Monday, September 30, 2019

Small-Scale I.T. Infrastracture

This paper entitled I.T. Infrastracture for Andrea Stevens Cosmetics is a pre-formal draft for the proposed network design for the Stevens Cosmetics Information Technology system.This paper discusses the fundamental technical specifications needed to develop and implement the procedures needed to upgrade the hardware, software and procedures currently used by the company in the manufacturing and sales of the company's merchandise.This paper is limited as a draft and not intended as a complete project specification and technical reference for the project. Further verification and research is advised.In order to guarantee continuous usability of computer terminals and adaptability to emerging technologies for at least five (5) years in the future, it is advised that all terminals be upgraded to the latest Intel Core 2 Duo processors with at least 1 Gigabyte of memory. Video, sound and network cards are not mandatory. A wireless network adapter or two (2) USB 2 ports, however, are requi red in order to accommodate the network requirements to be discussed on the next points.Instead of individually shared printers, multi-functional network printers with the feature to set its own IP address is recommended. This will eliminate the dependency of the printers in having a host computer to necessitate its operation.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Vestas in Russia

Vestas in Russia Introduction For my exam project in International Business Environment I have chosen to write about the Danish cooperate Vestas Wind Systems A/S (referred to as Vestas throughout the paper). Vestas is the world’s largest producer of wind turbines and in addition to this it is also the leading company when it comes to green technology regarding wind energy . Vestas not only serves the Danish domestic market, but the company is also present on several foreign markets in other parts of Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and North and South America. With over 22. 00 employees spread over 35 countries Vestas is categorized as being a multinational cooperation. As for the market of entry I have chosen The Russian Federation (referred to as Russia throughout the paper). Vestas has not yet entered the Russian market so my exam project will be a hypothetical one. One could question why a global actor like Vestas not already has entered a market with so big opportunities a s Russia, but along with visions for great profit comes the reality of great risks and challenges as well. Russia is a vast market for windmills taking the size of the country and the climate debate into perspective.The country is the fourth largest consumer of electricity in the world , but lack of technology hinder Russia to produce it in a climate friendly way. The relevance of a successor to the Kyoto Protocol is at its highest and Russia has expressed great will to find sustainable solutions for its large electricity consumption. Companies capable of exploiting such market are in position for massive gains. This is however easier said than done. Denmark and Russia differ on several aspects of their countries’ structures and Danish companies planning on doing business in Russia hence carefully have to consider these differences.In this paper I will first describe and motivate the entry strategy of Vestas by using John Dunning’s OLI-framework . In this context I wil l argue why more advanced forms of FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) are appropriate for Vestas when entering Russia. Furthermore I will analyze the differences between Vestas’ home market conditions in Denmark, and the conditions of the target market, Russia, regarding adjustments in the marketing mix. To illuminate this section I will use E. Jerome McCarthy’s principle of the four P’s .Lastly I will summarize the above mentioned and discuss the best internationalization strategy for Vestas. Vestas’ competitiveness In order to describe and motivate the entry strategy of Vestas I will outline the advantages based on John H. Dunning’s OLI-framework. Although Vestas already has expanded into many different countries with regards to different culture, political systems and business systems it is not always suitable to use the same entry strategy although the firm is the same in every case. O – Ownership advantage: Vestas’ competitive advan tageThe O in Dunning’s OLI-framework of specific advantages deals with the Ownership advantage. To expand into new markets Vestas has to be in possession of something that gives the company an advantage compared to its competitors. Vestas has a clear ownership advantage first and foremost in form of its technology and know-how. Denmark has exploited wind energy since 1850s with the purpose of making agriculture more efficient. In the beginning of the 1970s the oil crisis influenced Denmark as well, and to avoid another economic breakdown the Danish government searched for an alternative energy industry.Vestas had already done R&D (Research and development) and tried out the construction of windmills since 1971. However they first entered the market in 1979 with a licensed windmill. In the development of the required technology, subsidy from the government and research on RISO (The National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy) has had a vast significance for Vestas, enabling it to play the leading role it does today. Besides the support from the government, Denmark has a highly skilled labor force, which of course also adds to Vests’ ownership advantage.Nevertheless as Lars Andersen (Managing Director of Vestas’ Sales) mentions, it is not only the technology and the skilled employees that give Vestas an ownership advantage: â€Å"However, it also has to do with our ability to deliver on time, the fact that things work from day one, and, in particular, the fact that we fulfill customers’ expectations for a good, reliable return on their investment. In other words, we are not simply selling a wind turbine†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Vestas does not only manufacture and sell the wind turbines, it also provides installation and subsequent after-sales-service, which not many Russian competitors can match.Vestas is, in addition to the above mentioned, a multinational company with more than 30 years of experience and is therefore in a greater position tha n later emerged firms. Vestas is on top of this a world-known and respected brand with focus on quality and is represented in 35 countries spread out all over the world. The company has the largest market share, 24,8% , of the global market, which again places Vestas in a favorable situation when it comes to taking advantage of for instance the experience curve. L – Location advantageThe L in Dunning’s OLI-framework deals with the location advantage. Saying there should be an advantage for Vestas for doing business in Russia as a location for export or more advanced forms of FDI. Russia is geographically an enormous country (covers over 17 million square miles) and includes areas with a very low population density. These areas have great potential for windmill parks and the coastal areas of the Pacific and Arctic Oceans, the vast steppes and the mountains are the areas of highest potential.On the other hand it would also be favorable to place the wind energy system in regions where there is an existing power infrastructure and major industrial consumers. Areas, which fulfill these requirements, are the steppes along the Volga River, the northern Caucasus Mountains and various locations in Siberia including the Chukotka Peninsula in the Magadan region . Chukotka Peninsula is especially to prefer, because of its already existing hydropower stations, which could be used to compensate for the possible intermittent wind power.Another location advantage for Vestas is the fact that the Russian population is the fourth largest consumer of electricity in the world. Hence there is a demand for Vestas’ products and in particular when taking the Russian will to reduce greenhouse emission into consideration. Russia is willing to play an active role regarding the improvement of the global heating problem. The country has already reached its commitment stated in the Kyoto-protocol, but the Russian president Dmitri Medvedev declares that Russia â€Å"wou ld try to reduce greenhouse emissions by 25% by 2020. † The quotation signals a will from the government o find more sustainable solutions for production in Russia, and because Vestas does â€Å"business to business† and â€Å"business to government† commerce, it is of great importance with prospect for government interest and support. In this setting it is worth mentioning that The Ministry of The Russian Federation has published â€Å"The 2020 Energy Strategy†, which describes how to reach the new goal by prioritizing, among other things, ecological energy security through energy policy. In addition to the above-mentioned advantages of Russia as a location for Vestas’ expansion come the possibilities of reducing the overall production costs.As it is with most emerging markets, like Russia, wages are lower than in more developed markets like Denmark. Hence by moving production to Russia Vestas would be able to compete on both quality and price, alt hough their main focus most likely would be on quality . The location advantage is even greater when taking into consideration that there are no real national or international competitive competitors settled in the market yet, hence there is a possibility of a first mover advantage for Vestas as well.Notable is nevertheless also the risk for a first-mover disadvantage in terms of costs and risks when preparing the market for the ‘new’ product. I – Internationalization advantage If Vestas expanded into Russia it would strengthen its position of being â€Å"No. 1 in Modern Energy†, which was Vestas’ slogan before the recent switch to: †Wind. It means the world to us†. Furthermore if Vestas gained the first mover advantage it would give the company control over one of the worlds biggest markets. The internationalization advantage is gained in form of a proper entry mode.The chosen entry mode is of great advantage if it is selected in accord ance to Vestas’ now described ownership advantage and Russia’s location advantages. Vestas’ main ownership advantage is their know-how and technology while the location advantage of Russia primarily are the huge market possibilities and the government’s positive attitude towards renewable energy sources. What remains is, which type of entry mode that exploits both Vestas’ ownership advantage and Russia’s location advantage?Would licensing or exporting be the best-suited entry mode or should Vestas take greater risks and do more advanced FDI? Vestas wants to keep their know-how, but by pursuing a licensing entry mode, spillovers will occur. Vestas would have little control over production, giving possibilities for competitors to emerge and quickly become as efficient as Vestas. Exporting is neither a favorable entry for Vestas. The transportation costs are extremely high, when it comes to the final products. Each piece of the windmill weights approximately 250 tons and thus not suited for export.Other obstacles for the export as an entry mode are the protectionist policies and Russian trade barriers as for instance high tariffs. Vestas would have to pay up to 20% tariff + an additional charge (Value Added Tax) of another 18%, making a total of 38% for exporting its products into Russia. Russia ranks 162 out of 183 countries on the list of ease to do cross border trading with. To compare, Denmark ranks 6 which means that the products produced expensively in Denmark becomes more expensive by being exported to Russia.This situation will of course change if Russia gets its membership in the WTO, but this is not yet achieved. To sum up Vestas needs to move in with plants in Russia and with more advanced FDI to protect its know-how asset and to stay competitive. There are two options for this being either a joint venture or a wholly owned subsidiary. The most obvious solution would be the wholly owned subsidiary, where Vestas could protect its know-how by owning 100 % of the stocks. On the other hand there is a time perspective to consider as well.Siemens, one of Vestas German competitors, have recently announced plans on moving into the Russian market on a large scale . Setting up a wholly owned subsidiary as a green field venture takes a lot of time and the alternative of an acquisition is not an option since Vestas has core values and does not want to take over existing operating routines and enterprise culture. Another aspect, which is important to these considerations, is the fact that corruption and bureaucracy, which makes connections and personal relations very important for success, mark Russian business.Setting up a joint venture with a local firm solves this problem for Vestas, since Vestas would benefit from the partner’s country specific knowledge of culture, language, political systems, business systems and local connections. A joint venture is at the same time a less risky (capital vise) and less time-demanding entry mode, than a wholly owned entry mode, which Vestas needs to take into considerations in order to prevent falling behind Siemens. The major disadvantage of choosing a joint venture is of course the risk of spillover, eading to future competitors. On the other hand it is possible to construct the joint venture to minimize this risk. Vestas needs to engage in a joint venture where it owns the majority of the cooperation and thus is able to remain control. One might argue that it would be difficult to find a company, which would accept to own minority of the joint venture, but taken the undeveloped market into consideration, it should