a developing country as it has not attained a stable market structure while the United Kingdom is a developed country. For such reasons, both categories of countries need special ways to market goods both locally and internationally. To understand the differences in marketing it is important to study the three broad categories like political and economic systems, market infrastructure and consumer behavior. Under this category one can identify the modes of production, purchasing and selling as they are related to the laws, government, and customs of a particular entity. This means that the political and economic system of a country highly affects the marketing strategies not only locally but also internationally. This is so because there are set laws that each government of the country puts up to regulate the production of goods and services of firms. Moreover, political stability is very important in the production and distribution of goods and services. Political stability ensures that a country is not experiencing wars thus the government can make better suggestions on how to develop the country. In addition, political stability increases assurance of companies to continue producing more this means that they will have to market for their goods as the economic status improves. With a stable political and improving the economic status of a country, competition between firms and industr ies increases. This, therefore, makes firms to improve their marketing strategies in order to bit their rivals in sales they make. In addition, as countries improve their economic status, they also improve their technology. Thus they adapt better marketing strategies that use the latest technology. India, as a developing country, has not shown the signs of attaining political stability.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Organic compound boiling points Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Organic compound boiling points - Essay Example In order to figure out the order of organic compound boiling point, it is important to understand their trends. The important thing to make into consideration is that the boiling point is usually indicative of the force strength bonding its molecules together. When many molecules stick together, they will consequently need more energy to break the bonds and release the molecules as gases. Three important trends are considered including branching, which decreases the compound’s boiling point, and the number of carbons as boiling points increases with the increase in carbon atoms. Additionally, the relative strength of intermolecular forces is important (Hill & John, 2011: p32). The strength of the bonds in descending order is; Ionic> Hydrogen bonding> dipole- dipole> Van der Waals forces of dispersion. The influence of these attractive forces is dependent on the present, functional groups. The first trend is the strength, relative for all four compounds, of the intermolecular f orces. Molecules that are held together by dipole- dipole interactions, formed by the polarization of C-O bonds have a lower intermolecular energy when compared to compounds with hydroxyl groups, which are, in turn, capable of forming hydrogen bonds (Macomber, 2009: p11). Organic alcohols have significantly higher boiling points than other organic compounds because of this property, as can be derived. Molecules that have relatively the same molecular weights have their boiling points determined by the present, functional group. 3-Methyl-2-Butanone has a dipole-dipole intermolecular interaction model, and so it has a significantly low boiling point as compared to the other organic alcohols with hydrogen intermolecular bonding (Macomber, 2009: p12). The positive end of one molecule is attracted and bonded to a negative region of another molecule. For molecules with a similar functional group, such as the organic compounds under investigation, the boiling points increase with a rise in molecular weight. The key force that connects molecular size and intermolecular strength is the Van der Waals forces of dispersion that are proportional to the molecules’ surface area (Mehta & Manju, 2009: p29). Therefore, as the length of the chain increases, the surface area of the molecules also increases. Consequently, this results in an increased capability of the molecules in the compound to be attracted to each other. As the length of the chain increases, regions where they line up with each other increase. Each interaction may not be worth a lot, but added up over the entire chain length, the Van der Waals forces of dispersion have the ability to exert tremendous effects (Mehta & Manju, 2009: p29). 1-Hexanol has the highest molecular weight, coming in at 102.67 g/mol1, thus provides more surface area for intermolecular interaction. With the increased energy required to separate the molecules, the boiling point is high. Both 1-Pentanol and 3-Methyl-1-butanol have a mo lecular weight of 88.15 g/mol1, which is still higher than 3-methyl-2-butanone, which has a molecular weight of 86.13 g/ mol. Molecular symmetry is yet another by-product of Van der Waals forces of dispersion’s dependence on surface area. The straighter the compound’s molecules are, the better they line up, as well as bond. The spherical the molecules become, due to branching, the lower the surface area left for intermolecula

