Saturday, October 26, 2019

Teaching Philosophy Statement Essay -- Teaching Education Careers Essa

Teaching Philosophy Statement I am not one of those people that knew absolutely for sure from age five that they wanted to be a teacher. I have thought about many different professions during my educational career and have changed my mind at times in deciding the best route to take. However, teaching has always been something I knew I would enjoy doing. I would often tell my teachers in school that I would like to be an educator, but this statement usually left me with looks of shock and responses that I could achieve so much more in my life. I would find myself very confused; wondering why these people picked a profession they believed to be so unimportant and meaningless. Regardless of their objections, I have continued to want to pursue this career. Furthermore, as a teacher, I plan to inspire my students to achieve their dreams instead of pushing them into a direction that may not be the best for them to take. These things have helped me in writing this paper of the educational goals and philosophies tha t I perceive to be important in education. I feel the environment a child is placed in plays a huge role in determining the type of student they will become. Like the philosophy of behaviorism, I believe positive and negative reinforcement can work together to help mold children into becoming successful people and productive students. All humans are born into the world innocent. However, external factors they experience in their environment as they grow into adulthood largely decide the choices they will make in their lives. In addition, these factors are also fundamental aspects in establishing how students will behave in the school setting. A person needs only to look into any typical classroom to see how... to be interested in math, and they all will not want to become math teachers like I want to be. However, I want to show all of my students that they need the principles of math not only to perform class assignments, but also to complete tasks in their everyday lives. In conclusion, I plan for myself and for my students to work hard so that the greatest amount of learning possible will be achieved in our classroom. I want my students to feel comfortable talking to me about anything from math questions to their personal problems. I want to be more than a teacher to them. I want to be a friend and a mentor to them. For me, being a teacher is not worrying about how much money I will make or how long my summer vacation is going to be. Being an effective teacher will be knowing that I have made a positive difference in each and everyone of my student’s lives.

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