not be a huge problem. There are only a few local firms in the windmill industry in Russia.All of these would most likely be interested in boosting their profit (value creation) and it is not an unattractive offer to join the world leading windmill cooperate in a first mover attempt with prospect of a significant future market share in the Russian market. The joint venture and expansion of Vestas would also have to be on a large scale to be able to capture demand, establish a strong brand name and realize economies of scale. This would no matter what be an ideal opportunity for any local producer in Russia, although they would have to accept Vestas owning the majority of the joint venture.Differences and adjustments There are several aspects where the Russian market conditions differ from the Danish market conditions. These are necessary to look at in order to outline the needed adjustments for Vestas’ marketing mix. Differences in market conditions When comparing Russia and Denmark regarding the ease to do business in, it is very clear that there is a vast gap between the two. According to a survey by The World Bank, Denmark ranks 6 whereas Russia ranks 120 out of 183 countries (1 being the easiest country to do business in).I could therefore point at several diverging market conditions, b ut because of limitations of this paper I have chosen to focus on the following four: Infrastructure, climate, GDP per capita and the level of corruption. One might argue that ‘climate’ is not of great importance when speaking of market conditions, but in my opinion it is a very significance factor in this case concerning the marketing mix, which I will elaborate on in the following section. Infrastructure is important for Vestas when it comes to distribution of the company’s products.When looking at infrastructure in Russia and Denmark the most noteworthy factor is distances and terrain. Russia is the largest country in the world covering 11 time zones and it does not entail deep analysis to conclude that it requires great coordinated logistic to create a well functional infrastructure. This has for several of reasons not yet succeeded for Russia and the country’s infrastructure is hence very fragmented. An uneven terrain with low population density and n ature impediments as rivers and mountains has hindered buildings of proper roads and connections, which have a great influence on Vestas’ ease of doing business.Because of the enormous extent of Russia, the climate varies a lot from the coasts to the mid-country and from the west (Europe side) to the east (Asian side). The temperature fluctuates between the extremes of -65  °C in the winters and +40 °C in the summers. The wind is an important factor to look at in this case as well, because Russia possesses areas with all degrees (categorized as: Low, medium and high) of wind power. The climate differences is thus of great importance regarding Vestas’ product differentiation. Moving focus to the more economic orientated difference in market conditions is the GDP per capita (PPP).Russia’s GDP per capita is low compared to Denmark’s. According to the ranking done by International Monetary Fond, Russia ranks 51 in contrast to Denmark’s ranking as 1 7th . This means that Russian consumers, including the government and large enterprises, have less purchasing power compared to the Danish consumers. Little purchasing power could be an obstacle for Vestas. If consumers don’t have much money to spend, they would most likely not have the mental surplus to think of the environmental dimension by burning fossil fuels.If generating electricity the cheapest and easiest means exploiting fossil fuels, this is what they will do. However higher purchasing power (higher GDP per capita) results in the means to be able to prioritize such things as future global environment. Looking at the energy produced in Russia, over 60% of the electricity generated is based on gas- and coal power whereas less than 1% of the electricity generated is based on renewable energy production . In contrast stands Denmark, where wind power alone in 2008 generated 18,9% of the Danish electricity demand .The growth in GDP per capita in Russia was before the eco nomic crisis, around 7-8% . This is promising for Vestas as a continuous high growth in GDP per capita means a more developed economy, higher purchasing power and therefore increased interest in products like the ones Vestas offers. The fourth difference I have chosen to outline is the high level of corruption in Russia. Russia ranks number 146, whereas Denmark ranks number 2 (1 being the less corrupt) in the Corruption Perceptions Index (2009) made by Transparency International.Vestas has no power to end corruption by itself, so instead it should focus on how to deal with it in business situations. Adjustments in marketing mix: The four P’s I will use E. Jerome McCarthy’s principle of the four P’s: Place, Product, Price and Promotion to analyze the needed adjustments for Vestas’ marketing mix. The four differences (infrastructure, climate, energy production and level of corruption) described in the previous section are all differences that affect these a djustments. The †p† concerning the place (distribution) deals with how to get the product to the consumer.It would be obvious to discuss adjustments to retail concentration, channel length, channel exclusivity and channel quality, but selling Vestas’ products is not like selling jeans or other regular consumer goods. There is no distribution channel, or at least it is very short, because Vestas sells directly to the customer, being government or large enterprises. However the undeveloped infrastructure, as outlined as a big difference between the Danish market conditions and the Russian market conditions, is of great importance for Vestas’ delivery to its customers.Vestas’ products require stable roads (due to heavy weight and size) and connections to the best set-up areas. The infrastructure is best around Moscow and St. Petersburg, due to big business, but this is not necessarily the best location for Vestas’ production. As mentioned before the best set-up areas are the vast steppes along the Volga River, the Caucasus Mountains and locations in Siberia. In Denmark Vestas can easily get around to all parts of the country, but Russia’s huge distances and the uneven terrain in many areas do acquire adjustments.Vestas carefully have to reconsider where to place the facilities of production to minimize transportation costs, and not to forget, maximize availability. This might require compromises in form of set-ups in optimal and less optimal wind areas. To do this Vestas has to deliver wind turbines that also are able to exploit the low winds and Vestas thus has to adjust its products to the Russian climate conditions. Other adjustments are necessary for the turbines to manage the before mentioned freezing winters with temperatures down to -65  °C and the hot summers with temperatures up to +40 °C.The turbines should be able to function all year round to be attractive to customers. Vestas has to differentiate the turbines to match these standards compared to the standards in Denmark, where weather conditions don’t differ as much. In other words, Vestas’ product differentiation is necessary to encounter pressure for local responsiveness and thus reach its customers. The customer segment that Vestas tries to reach is a narrow segment consisting of the government and maybe a few other large enterprises, which would be interested in promoting a green profile.The government and the large businesses would, as most customers, be concerned about price. To match Russia’s rank regarding the low GDP per capita, Vestas would have to make an adjustment in form of lower prices. Price is however not the main focus for Vestas . Quality and safety is their top priority, but of course they would be able to take advantage of the lower labor costs in Russia and thus lower the overall production costs. Vestas could however use strategic pricing in form of experience curve pricing to gain ma rket share and relations to the large customers before competitors emerge.This could be rewarding because of the promising growth in Russia’s GDP per capita, which presents better future market conditions for Vestas’ products. Vestas should at the same time stress that setting up windmills is an investment that might require lots of capital as a starting point, but in the long-term perspective it would be worth it. Today Russia is self-sufficient in terms of energy . However the supply of fossil fuels is diminishing and the demand for it is increasing. Investing in wind power would be a possible way for Russia to stay self-sufficient in the future.Left remains the question of how to communicate all this to Vestas’ customers? When choosing a promotion strategy Vestas has to adjust its approach to the above described high level of corruption. One way of doing this is by having the right connections; knowing the right people. As previous mentioned I would suggest V estas to pursue an entry mode of a joint venture and thereby gain the advantage of local relationships, which could help Vestas to get around the bureaucracy. On the other hand it is of paramount importance that Vestas ‘stay clean’.If Vestas in any way gets associated with any form for corruption, it will have tremendous consequences not only for the domestic market, but also for the global market that Vestas operates in. In accordance to the entry mode I would suggest Vestas to practice a push strategy. It would be a waste of resources to communicate through mass media to vast private consumer segments, to which Vestas’ products have no interest. Vestas’ communication should be directly orientated at the small customer segment, previous outlined.Personal selling, exploiting the local partner’s ability to speak the local language, perhaps supported by additional informative products to be handed out and an enlightening webpage is the best way for Ve stas to reach its potential customers. Vestas’ internationalization strategy In the last part of this paper I will sum up and describe the best internationalization strategy for Vestas when entering the Russian market. Throughout the paper I have concluded that now is a good time for Vestas to enter the Russian market, because of prospects for government interest and support and no real competitors settled in the market yet.Hence Vestas has an opportunity for a first-mover advantage, but only if they enter the market on a large scale. Entering on a large scale is associated with greater risks and costs, but taken the growth in GDP per capita and the decreasing amount of fossil fuels into considerations, it is most likely that Vestas in the long-term perspective will secure massive gains from having established the contacts and its own brand in an early phase.I have already argued that I find a joint venture the most appropriate form of entry mode for Vestas. Forming a joint v enture with the right partner, a partner that has agreed to Vestas’ way of doing business e. g. no corruption, is the best way to remain in control, but still benefit from local knowledge, which is of great value because of the different market conditions compared to Denmark. Due to these different market conditions, Vestas also has to adjust its marketing mix.The most important adjustments would be: Reconsideration of production locations concerning infrastructure impediments, product differentiation and the use of a push communication strategy with help from the chosen partner’s local advantages. There is no doubt about the difficulties a global actor faces. A company like Vestas carefully needs to consider every aspect of a business opportunity to prepare for an expansion into a new market.Vestas operates all over the world where it has to respond to pressures for local responsiveness and pressures for cost reductions. There is a pressure for local responsiveness in Russia due to the geography and the political system. The question is, if this pressure is low or high? I would categorize it as being in between. The pressure is not low since the expansion requires considerable adjustments in the marketing mix, but the pressure is on the other hand neither as high as pressure for local responsiveness for e. g. lothes or cars. Concerning the pressure for cost reduction it is necessary to take a look at Vestas competitors in the Russian market. At the time being, there are not many, but as mentioned before Siemens is planning on moving in. In addition to this, many Asian competitors have emerged in China as well and might constitute future competition. I would therefore say that pressure for cost reduction in Russia at the time being is low, but in the near future this pressure will definitely increase due to the above explained.Vestas could enter with a location strategy or an international strategy, in accordance to the low pressure for local res ponsiveness, but if the company wants to prepare itself to face upcoming aggressive competitors it might be strategic wise to enter with a transnational strategy already at this point. Pursuing such strategy will as well benefit the information flow between Vestas subsidiaries and between the subsidiaries and the home country, which is necessary for sharing one of Vestas’ core competences: know-how.If Vestas not only is able to take advantage of the outlined possibilities but at the same time adjust and respond to the described impediments, it has great opportunities to grasp large profits and at the same time remain competitive in perspective of the Russian market as well as the global market. References The paper is based on classes in International Business Environment plus the beneath listed Book: Hill Charles WL, International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, 8th edition