Introduction to Chinese Culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Introduction to Chinese Culture - Research Paper Example Guthrie attributes China’s economic development to three key policies that have been monumental in ensuring China engages in the global economy through both internal and external operations as explained in the exposition of the policies in the proceeding sections of the paper. According to Guthrie, the export-oriented coastal development strategy enabled China became the third largest trading economy in 2004 with trade totals of $ 1.16 trillion (Guthrie, 2009). The policy also has been monumental in allowing for increased foreign direct investment (FDI) and liberalization of the internal markets allowing for access to new technology and understanding of management practices from developed countries. The creation of an export strategy was done by making the construction of new national and international institutions The Chinese government created special economic zones including Pudong, Zhongguancun, and Shenzhen allowing both international and domestic firms to access tax incentives among other benefits for specific types of investment in China. The special economic zones were established in 1980 in Fujian, and Guangdong provinces allowing for augmented FDI and expand foreign trade under the leadership of Zhao Ziyang (Guthrie, 2009). The coastal development strategy allowed for autonomy in the export trade by the coastal regions areas including Fujian, Guangdong, Guanxi, Hainan, Hebei, Jiangsu, Liaoning, Shandong, Beijing, and Shanghai. The policy also allowed China to solve unemployment of rural surplus labor and provided income for industrial enterprises. The success of the coastal development strategy is evidenced by the growth of China’s export economy by 27% between 1988 and 2005 with 26% growth in imported goods.  

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Organic compound boiling points Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Organic compound boiling points - Essay Example In order to figure out the order of organic compound boiling point, it is important to understand their trends. The important thing to make into consideration is that the boiling point is usually indicative of the force strength bonding its molecules together. When many molecules stick together, they will consequently need more energy to break the bonds and release the molecules as gases. Three important trends are considered including branching, which decreases the compound’s boiling point, and the number of carbons as boiling points increases with the increase in carbon atoms. Additionally, the relative strength of intermolecular forces is important (Hill & John, 2011: p32). The strength of the bonds in descending order is; Ionic> Hydrogen bonding> dipole- dipole> Van der Waals forces of dispersion. The influence of these attractive forces is dependent on the present, functional groups. The first trend is the strength, relative for all four compounds, of the intermolecular f orces. Molecules that are held together by dipole- dipole interactions, formed by the polarization of C-O bonds have a lower intermolecular energy when compared to compounds with hydroxyl groups, which are, in turn, capable of forming hydrogen bonds (Macomber, 2009: p11). Organic alcohols have significantly higher boiling points than other organic compounds because of this property, as can be derived. Molecules that have relatively the same molecular weights have their boiling points determined by the present, functional group. 3-Methyl-2-Butanone has a dipole-dipole intermolecular interaction model, and so it has a significantly low boiling point as compared to the other organic alcohols with hydrogen intermolecular bonding (Macomber, 2009: p12). The positive end of one molecule is attracted and bonded to a negative region of another molecule. For molecules with a similar functional group, such as the organic compounds under investigation, the boiling points increase with a rise in molecular weight. The key force that connects molecular size and intermolecular strength is the Van der Waals forces of dispersion that are proportional to the molecules’ surface area (Mehta & Manju, 2009: p29). Therefore, as the length of the chain increases, the surface area of the molecules also increases. Consequently, this results in an increased capability of the molecules in the compound to be attracted to each other. As the length of the chain increases, regions where they line up with each other increase. Each interaction may not be worth a lot, but added up over the entire chain length, the Van der Waals forces of dispersion have the ability to exert tremendous effects (Mehta & Manju, 2009: p29). 1-Hexanol has the highest molecular weight, coming in at 102.67 g/mol1, thus provides more surface area for intermolecular interaction. With the increased energy required to separate the molecules, the boiling point is high. Both 1-Pentanol and 3-Methyl-1-butanol have a mo lecular weight of 88.15 g/mol1, which is still higher than 3-methyl-2-butanone, which has a molecular weight of 86.13 g/ mol. Molecular symmetry is yet another by-product of Van der Waals forces of dispersion’s dependence on surface area. The straighter the compound’s molecules are, the better they line up, as well as bond. The spherical the molecules become, due to branching, the lower the surface area left for intermolecula

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