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Andy Warhol and His work on the Contemporary Art Essay Example for Free

Andy Warhol and His work on the Contemporary Art Essay Andy Warhol (1928-1987) of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, less commonly known as Andrew Warhola, was a central figure in the pop art category. He is an American artist who reigned around the world as a painter, author, avant-garde filmmaker and as a public personage for his connection to many people of different fields of work and status. Warhol studied in Carnegie Institute of Technology (now known as the Carnegie Mellon University) to hone his artistry (www. artgallery. com, 2008). Warhol unify his works through the Keatonesque style which is aritistically and personally affectless. In his work s a Pop artist, conceptual aspects were always there as a key factor. His art was known for its irony, in most of its sense. Campbell’s soup cans was probably his most famous work. The mundane images he made were turned to the so-called ironic art through enlargement, hand-painting or silk-screening. He always mentioned that the idea of his work is always at the surface of his work, obvious, apparent. Other attributes of his work were slight color changes using ink spots (www. pbs. org, 2007). His work reveals contemporary art in such a way it concerns some human desires that never ceases to revolve around. He even made his film where he was an international celebrity and a pop artist. His experiences with many people brought him the ideas of what is contemporary, and made sure that no traces of the artists can be recognized from his artwork. Andy Warhol and His work on the Contemporary Art. (2017, Feb 14). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Friday, September 27, 2019

Academic Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Academic Methods - Essay Example When I just went through few websites that provide job search and opportunities like,, and and so on, it was amazing to me that I found that a very large number of hospitals are in need of Dentists. Entering in to the dentist career in UK will be a sign of social honor and success key to help me improve myself further yet and earn higher degrees. Bridges (2007) emphasized that a number of health associations including British Dental Association (BDA) and The British Dental Hygienists Association will strive to promote their members to maintain the honor of the dental professions, to get helps in practical learning and to provide opportunities for post qualification education (p. 31- 33). According to the latest report of (2010), on an average, a dentist earns a six figure salary and it was found that a dentist received a salary of a 13 % increase in the salary in the last year in UK. Without any increase in the workload, a dentist earns more than  £100,000 on an average ( When I thought about Saudi Arabia, most of its industries, including both manufacturing and service sectors, face difficulties and look at replacing foreign professionals. The Oxford’s Saudi Report (2008) reported that there are 2220 dental clinics in Saudi Arabia, but still, graduates are unable to find appropriate jobs. Many dental clinics are located outside the towns in Saudi Arabia and many are unwilling to enter Dental career (p. 184). As Saudi government and private hospitals are looking cheap employees from India, Pakistan and other countries, the current industry insights show that Saudi is not a better platform for a well paid, high demanded and b etter dignified profession like Dentistry. A bachelor’s degree is considered to be the minimum education required to enter the profession of dentistry

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Logistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Logistics - Essay Example In order to analyze advantages and shortcomings of the existing Patrick Tasmania e-consignment system, we need to identify the processes and model the structure of the system, considering interdependence, interaction, and integration of its elements. For the simplicity of presentation and understanding of the system’s functioning, the use of diagrams for process and system modeling is essential. Modeling techniques are extremely useful in tackling the complexity, which is found when attempting to analyze and understand a system. Models are also extremely useful communication tools; i.e.: complex ideas and concepts can be captured on paper and can be shown to users and clients for clarification and feedback; or for distribution to other professionals, team members, contractors etc.Data Flow Diagrams, as the name suggests, illustrates the flow of information in a system. They demonstrate the information and how it flows between specific processes in a system.The Data Flow Diagra m modeling is a top-down decomposition technique, which results in process descriptions. To create the Data Flow Diagram we will undertake the following steps: define the target system, identify the main processes and activities (sub-systems) within the system, decompose each of the subsystems into constituent sub-systems or processes until the set of diagrams for the system which cannot be decomposed further is obtained. This set of non-decomposable diagrams will be the ultimate model of the system.

Approaches to Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Approaches to Research - Essay Example But the challenge to food processors is really conducting what is called the byproduct development work. To this end there is no clear delineation that exists which describes main components for an effective byproduct development program. This proposal looks at the best strategic methodology that could assist in filling this void. It looks into ways of quantifying, identifying, developing, characterizing, optimizing, analyzing and modeling the waste stream of interest (Dalzell, 2000). The approach to byproduct development gives an inclusive strategy that can be used to more effectively manage industrial food waste. Remember that this methodology is not only applicable to food processing operations, but any industrial or manufacturing firm could benefit from instituting the formal components to be recommended. Hence if the various methodologies are implemented by manufacturers, this would increase the probability of meeting the goals of industrial ecology which are the developing and operating sustainable systems. Justification It will be realized that cost cutting programs in the industry rely heavily on lowering labor costs but, any major category of spending provides an opportunities for cost savings in industry. One of the areas that are over-looked is the area waste management. It is a common knowledge that Waste removal costs are always rising landfills all across the world are nearing the end of their lifespan. Again take note that recycling is getting more complicated and expensive and note forgetting the rising fuel costs which aren't borne by the waste haulers but which are simply passed on to the customers (Dalzell, 2000). Universally there exist many different waste management solutions available for the food manufacturing industry but it is not good to wait for the waste hauling companies to discuss them because these commercial waste hauling and recycling firms have a direct financial disincentive towards assisting food manufacturers to reduce the volume of waste and the costs associated to disposal. Remember that waste disposal is at times seen as an uncomplicated process in that workers collect and sort trash from recycling and then run loads to the dumpster several number of times per day or shift. This waste is collected by a contracted waste hauler at scheduled times and hours. But, industry owners, maintenance, directors managers and operations personnel have knowledge. Hence according to them waste management can be a major nuisance which poses issues that impact on efficiency, safety, floor space available, and also employee morale when excess waste accumulates. Furthermore, the production demands keep on varying while pick up charges remain the constant whether the dumpster is full or not. Take note that research indicates that up to 80% of a full dumpster is air space which means that 80 cents of each dollar that is spent on waste collecting services is literally thrown away. However, there are ways to improve waste handling in the food manufacturing industry to the extent that it not only leads to reduced costs but also enhances operations. Those responsible for making the waste process more efficient and cost effective are familiar with the various options that have been available for the past few

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Overpopulation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Overpopulation - Research Paper Example Over population reduces the ability of nature to feed its inhabitants because population expansion surpasses the capacity of land for food production; since more people require more food, water, housing, employment, education, medicine and even more fresh air (Zuckerman and David 82). Moreover, it propels people to unsustainable paths like quick extraction of resources from earth than they can maintain the existing supplies; thus, with this trend, people will deplete vegetation and affect species and animal societies in areas where these resources are mined; in addition, these exploitation is leading to lowering of the water table and the exhaustion of aquifers (Joseph). Increase of world population increases the utilisation of fossil fuels which results in global warming which melts glaciers and icecaps resulting in widespread water scarcity all over the world; similarly, global warming leads to shortage of food; therefore, over population results in scarcity of two basic elements n ecessary for human existence. Global warming in equatorial regions intensifies drought conditions, which expand desert regions in North Africa, American southwest and Middle East regions. The scorching effect has been felt in American Corn Belt and agricultural lands of Croatia, which forces agriculture to high latitudes thus decreasing yield in arid areas. Family planning has been a vital method of controlling global overpopulation since much has been achieved in the past decades. For example in Japan, the country managed to cut its birth rate by a quarter from 1951 to 1958; moreover, other countries like South Korea and Taiwan managed to lift themselves from poverty to first world standard following Japan’s example. Population growth brings about unemployment, overcrowding and environmental degradation; thus, much can be gained through stable and sustainable population (Paul 6). In addition, world desertification affects almost three quarters of land in North America and Af rica, the habitat of close to one billion people. However, the cause of desertification has been the pressure of human population leading to over-cultivation as well as over grazing of land; moreover, deforestation allows erosion of top soil. Moreover, population pressure causes the emission of two giga-tons of carbon in a year to the atmosphere because of deforestation of rainforests. Countries that have rainforests have initiated a large-scale reforestation programs in order to reverse forest loss; however, the ultimate success of the efforts require significant change in demand for slow-growth forest products and the end of financial incentives that encourage large scale deforestation. Depleting aquifers created in ace age in order to meet the water needs can result in dangerous ground subsidence like the 50 cities in north China Plain that experience destruction of surface infrastructure due to subsidence of depleted underground aquifers. Therefore, in order to alleviate water s hortage, an individual can recycle waste water as well; desalination of sea water has been in use in Australia and Middle East, there is no doubt present-day lifestyles will change and not necessarily for the worse. For instance, food should be produces locally to decrease transport costs and diet will mostly be vegetarian since it takes about 2000 to 16000 litres of water to produce a

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Personalised Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words

Personalised Learning - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that globalisation and the rapid changes and developments in the information and computer technology have created demands and challenges that necessitate the adoption of policies and programmes that will equip children with necessary learning and skills needed as they respond to the demands of the time. In this context, the government, through its various institutions, continue to come up with public policies aiming for the establishment and development strategies and course of action which are geared towards addressing these issues. DfES recognise the insufficiency and ill-adaption of traditional educational structure in addressing the changing demands of the global society. The ‘one-size fits all’ approach in education is no longer appropriate in responding to individual needs and society’s demands for knowledge. As such, through personalise learning, students become engaged and empowered as they take the path towards learning. While at the same, time their parents and the entire community become partners in the establishment of an education that recognises and is built on the individual gifts and prowess of children. In this regard, personalised learning is a learning system approach that caters to the personal and intellectual needs of the children and listens to their voices as it re-affirms the uniqueness of each child as they embark on learning. However, it has been observed that personalised learning is difficult to define (Pollard and James 2004). In fact, Beach and Dovemark (2009) in study have found out that there are teachers who find it difficult to distinguish between differentiation and personalised learning. They have also observed that there are teachers who are not familiar with personalised learning. In addition, it has been claimed that most discourses regarding personalised learning are drawn from â€Å"commentary rather than empirical research, highlighting that there are lim ited studies providing evaluative data on personalised learning† (Sebba et al., 2007, p. 8). In these circumstances, this research will undertake a conceptual analysis of personalised learning. This is done in order to arrive at a clearer understanding and perception of the concept, and at the same time, contribute to the endeavour of establishing more comprehensible parameters for personalised learning. Moreover, this research seeks to know how personalised learning has been concretely adopted in schools. Finally, this study aims to apprehend how personalised learning becomes the 21st century approach to learning. This study will address the following questions. (1) What is personalised learning? (2) How is personalised learning concretely adapted in school/classroom set-up? (3) How personalised learning becomes the ‘system of learning’ that can adequately respond to the challenges of 21st century global society? In order to answer these questions, a documentary analysis of secondary materials relevant to the subject matter of the research will be conducted. For the library research, the electronic databases Academic Source Complete, Jstor, Google Scholar, PsycheInfo, Business Source Complete, and ERIC were searched using a combination of the following key terms: education, personalised learning, 21st century, customised learning, individualised learning, differentiation, multiple intelligence, policies and globalisation. Articles written in English had been selected. Moreover, articles that provided a conceptual anal