College - Essay Example Being a leader of a great number of people will require one to be patient and try to understand his or her people. Financial crisis management is another problem that if not properly managed the leaders responsible might even face corruption cases. Sustainability is another area of great concern that should be looked at. Strategies should be placed to enable that the current good situations are sustained. It is not an easy task to be achieved when looking at how the environment changes daily. We should develop skills that must be learned in order to be aware of and respond appropriately to change. Technology change is the main reason for most changes. We should, therefore, be equipped with knowledge of the latest technology. Understanding and usage of the latest technology will enable us cope up with environmental changes. As a leader, people expect good performance. Most people think that performance management is that easy but it is an area of great concern that requires appropriate knowledge and skills. Another challenge in this field is decision-making. Decision-making requires to be taken in an appropriate time and is usually associated with aperson making risks. Some situations require quick decision-making which may cau se bad outcomes. Before making a decision, both positive and negative outcomes should be considered. Ethical practice should be considered appropriately as well. Master’s in public administration is a field that faces many challenges and the people pursuing this field should be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to enable them be competent. The list of challenges is long, and the above list is just a part of them. MPA is an area that will equip us with the appropriate skills and knowledge. Master’s in public administration is a field that I am interested in. It is an area on completion, will enable me to meet and successfully tackle the many challenges faced, some of which have been highlighted above.

Monday, October 14, 2019

How IT is used in Sainsburys Essay Example for Free

How IT is used in Sainsburys Essay Sainsburys was founded in 1869 by John James and Mary Ann Sainsbury. They opened their first small dairy shop at 173 Drury Lane, London. It was so successful that further branches were opened in other market streets in Stepney, Islington and Kentish Town. The firm has expanded gradually over a century and now cover most of the UK with 463 stores nationwide. Recently, the group has expanded in the USA, where it acquired the New England-based Shaws Supermarkets Ltd in 1987 and diversified into banking, with the establishment in 1997 of Sainsburys Bank. The Sainsbury group today is one of the worlds leading retailers, playing a part in the lives of 15 million customers a week and employing over 169,000 people by June 2001. In 1995, Sainsburys was the first British supermarket Company to offer goods for sale from home, which after many trials of different methods has become the Internet Shopping service, Sainsburys To You. The first method of home shopping was introduced in 1995 and was called Order Collect. This was trialled at Sainsburys Solihull store. It involved customers using a personal catalogue to order by fax and then collect their orders from the store. After a small number of further trials into the desirability of home shopping, Sainsburys To You was introduced in spring 2000. Sainsburys re-branded their home shopping service and introduced Sainsburys To You in the London area. Sainsburys To You represents a more personalised online service with a new look website compared with those from the previous trials. The site greets customers by name and has the facility for customers to create and save their own shopping lists. All other areas did not have the home shopping service at this time. Since this time, Sainsburys have expanded their home shopping service. Sainsburys To You is now the second largest online retailer of grocery products with current annual sales around i 110 million. They take over 27,000 orders per week from serving over 71% of UK households. The first major step towards this was the opening of Europes largest and most technologically advanced grocery picking centre in Park Royal, North-West of London, in August 2000. The location of the centre is perfect as it can serve the 7 million people living in Central and Greater London, which represents 14% of the UK households. The centre employs up to 500 staff and has meant it can serve within and beyond the M25 area. In order for Sainsburys To You to be able to respond to the high street demand of home shopping they implemented a more powerful hardware package with the introduction of Sainsburys To You which has meant the service has cut the time spent ordering groceries online by half as well as increased the reliability, general efficiency and security of Sainsburys home shopping sector. The re-branding also included the introduction of new-look deliver vans and staff uniforms. In September 2000 Sainsburys plc decided to outsource all IT requirements to Accenture formerly Anderson Consulting Accenture is one of the worlds leading management consulting and technology Services Company. They employ over 145,000 people in 47 countries. Of these, 60% are part-time and 40% full-time. 62% of employees are women. Today, Sainsburys is Britains longest-standing major food retailing chain. The founders principles are to be the customers