Monday, September 23, 2019

My career plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

My career plan - Essay Example Despite the fact that the pay in civil engineering is not my ultimate motivation into the career, the basic salary as of present for a civil engineer is 80,000$ and I can comfortably say that it is a well-paying career. To add to this a civil engineer can be in charge of various projects and this will compliment salary and this clearly shows that it is a good career as I will be able to pay my bills. Moreover, when I get to open my own company I am assured of good income as there are many projects to be initiated and the likelihood for me getting some is high given the civil engineering background my dad set.  Certification in civil engineering is also important and I will have to get licensed so that I can be able to be given government projects. In addition to this, as I plan to start my own company I will have to be recognized by the government, which I plan to achieve by getting all the necessary licenses. I plan to get exposure to the working conditions for civil engineers in the United States so that I can get exposed to the situations they face every day. I plan to look for internships and get the technical skills required to venture into the job market as an experienced engineer with ready solutions to the challenges and situations I face on the job. I realize that I have challenges to face given that I am a freshman and I am dedicated to ensuring that I am confident enough to go past the challenges and attain my degree after which I will follow in my career path to being one of the best civil engineers.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Jazz Essay Example for Free

Jazz Essay Raised in a home where melodies are often played in the instruments we have or even just hummed by a family member while doing chores, I have grown to love pieces of music especially opera, orchestra and the classics. So when my friends, who are musicians themselves, invited me to one of the performances of a jazz band during the celebration of the University’s anniversary last July 9 at The Technopark, I was feeling rather apprehensive. It is not as what you would expect my genre of choice. I have always typified this particular field as an African-American influenced rhythmic and instrumental form of music. My ears were almost involuntarily programmed to have an distaste to these tunes. But since they started to play, I forgot my earlier impression because I was already enjoying the concert. Savoring the pleasure of listening to the upbeat of jazz music, I was jazzed up and entirely enthralled with the soulful performance of the Jazz Ensemble. In the hands of trumpeter Roy Barja, trombonist Marko Geron, bassist Jeff Flores and saxophonist Brad Cruz, the contrivances took on a unique character, and one whose ebullience can hardly be contained. The ensemble started with a bang of Jazz Story playing different types of jazz music that evolved within the through time until the modern jazz of today. Then, the members of Jazz Ensemble played classics like Victor Young’s â€Å"When I Fall in Love†, George Gershwin’s â€Å"Someone to Watch Over Me† and â€Å"Pink Panther†. With the variety of instruments involved, lush harmonies and textures satiated my ears’ desire for excellent sounds. Each artist had a chance for a nippy glare of publicity. He would play short melodic fragments meant to be repeated by a section of the band with growing passion. They masterfully serenaded and entertained the audience through vocalist Mara Duran who did vocals on â€Å"Orange-colored Sky† and â€Å"It had to be You†. The group kept the crowd swaying and crooning on our seats in time with the beat. Jazz took my heart out from the first notes that had drifted from the instruments up until the faintest tune that was whispered by the wind. That night, I closed my eyes with a trace of smile upon my lips as I hum a segment from the song Love is Here to Stay.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Use of ICT in Primary School Classrooms

Use of ICT in Primary School Classrooms Introduction: This chapter outlines the foundation for the researchers topic area. This will be a summary of multiple pieces of literature the author has analysed to answer the question set out. The chosen area is the use of ICT-Information Communication Technology in infant classes in primary schools. This section will begin by looking at what is Information Communication Technology (ICT). The author will give a brief explanation into what ICT is. Following defining ICT the author will examine the ICT software used at infant classes in primary level. She will then investigate the benefits of using ICT at infant level in the primary school. From investigating the benefits the author will explore the limitations of using ICT at infant level in the primary school. Finally, she will research how infant childrens learning and development is supported by the use of ICT in the classroom. What is Information Communication Technology (ICT) Information Communication Technology (ICT) is defined by Barnardos (2006, P2) as The term ICT (information and communications technology) is used to describe a range of technological media. It is defined not just as computers but programmable toys, telephones, talking books, cameras, printers, scanners and much more. Information Communication Technology (ICT) has become increasingly used in many lives. Recently the use of ICT has influenced significant changes in our culture, as a result technology has become very much used today. As the world of technology develops, children in our schools today will live in a world where ICT will be encouraged in their daily lives. ICT is described by Crawford (2013, P1) as a powerful tool as it significantly extends peoples abilities, as a learning tool, it is particularly effective. The term ICT covers a range of tools and equipment. Aistear (2009) refers to ICT as equipment that communicates and influence information. This includes mobile phones, computers, scanners and digital cameras. ICT includes hardware and software devices and programmes. ICT in education has the ability to increase the elements of people’s lives by enhancing teaching and learning. (NCCA, 2004) The word Communication was added to Information and Technology (IT) in the late 1990s as we now use various devices such as mobiles to send messages and to gain information it is unfair to limit ICT to computing or technology. ICT covers equipment everywhere at home and in the setting such as remote controls used for the television, game machines, computers, supermarket bar-code readers, washing machines, timers, heating controls, cameras, alarm systems, phones and electric displays. (Cockburn and Handscomb, 2006) Teachers should concur that young children need to be knowledgeable and familiar with basic technology as it is part of living in the 21st century. (French, 2008) ICT Software Used in Infant Classes at Primary Level There is a range of educational ICT software being used in primary schools today. This software is being developed daily, to enhance childrens learning and development. The NCCA (2004) recognises that different software products may be more appropriate for children in different classrooms. The use of ICT software can improve and support the teaching and learning development across curricular areas, whether used in a specific lesson or for a short or long period of time. (NCCA, 2004) A wide variety of software appropriate for different ages and stages, interests and level of ability will be needed in the curriculum. French (2008) talks about how great care must be taken when choosing particular ICT software for children. The software must mirror the childrens interests and should be stage appropriate. The suitability of the software will rely on the learning objectives and the age range and level of ability of the children. The effectiveness of any software program is established by the quality of the software and by how it is used. (NCCA, 2004) Using paint programmes allows children to experiment with colour, animations, experiment with the mouse and it is a way to introduce children to the basic icons and buttons on the computer. Hayes and Whitebread (2006, P25) states Introducing a paint program enables children to understand that the computer is not just a tool for accessing information, but that it is also a tool for creativity. Teachers are familiar with reading stories out loud to children but a lot of stories come in CD or app form now. There are different case studies, motivating activities and games that come in CD or app form. The tasks are well designed in that the children must understand them to complete them, and they do not provide themselves exclusively to trial and error answers. (Hayes and Whitebread, 2006) Interactive whiteboards are a new and common form of ICT software used in primary schools today. Elston (2007, p9) describes interactive whiteboards as an erasable writing surface that interacts with a computer to capture writing electronically and enable interaction with a projected computer image. The interactive whiteboard works wither by touching the board or using a special pen. The interactive whiteboard comes with software that allows it to be used as a copy board. Children and teachers can draw or write on the whiteboard using their fingers or the pen and they can save their drawings to the computer. The interactive whiteboard comes with built in software called OCR which means the computer will identify the childrens handwriting on the whiteboard and turn it into computer text. (Elston, 2007) The OECD (2002) conducted intensive case studies which examined the use of ICT in twenty one different schools. They found the most popular forms of ICT was word processor, but spreadsheets, graphing and drawing programmes, search engines, and presentation programs such as Powerpoint were also high. Many schools used the internet as a source of teaching or research. In these case studies, ICT was often based on a practice system. (OECD, (2002) Morgan and Blatchford (2009) states there is software developed for the use of young children to allow them to make and create images, add sound effects in media products and add sounds and listen to stories. The NCTE (2013) recommends that each classroom should be appointed with a teaching computer, a short throw digital projector, a wireless keyboard, a mouse and five classroom computers or laptops. A visualiser should also be in place in each classroom. Primary schools should be supplied with a multi-media workstation to assist with the integration of audio/visual projects. Primary schools share some equipment such as cameras, wireless tablets, printers and scanners. Using a digital camera can the teacher can take pictures of the childrens learning and create a portfolio of them to show their parents, they can also be transferred to the computer for viewing, for a slide show, for printing or for film making. A wireless tablet can be used for teachers and children to draw, write, colour, listen to stories, do different kinds of subjects such as maths and music. (NCTE, 2013) Teachers should positively model how they use the software. Children should be balanced with lots of other activit ies to assist real life experiences. (Blatchford and Whitebread, 2003) The software used in infant classes must be suitable. Morgan and Blatchford (2009) agrees with French (2008) saying often the software can be unsuitable in terms that young children are especially vulnerable, in terms the content can be violent, frightening or highly emotional.  ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­ (Hayes and Whitebread 2006) talks about for children to benefit from ICT children need to be thought about the differences between the different software programmes. The Benefits of Using ICT at Infant Level in the Primary School ICT has an effect on those who use them and their environment. These technologies can offer new opportunities to strengthen many aspects of childrens development. There is support and interest across the educator sector for the development and integration of ICT. As Epstein (2007) says computers can play an important role if they are used correctly. Children can sometimes work with objects on a screen more easily than with real objects. This however doesnt indicate that computers should replace real objects. A considerable amount of research shows that when ICT is used correctly it can enhance childrens learning and development, it can encourage exploratory play, collaboration, co-operation, discussion, creativity, problem solving, risk taking and thinking. (Barnardos, 2006) The ICT software can be used with different age groups and it can be used with children in a one to one context or it can be used with children in a group. The ICT software can be used to support a child or children in a specific area of learning. NCCA (2004) acknowledges there are potential benefits for using ICT in classrooms also. According to the NCCA (2004) children gain motivation, problem solving skills, higher achievement and improvements in elevated thinking. Childrens imagination and sense of wonder can be supported through the use of context free software. The use of ICT can provide immense opportunities for creative development in children. Children become more independent while developing their creative skills. (Potter 2000 cited in Meadows and Leaks, 2000) The children can enhance their creative skills through ICT in different areas of learning such as; Arts and crafts, music and dance, imaginative play and role play. (Barnardos, 2006) ICT can encourage childrens physical skills. By children using the keyboard, the mouse, the buttons, touching the interactive whiteboard or tablet and knobs on a piece of equipment such as a digital camera is an excellent way of developing finer motor skills. Occasionally children might find it easier to manipulate objects on a screen more easily than real objects. (French, 2008) Children encounter many different achievements and trips throughout the years. Digital cameras are a great way of recording their accomplishments and sharing them with each other and their families. (NCCA, 2004) Computer play can encourage communication, speech and expression. Children are inclined to narrate what they are doing as they draw pictures or move items and characters around the interactive board. Children interacting at computers retain high stages of communication and co-operation skills. Using computers in the primary school can help childrens literacy development. One of the more current research shows that ICT supports children with special educational needs. Research shows that ICT can help children with communication problems and ICT helps children with SEN to access the curriculum more easily by using communication aids, software and appropriate assistive technology. (NCCA, 2004) Software programmes create a virtual environment which encourage children to read the screens and ask their friends questions about the situations. (Barnards, 2006) The Department and Education and Science (2008) agrees with Barnardos stating that ICT improves literacy, reading and writing skills especially for children in junior infant classes. The use of stories and rhymes on CD, on the internet or on an app enriches the childrens experiences of the written word. It allows them to repeat the words over and over again, forming and learning patterns of language and looking at the pictures gives them great enjoyment as the characters come to life. Children develop writing skills from using ICT. Children in infant classes are getting used to holding a pencil the correct way and are tracing letters. Children can practice other ways of writing as they use keyboards and different ICT software. (Selwyn et al, 2010) ICT can develop childrens social skills. Children will be more enthusiastic to learn about sharing, turn taking, co-operating and collaborating when they are joining in a group activity. (Zahariev etal, 2009) French (2008) also acknowledges that ICT can help childrens social skills. French (2008) believes children can sometimes find it easier to work with a friends on a computer than work alone. ICT can develop their social skills by creating rules for co-operation, children talking about what they are doing and children helping each other Choosing appropriate ICT software can teach children about different cultures, languages and ethnic backgrounds. ICT offers children to learn outside the classroom. The teacher can use different methods of technology to teach the children about different ethnic backgrounds, diverse families, people with special needs and abilities. With access to the internet or electronic resources the teacher has access to different learning materials on any part icular topic at any time which benefits the children. (Zahariev et al, 2009) As technology is becoming the future, by the teachers informing the children about the different forms of ICT, what ICT means, ICT tools and software it is preparing them for the future. Schools and the work environment will be technology related and by the children learning about technology it is giving them the confidence and skills to use such technologies in their later life. Although there is mixed results for using ICT in schools with young children DES (2008) says one of the major benefits of ICT is it can introduce a visual and interactive aspect into learning. ICT can help promote active learning by allowing the child to find, use and receive information. Research in UK found that ICT helps teachers facilitate the types of learners in the primary school curriculum. This research shows that teachers who use ICT in the classroom have described that ICT is more suited to support collaborative learning and active learning. (NCCA, 2004) Children can use ICT at different levels depending on their age and stage of development. In infant classes children will use the software to develop and expand their language and in senior classes they can use the software to broaden their language. (Eleven et al, 2012) ICT has an important part to play in developing children’s mathematical concepts. It is extremely exciting and can help make learning fun and enjoyable ICT can support children as it provides challenges to develop concepts and skills installed in game-like situations. (NCCA, 2004) The internet can have many different resources, activities and sources for teachers to use to benefit children. If the internet is used appropriately it can support the development of children’s abilities to question, to analyse, to investigate and to think critically. (NCCA, 2004) The Limitations of Using ICT at Infant Level in the Primary School. As stated above technology has many different benefits but some people have a fear that technology is replacing real objects. From a survey done by Early Childhood Ireland in 2013 it found out most members were worried about: The amount of screen time children observed The impact ICT has on childrens reading abilities The relationship between technology and obesity The connection between technology and play ICT cannot be used if the broadband speed is not consistent and reliable. A teacher in a school in County Waterford tries to find many different ways of bringing ICT into the school curriculum but when it comes to the schools internet access she cannot apply those skills to teach her students and it regularly leads to children being disappointed. (Murray, 2014) Teachers are not able to use all the technology available for learning.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Jean Jacques Audubon :: Expository Essays