first choice for food shopping by providing high-quality products, value for money, excellent service and attention to detail. * A large Sainsburys Supermarket offers over 23,000 products 40% of these are Sainsburys own brand. In addition to a wide range of quality food and grocery products, many stores offer bread baked on the premises, delicatessen, meat and fish counters, pharmacies, coffee shops, restaurants and petrol stations. * Sainsburys Supermarkets serves over 11 million customers a week and as at May 2003 had 535 stores throughout the UK. Nearly 60% of our stores are in town-centre or edge-of-centre locations, many of these built on previously derelict sites. Sainsburys home shopping history Order Collect: Sainsburys remote shopping trials began in 1995 with an Order and Collect service at Sainsburys Solihull store. Customers used a personal catalogue to order by fax and then collected their orders from the store. Orderline: Sainsburys Orderline service began in March 1998. Following trials and research, Orderline was trialled at nine stores in the London area. Sainsburys to you: Spring 2000, Sainsburys rebranded its home shopping service for existing customers in the London area. Sainsburys to you represents a more personalised online service with a new look website (www. sainsburystoyou. co. uk). The site greets customers by name and has the facility for customers to create and save their own shopping lists. With a more powerful hardware package, the service has cut the time spent ordering groceries online at Sainsburys by half. The rebranding also included the introduction of new-look delivery vans and staff uniforms.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Analysis Of Luxury Hotel Emirate Palace

Analysis Of Luxury Hotel Emirate Palace Introduction The Emirate palace is the most luxurious hotel in Abu Dhabi being the second seven star hotel of the world. Construction of the hotel is done with the maximum possible standards of comfort and luxury. It is built in 1000 hectares of beautiful landscapes. Infrastructure of the hotel is highly commendable with all the facilities. It has 20 different places for culinary delights, vast parking place, 2 helipads, 300 rooms, 90 suits, 48 conference rooms, and a huge conference centre. The level of various services provided by the hotel is of very high quality. (Minghetti., 2003) Some of the major services in the hotel industry are the customer services, room services, layout services, quality services etc. These services hold a great importance in the hospitality industry and even more for a hotel like Emirate Palace. Providing good customer services in the hotel industry is the most critical objective to remain competitive and profitable in the long run of the business. Customer service is a very significant facet of the hospitality industry. Customers of hotels need the employees to fulfill their various requirements and thus keep on interacting with them all the time during their stay in the hotel. (Fitzsimmons., 1999) Tourism is an important sector of the UAE and thus the hospitality and tourism industry is flourishing and competitive there. There are a large number of hotels in Abu Dhabi which fulfils all the requirements of location, accommodation and budget of the customers. To gain a competitive edge in the market it is advisable for a hotel to work rigorously for the improvement of the customer services. Providing exceptional customer service is a very critical issue for the hospitality industry. Customers of hotels expect a good level of service from the hotel employees and if not provided than they may often feel dissatisfied but if they are given better service than the expectations they can be made feel special and important for the hotel and can make sure that during the next visit in the city they will stay in the same hotel. The main objective of good customer service is bringing the customers back. This can be done if the level of service provided to the customer is good enough to sat isfy him so that he should a spread a positive feedback about the hotel that will attract more customers to the hotel. The main focus of customer services is the customer satisfaction to gain retention by making strong and long term relations. (Dominici., 2010) Following figure show the service blueprint of a luxury hotel: Mission and Vision of Emirate Palace The mission of the hotel is to provide clients the most exclusive and unique experiences. The strategic vision of the Emirate Palace is to serve as a worlds most luxurious hotel and leisure destination and to lead the industry. Another vision of the hotel is to contribute in making Abu Dhabi the centre of cultural activities of the Middle East and Emirate Palace a milestone in the country which can host any prestigious sporting event in Abu Dhabi. Customer Services in Emirate Palace Following are the main customer services offered in the Emirate Palace: Hotel Reservations Emirate Palace has a very nice facility to make reservations in the hotel. It has an online reservation portal where customer can make advance bookings for their stay in the hotel. Customer can also check the status of availability of rooms on the future dates when he wants to visit the hotel. Many online payment options are available on the website for the convenience of the customer to choose payment option which suits them the most. Reservation portal also gives many offers on the advance booking of rooms. (Dhabi.) Meetings and Conferences The Emirate Palace has 48 conference rooms, a large conference centre, a ballroom with a capacity of 2400 guests, a huge auditorium able to accommodate 1100 seats. These meeting and conference halls are best suitable for a gathering of 1000 people or a private confidential meeting of 10 people. The conference rooms have projectors, LCD screens, microphones, Wi-Fi data system and audio and video conference system preinstalled. (Dhabi.) Guest Relations Emirate Palace used to provide high level of customer service to the guests of the hotels. It is one of the most superior hotels in the world so the list of the hotel guests is also very exclusive. After getting pampered with the world class customer service the customers are welcomed to provide an honest feedback about their stay in the hotel. This feedback is helpful in maintaining long term relationship with the customers. (Dhabi.) Membership The hotel provides the facility of membership with the group. This membership facility is very useful in case of urgent bookings in the hotel. Members of the hotel are the customers who used to visit the hotel more often. This facility is the benefit of the long term relationship between the hotel and its customers. The members of the hotel are given priority in case of unavailability of enough vacancies in the hotel. Comments/Suggestions Collecting feedback from the customers is a critical issue for providing the best customer services in the industry. Words from the customers are very important for the hotel. These feedbacks are used to improve the quality of service if needed. Transit Visas for UAE UAE is the main place of attraction for the tourists all around the globe. Tourism is an important industry in the UAE and people used to visit UAE both for work and fun. The hotel helps its customers to provide transit visas for the UAE during their stay in the country. Acquiring visas is the most time consuming task for a visit in a foreign country. This herculean task is made easy for the customers by the Emirate Palace by providing them the transit visas for the UAE. The Emirate Palace get transit visas of 14 days issued for the customers within 7 working days. (Transit Visas for the United Arab Emirates) Events Calendar Schedule of the coming events in Abu Dhabi, UAE and Emirate Palace is available on the website of the hotel. This information can be very helpful for the customers of the hotel to make reservation accordingly if they want to attend a certain event in the hotel. The event calendar is used for getting information about the latest events going to be held at the hotel. (Dhabi.) IT Butler Service Till now the Emirate Palace used to provide a personal butler for every room and suite but now the butler service has taken a step ahead and the hotel is providing an IT butler for private consultation. This IT butler service is 247 facilities for IT assistance and support of the customer. Emirate Palace is used to host many conferences and workshops for many IT companies. Online Printing In case a customer needs printed copy of some of his document then he does not have to go to a printer to get his document printed. The Emirate Palace provides the service of online printing. The customer has to upload the electronic copy of the document on the web portal of the hotel and order it for printing. Nominal charges are applicable on printing of documents. This service adds value to the customer services provided by the hotel. (Dhabi.) Leisure Healthcare The hotel has unlimited leisure and recreational facilities available. The hotel has health spa, fitness suites, energy zone, tennis and paddle programs for health and fitness of the customers. Many water sports activities are facilitated by the hotel where the customers can enjoy the thrill of the open sea. Sarab Land is a children playground well equipped with slides and swings and many child activities organized by the beach club. (Dhabi.) Analysis of Customer Service Operations in Emirate Palace Service operation management is all bout the process by which organization produce services which are useful for the customer. Operation management takes care of managing the process of production of services. The process of transformation of input resources in the output of services is called an operation. (JPC Media LLC ) The operation process of transforming inputs into outputs certainly adds some value (apart from the cost of input) to the final product or service which is called the value added to the service. The Emirate Palace provides a very high level of service to its customer. This level of service can be produced only if the organization incorporates a service operation management which keeps a watch on the process of production of services. Various customer services in the Emirate Palace are discussed above and here these services are being analyzed on the framework of service operation management. (JPC Media LLC ) Hotel Reservation In the Emirate Palace the hotel reservation system is a customer service. In the operation of this service the inputs given are the web portal for the reservation system where the queries for the availability of rooms on are asked, and information (like number of rooms, number of guests, adults or children, date of reservation) from the customer is also required. Another input is the payment options for the advance booking. The transformation