Jean Jacques Audubon Realizing that the natural environment requires protection from the wiles of the human race, individuals have organized societies that work to support the protection of species around the globe. I have always loved and supported those that support the environment. So, when I would hear of the National Audubon Society, I instinctively pictured Audubon as a wildlife conservationist and someone I liked very much. I heard about Jean Jacques Audubon before, and at least I thought I knew him very well. But my perception of Audubon always stemmed from his association to the society named after him, not from the writings of the man himself. Needless to say, I liked him very much when I knew less about him. Or so I thought†¦ Never have my feelings toward an individual fluctuated as much as they have in the past two weeks. Upon reading excerpts from Audubon’s journals, I could not help but dislike certain aspects of the individual. How could any society uphold the name of a man who would shoot birds by the dozen and stick wire through them to paint them? Artists are supposed to appreciate the natural world, not destroy it. At the same time, how could he depict reality, if his specimens were manipulated into specific positions, positions that met the painter’s eye and not reality at all? These thoughts and many more spiraled through my mind as my stomach squirmed in indignation of Audubon’s atrocities. I was livid at the fact that the plentitude of living species he described are no longer plentiful today. I could not believe that a naturalist was among the first to contribute to the decline of the species of my home state. Even the name of his pilot, Egan, sent chills through me wh en Audubon wrote that Egan was the ‘professional hunter of Sea Cows or Manatees for the Havana market’. I could not believe my eyes and cringed at the idea of reading any more about the famous Audubon expedition. In my mind, Audubon registered, not as a painter, but as a hunter, who was hell-bent on getting his studies done in time to meet the expectation of his American and European patrons. Dollar signs, not the sun, glittered in his eyes. I found myself rooting for one hundred and seventy-two year old birds, hoping that they would hear me and fly away before Audubon arrived. Jean Jacques Audubon :: Expository Essays Jean Jacques Audubon Realizing that the natural environment requires protection from the wiles of the human race, individuals have organized societies that work to support the protection of species around the globe. I have always loved and supported those that support the environment. So, when I would hear of the National Audubon Society, I instinctively pictured Audubon as a wildlife conservationist and someone I liked very much. I heard about Jean Jacques Audubon before, and at least I thought I knew him very well. But my perception of Audubon always stemmed from his association to the society named after him, not from the writings of the man himself. Needless to say, I liked him very much when I knew less about him. Or so I thought†¦ Never have my feelings toward an individual fluctuated as much as they have in the past two weeks. Upon reading excerpts from Audubon’s journals, I could not help but dislike certain aspects of the individual. How could any society uphold the name of a man who would shoot birds by the dozen and stick wire through them to paint them? Artists are supposed to appreciate the natural world, not destroy it. At the same time, how could he depict reality, if his specimens were manipulated into specific positions, positions that met the painter’s eye and not reality at all? These thoughts and many more spiraled through my mind as my stomach squirmed in indignation of Audubon’s atrocities. I was livid at the fact that the plentitude of living species he described are no longer plentiful today. I could not believe that a naturalist was among the first to contribute to the decline of the species of my home state. Even the name of his pilot, Egan, sent chills through me wh en Audubon wrote that Egan was the ‘professional hunter of Sea Cows or Manatees for the Havana market’. I could not believe my eyes and cringed at the idea of reading any more about the famous Audubon expedition. In my mind, Audubon registered, not as a painter, but as a hunter, who was hell-bent on getting his studies done in time to meet the expectation of his American and European patrons. Dollar signs, not the sun, glittered in his eyes. I found myself rooting for one hundred and seventy-two year old birds, hoping that they would hear me and fly away before Audubon arrived.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Jonathan Swift: Satirist and Irishman :: Biography Biographies Essays

Jonathan Swift: Satirist and Irishman Jonathan Swift is one of the most cutting satirists in the history of British literature. Born in 1667 in Dublin, Ireland seven months after his father's death, Swift had a difficult life. [5] He remained with his uncle throughout his childhood, attending Kilkenny School, the best education to be had in Ireland at the time. [4] He later, in 1682, went on to attend Trinity College where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree. [5] Several years later he was forced to leave Ireland due to political unrest and relocated to England, where he rejoined his mother and worked for William Temple for the next ten years. [4] In 1692, Swift earned a Master of Arts at Oxford. In 1694, Swift returned to Ireland and was ordained as a priest. [4] Upon his return to Ireland, Swift became very involved in politics. He was an active Whig for many years. However, when Whig agenda went against the Church of England, Swift, a profoundly religious man, broke with the party. [4] He joined the Tory cause and employed his intelligence and writing skill in helping to fight for Irish rights. [4] Swift spent the rest of his life serving the church and writing a great deal of literature responding to society, political policy, and social conditions. His most famous works are listed below. A Tale of a Tub ( 1704 ). Battle of the Books ( 1704 ). The Abolishing of Christianity ( 1708 ). Meditation upon a Broomstick ( 1710 ). Journal to Stella ( 1710-13 ). Proposal for Correcting... the English Tongue ( 1712 ). "Cadenus and Vanessa " ( 1713 ). The Drapier's Letters ( 1724 ). Gulliver's Travels ( 1726 ). A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People from Being a Burthen ( 1729 ). "The Day Of Judgment " ( 1731 ). "Verses on the Death of Dr Swift " ( 1731 ). Correspondence. Five Volumes. Edited by D. Nichol Smith. Oxford, 1963-65. [6] All of Swift's works criticize the faults of mankind, uplifting virtue and common sense above all else. [4] His works question whether the progress of civilization and the behavior and values of society are truly advancements or just complex barbarianism. [4] He challenges his readers to think for themselves instead of accepting everything at face value. Swift criticizes by employing the literary device called satire in which the author exposes folly or absurdity in the behavior of an authority or society. Jonathan Swift: Satirist and Irishman :: Biography Biographies Essays Jonathan Swift: Satirist and Irishman Jonathan Swift is one of the most cutting satirists in the history of British literature. Born in 1667 in Dublin, Ireland seven months after his father's death, Swift had a difficult life. [5] He remained with his uncle throughout his childhood, attending Kilkenny School, the best education to be had in Ireland at the time. [4] He later, in 1682, went on to attend Trinity College where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree. [5] Several years later he was forced to leave Ireland due to political unrest and relocated to England, where he rejoined his mother and worked for William Temple for the next ten years. [4] In 1692, Swift earned a Master of Arts at Oxford. In 1694, Swift returned to Ireland and was ordained as a priest. [4] Upon his return to Ireland, Swift became very involved in politics. He was an active Whig for many years. However, when Whig agenda went against the Church of England, Swift, a profoundly religious man, broke with the party. [4] He joined the Tory cause and employed his intelligence and writing skill in helping to fight for Irish rights. [4] Swift spent the rest of his life serving the church and writing a great deal of literature responding to society, political policy, and social conditions. His most famous works are listed below. A Tale of a Tub ( 1704 ). Battle of the Books ( 1704 ). The Abolishing of Christianity ( 1708 ). Meditation upon a Broomstick ( 1710 ). Journal to Stella ( 1710-13 ). Proposal for Correcting... the English Tongue ( 1712 ). "Cadenus and Vanessa " ( 1713 ). The Drapier's Letters ( 1724 ). Gulliver's Travels ( 1726 ). A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People from Being a Burthen ( 1729 ). "The Day Of Judgment " ( 1731 ). "Verses on the Death of Dr Swift " ( 1731 ). Correspondence. Five Volumes. Edited by D. Nichol Smith. Oxford, 1963-65. [6] All of Swift's works criticize the faults of mankind, uplifting virtue and common sense above all else. [4] His works question whether the progress of civilization and the behavior and values of society are truly advancements or just complex barbarianism. [4] He challenges his readers to think for themselves instead of accepting everything at face value. Swift criticizes by employing the literary device called satire in which the author exposes folly or absurdity in the behavior of an authority or society.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Symbolism in Daisy Miller by Henry James :: Henry James, Daisy Miller