process of this service includes the changes in the database of the hotel reservation system. The database provides the results of the queries made by customer regarding the vacancy of room on the given date. The process of reservation also includes the transaction of amount for the reservation made in the hotel. Output from the transformation process is the customer service for making advance reservations in the hotel. The process provides information about the availability of rooms or suites on the particular date when customer wants it. The process also provides the information about all the types of rooms and suites in the hotel, their specifications, facilities in the rooms, and charges of the rooms. Using this information customer can choose the type of room and services they need. After making the payments for the reservation customer can get his room booked in the hotel on the desired date. (JPC Media LLC ) Meetings Conferences The Emirate Palace is one of the best venues for government conference and summits. Meetings and conferences of many multinational companies are arranged at the conference rooms and auditorium of the hotel. The input in the operation of this facility are the space of the meeting rooms, gadgets like the LCDs, microphones, projectors, other services like, Wi-Fi internet, audio or video conferencing systems. These additional services act as input of this customer service. Another input is the piece of information provided by the customer about his requirements of the meeting or conference rooms. Transformation process of the above input gadgets and services into the desired output of the service include a few steps. Conference rooms or auditorium are booked for various purposes. So first of all the requirements of the customer are studied and an estimation of the budget is given to the customer. If the customer needs any changes then the budget is revised otherwise next step that is installation of the extra facilities like Wi-Fi, projectors, LCDs are done in conference rooms and the rooms are ready and well furnished for the meetings going to held there. Successful business meetings and government conferences and summits without any disturbance or interrupt due to some missing equipment or service are the output of this service operation. Satisfied customer is the intangible and most important outcome from the operation. (JPC Media LLC ) Guest Relations Emirate Palace is one of the few hotels which provide seven star facilities to its customers. So the list of guests of the hotel becomes very exclusive as many government official, Hollywood stars, and sports star used to visit the hotel. The input in the service operation is the guests and the employees of the hotel. The process of the operation involves the interaction between the customers and the employees of the hotel. Guests used to keep on communicating with the hotel staff during all the hours of the day and the response of the staff plays a crucial role in the process of transforming inputs in the desired output. The hotel staff is well trained in the field of hospitality and fulfills all the needs of the guests of the hotel. The output of this service operation is the long term relationship with the customers. A happy guest with the facilities of the hotel will give a positive feedback of the customer services of the hotel. Apart from the positive feedback another important output will be the next stay of the guest in the hotel. Managing healthy and long term relations with the guests is important in the retention of the customers. (JPC Media LLC ) Transit Visas for UAE Emirate Palace helps its customers in getting the temporary tourist visas of the UAE. Input for the service operation is the customers documents, and charges of the visa. These are the requirements for getting the transit visa for UAE for the customers of Emirate Palace. The process of the service operation involves many steps as it has to go through a government protocol which is a bit time consuming but less than what it takes to get a transit visa directly from UAE embassy. Processing of the visa application takes at least 7 working days. The issuance of visas is under control of the Immigration department of Abu Dhabi. Transit visa valid for 14 days from the day of arrival in UAE is the output of the transformation process. A scanned copy on the mail of the customer is sent as soon as the visa is approved. The customer can receive the original copy of the visa from the Immigration office at the UAE airport. (Transit Visas for the United Arab Emirates) IT Butler Service Personal butler service for each room is being provided by many hotels and is not enough for the Emirate Palace so has decided providing a perfect hospitality service according to day todays requirements of the customers. Input in this service is the employee of the hotel who is well trained in the hospitality business and in IT skills as well. The process of service operation is the training of the staff for the role of IT butler. They are trained to solve IT related problems of the customers. Solution of the IT issues of the customers is the output of the operation. The IT butler helps the customers in setting up their office network, companys VPN, or any handy issue with some technical tool or application. The IT butler is available 247 for the service of the customers. Analysis of Supply Chain Management Precisely speaking Supply Chain Management is a set of approaches utilized to efficiently integrate suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, and stores, so that merchandise is produced at the right quantity, to the right location and at the right time, minimizing the cost and improving the service quality. This definition of Supply Chain Management depicts that each and every facility plays an important role in making the product according to customers requirement. The supply chain in the hotel industry is used to provide the best service in the industry to the customers. The Supply chain of the Emirate Palace is designed with a certain objective of each link in the chain. Designing the right service for the customer with flexibility should be delivered to the customer in appropriate quantity, at the right time when he customer really needs it should be provided at the minimal cost. (Supply Chain Management) In the Emirate Palace various decisions are made at times at different levels of management for the advancement in the customer services. Long term decisions are made at the strategic level. Issues like ambience of the rooms and suites, type of customer services etc are decided at the strategic level. Decisions regarding the customer services like what services to provide, how to provide, what should be cost of a particular service etc are taken at this level. Medium term decisions like the menu of the week, theme of a particular party, other offer on services, duty of the hotel staff etc are taken at this level of the chain. The operational level is to take day to day decisions like the attire of the staff, celebrity guest of the day etc. There is a very thin line between the functions of tactical and operational level. Inventory management and Customer service hold a trade off with each other. If the hotel staff start being very rigid with their inventory management system then they will not be able to provide the level of customer service they are providing currently. The Emirate Palace provides a very high level of customer services which will not be possible if the hotel management is more concerned about the stocks in the inventory rather than the customer satisfaction. (Supply Chain Management) Electronic Operations at Emirate Palace The Emirate Palace provides many services to the customer. These services are the measure of customer satisfaction with the hotel. The hotel Management use to manage most of their tasks using technologically advanced resources these operations are also called electronic operations. The major electronic operations of the hotel are the following: (Minghetti., 2003) Reservation System The Reservation System of the hotel is completely web based. A web portal is provided for the customers to check the availability of rooms on particular dates and make reservations if available. There the customers can also look at the images of the different types of rooms and suites of the hotel and choose one of them for their stay in the hotel. Payments are also done online via credit card and many other payment options. The payment link is provided extra web security for security reasons of the customers. Overall the reservation system of the Emirate Palace is a value added service operation of the hotel. Online Printing There is another facility of online printing provided for the customers of the hotel. This facility can be availed by a customer if he has a meeting early in the morning and he needs hard copies of some of his documents of which he has electronic copy. Customer can go to the website of the hotel and click on the link of online printing. Now he can upload the soft copy of his document and order it for printing. The print outs cost nominal printing charges. (Transit Visas for the United Arab Emirates) ATMs The electronic operations of the Emirate Palace include all the electronic services provided by the hotel. There are three ATM machines in the hotel from where customers can make transactions in case if they need cash amount. Internet Facility The Emirate Palace also provides internet facilities to the customers. All the rooms and suites have a Wi-Fi internet connection of 20 mbps. This complementary line is spread in all parts of the hotel. On special demand of the customers a broad line of 80 mbps Wi-Fi internet connection is provided which has additional charges. SWOT Analysis of the Emirate Palace Strengths Exclusive service and features and high brand value. Patronage of the high profile clients thus maintained profits. Weaknesses Extremely heavy cost of rooms so 50% rooms vacant every year. Exclusive and the quality service cost very high. Opportunities Reduction in prices may attract more guests. Threats Another 5 star hotel Burj-Al-Arab is a major competitor. Profits might get reduced because of the global economic melt down. Business Process Map of the Emirate Palace Business process mapping is a methodology to improve the performance and efficiency of the organization by improving the process steps in the delivery of product or service. The business process of the delivery of customer services in the Emirate Palace is depicted in the figure below: (Business Process Modeling) Customer Order for Service Apologize for delay and ask for time. Deliver Service to customer Update Service customer Database Database Service booked for the customer Yes Forward order to Inventory Management No Check time to make available Available? Processing order Check Availability The notations of the various figures are different in the above flow chart of the business process of the. Decision point Activities Actions Events Service Quality Management Quality of the service is the ability of satisfying customer needs and meets his expectations consistently. It is the duty of the hotel staff and employees to provide the level of service which is up to the mark or even better than their expectations. The Emirate Palace is a seven star hotel so the quantity of customer service will be obviously large. But the quality of service they provide should be tested on various dimensions. (Dominici., 2010) Dimensions of Quality The dimensions of quality are: Performance: The services provided by the hotel are very exclusive. The innovation tem of the hotel has worked hard to provide the customers with the unique customer services. Aesthetics: Customer services provided by the Emirate Palace are very lucrative and well designed. The reservation system of the hotel is very user friendly i.e. any newbie can use the portal and book a room for him. Special Features: Each and every customer service of the Emirate Palace has certain unique and special feature in it. Like most seven star hotels provide a private butler for every room and suites. But the Emirate Palace is providing a private IT butler for every room and suite. The job of this butler will be to help the customers with the IT related problems. Conformance: All the customer services of the Emirate Palace are up to the mark of the expectations of the customer. Reliability: The consistent performance of certain customer services in the Emirate Palace is doubtful. Like the IT butler service. (Dominici., 2010) Durability: The services offered by the hotel seem to have a long useful life. All the services provided to the customers today will be also are needed by the future customers of the hotel. The following figure shows the Gap Model of the Service Quality Total Cost of Quality Failure Cost: This cost of quality is the cost of defective and faulty parts of service. The failure cost of quality of the customer services will be high for the hotel. This cost is further classified in two types: Internal Failure Cost: This is he cost when the fault in the service is detected before the launch of the service. Some employees of the hotel must have gone under training of IT skills for doing the job of IT butler. External Failure Cost: All the cost incurred to determine and repair the fault of the service which is detected after it is offered to the customer. Appraisal Cost: This is the cost paid to ensure that the quality of service is maintained during the use of it. Like the cost of maintenance of the database of the hotel reservation system because if the database or the system crashes then one of the most important customer service of the hotel will be finished. Prevention Cost: This cost is paid for the training planning of total quality, customer satisfaction, and quality improvement costs so that defect can be prevented. A separate team of innovation and customer service is always working for the improvement in the current services and remove the faults if any. The Emirate Palace has received the Environment Management System ISO 14001: 2004 Certification of Hospitality Services. Recommendations Suggestions The Emirate Palace provides a wide range of customer services to its guests. Most of these services are value added and costs pretty high for the hotel. The reservation system of the hotel is a wonderful customer services but there are some improvements required in the system so that it can be more valuable for the customers. Reservations made on the web portal cannot be withdrawn later if the customer has any case of urgency. Full amount of the payment is forfeited by the hotel. If a customer has booked a room advance in 1 month but on the day of reservation he got stuck with some important work than the instead of forfeiting the whole amount a particular percentage of the payment should be deducted and the rest should be transferred back. The process of providing transit visas of the UAE is a bit time consuming so the hotel management must try to reduce the time taken in the process. Conclusions The Emirate Palace is one of the worlds few seven star hotels providing excellent level of customer services. These customer services are produced by passing through various processes of service development. Operation management, process design, service supply chain strategies, and service quality management. All these frameworks and tools are helpful for the improvement of services. Developing a service involves 3 phase of giving input, process transformation, and obtaining output. Each service is the output if this process. This objective behind these high levels of services is customer satisfaction. In the hospitality industry the guests should be treated to make hem feel special. Every customer has a certain level of expectations from the service provider and if the service provided does not live up to the expectations of the customer then the customer will never come back to buy the service again. But a satisfied customer is always necessary for spreading the word of mouth about the quality of service of the business. So an organization must always vigorously strive to provide customer services to the guests so that they get satisfied and give a positive feedback of the organization.