The story of Daisy Miller starts off in Vevey, Switzerland with Winterbourne and Daisy meeting through Daisy's brother Randolph. Winterbourne is immediately attracted to her stating, "she was strikingly, admirably pretty" (James 470). The story continues with Winterbourne giving Daisy a tour of the Chateau de Chillon, and Winterbourne returning to Geneva, where he had an older women waiting for him. Daisy ends up meeting an Italian man, Giovanelli, which eventually leads to her death of malaria. Although the characters seem simple enough, they symbolize much more than themselves. In Henry James's Daisy Miller, Daisy symbolizes all American women who travel abroad to Europe, while Winterbourne symbolizes the European mentality of American tourists. Daisy is the "pretty American flirt" throughout the novella (James 474). She is nice and sweet, but also rebellious and ignorant. Daisy really does not care what society thinks of her. You see this throughout the course of the novel when she goes to Chillon with Winterbourne alone and when she frolics the streets at night with Giovanelli. Most Europeans look down upon American travelers in Europe, especially when they do not follow the customs and culture of their country. This is something that still has not changed today. The Miller family treats their carrier, Eugenio, like one of the family. Typically carriers live and sleep on the lower levels of the house, while Eugenio sleeps on the same level and interacts with the family. This is something that stands out to Winterbourne's aunt, Mrs. Costello because that is unheard of in European culture. When Winterbourne tells Mrs. Costello about Daisy, you can see the symbolism already becoming very prevalent, "They are very co mmon; they are the sort of Americans that one does one's duty by not- not accepting" Mrs. Costello feels very strongly about the Americans in a negative way. She refuses to be introduced to Daisy and tells Winterbourne that she should be more like his cousins from New York. Ironically enough, he has heard that his cousins are "tremendous flirts" (James 478). This is interesting because of Winterbourne's belief that all American girls are flirts. Daisy did not help her case any of being the typical American flirt when she goes to Italy and meets many different men, including Giovanelli. If the Europeans have not met many Americans and the usually the ones that can afford to travel are rich, they can only assume what America is by what they have seen.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Advertising and its classifications: jib fowles appeals in pandora’s jewelry ad. Essay

Advertising and Its Classification â€Å"Advertising Fifteen Basic Appeals† by Jib Fowles. Jib talks in his essay about how advertising enticesus us through imagery approaches,The power of imagery in marketing is substantal. We can becalled walking advertisements,from the jewelry we wear to the shoe’s on our feet we are promoteing brands and logos everyday. The ad for PANDORA Jewelry found in the December 2011, issue of Real Simple magazine,Pandora has a classy beutiful woman, wearing dark color clothing, looking in her husbends eyes longly. She has her left hand on her chin with a georgus set of rings, and some not as obvious pandora bracelets on her rist. The Pandora ad reads † UNFORGETTABLE MOMENTS† in the bottom righthand corner. This ad successfully illustrates three of Fowles’s appeals: the need for prominence, the need for attention, and the need to achieve. The first appeal we see at work in the ad is the need for prominence. Jib Fowles defines this need † To injoy prestige and high social status.† discribes it as â€Å"unambiguously classy†. we see the beutiful woman in the ad she is flawless not one frizzy har out of place her makeup is natural, and every thing is blurry in the background. That illustrates the jewelry is classy enouf to sell it’s self. Another way we see the need for prominence is, In the top left hand corner you see the set of rings seperated, it has three Eternity Ring’s priced at a woping $135.00 a peace, the heart and peral ring’s are $285.00 a peice. wearing such expencive peace’s are a way to say I am worth a lot and you should look up to me. The bottom left corner has a picture of an â€Å"O† in a box with a crown on top, this is a tradmark of Pandora. This tells us if we wear pandora jewelry we can also apear classy and injoy a high social status. Markters are targeting men in this ad, he clearly just gave his significant other the ring and she is gazing in his eyes sensualy. Promoters are enticing men with a promotional sale † Buy $150.00 dollers of pandora jewelry get a pandora ring valued up to $50.00 dollers free.† Men have an hunting gathering mentalidy, thay always want the best of things. It also seems to suggest that, if he gave his significant other this jewelry he will have an † Unforgettable moment† as well. The second appeal we see at work is the need for attention. Fowles defines this appeal as † The desire to exhibit ourselves in such a way to make others look at us is a primitive, insuppressible instinct.† He also discribes it as † wemon who want eyes upon them know what they should do.† The woman in this ad is wearing a suggestive lacy blouse, witch tells us she wants to be noticed. Every thing behind her is blury so all you see is her. As we see the need for attention still there are several other ways to sell jewelry, the ad out of Real Simple magazine for pandora, is similar to most other ad’s in differing magazines. The woman is receving a gift from a significant other, a peice of jewelry to make other women look twice at her. markters of this appeal are targeting wemon in this ad because we look to other wemon for trend setting peice’s. The advertiser chose this appeal wisley, all jewelry screams look at me. Consmers will want to purchase this ring because you can wear it in so many different ways, or one peice alone, eather way the peice stands doninant to what she is wearing. The final appeal in this ad acording to â€Å"Fowels Fifteen basic appels† is the need to achieve. Fowels defines this appeal as â€Å"The drive that energizes people, causing them to strive in their lives.† He also discribes it as a â€Å"need to attain a higher standard.† we see this appeal at work because the woman in the ad is not doing any thing but siting infront of her significant other with the look of achivement. She has the best significant other in her life, this is what her look tells us. Marketers are successfully useing this appeal. Men want to buy their woman this brand of jewelry because, Pandora’s collection is inspiring, hand-finished, it’s signature style, and it is a customizable jewelry line. The consumsr of this product wants a timeless orignal peace of jewelry. In this appeal, the need to achieve pulled from the December 2011, Real Simple Magazine Pandora ad, the target is a man because all you see in the ad is her wearing the ring set and some braclets. At the bottom of the ad you see a gift rap bow telling us he bought her the best gift a man can get a woman a ring symbolizing his love and comentment. This add successfully illstrated three of Fowles appeals, the need for prominence, the need for attention and the need to achieve. Fowles has taught us to be more conscious of the soliciting taking place every day. We  must train our brain’s to filter out the things we want from the things we need. Most imporantly to sheld our childern from the potentally self sabotaging labeling going on in the world today. We want our children to make up thier own minds on whats cool, not what promoters think is cool. Lets teach our kids to be unique all on thier own.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Compensation Strategy Essay

1) Briefly describe the company you researched, its compensation strategy, best practices they are applying, and compensation-related challenges they are facing. Marriott International, Inc.-formed in 1993 when Marriott Corporation split into two separate companies-is the world’s leading lodging and contract services company. Marriott International has two operating groups: Marriott Lodging, which generates about 60 percent of company revenue, and the Marriott Service Group, its contract services operation. Marriott Lodging manages or franchises more than 1,350 lodging properties under 10 hotel brands worldwide. It also operates more than 30 timeshare vacation properties through Marriott Vacation Club International, and 25 U.S. conference centers through Marriott Conference Centers. The Marriott Service Group includes Marriott Management Services, which provides food and facilities management for business, education, and health care clients; Marriott Senior Living Services, wh ich manages 75 senior living communities; and Marriott Distribution Services, which operates 15 distribution centers nationwide that provide food and related products to internal Marriott and external clients. Compensation strategies Culture and Global Diversity and Inclusion Marriott founder, J. Willard Marriott coached managers to â€Å"take care of your employees and they’ll take care of guests.† It’s this philosophy that is the cornerstone of our culture and the foundation of our success. We are committed to providing an environment where employees have the opportunity to achieve their potential, are highly engaged and are empowered to deliver great guest service. We are proud that our inclusive culture is the main ingredient that sets us apart from other companies. We know that when our employees feel valued and respected, they’ll help make our guests feel that way too. At Marriott, everything they do is built on their culture of â€Å"people first.† From investing in their employees’ health and well being, to rewards for hard work and recognition for length and talent in service, Marriott is proud to reward and recognize their employees for the work they do everyday. In addition to competitive benefit packages (which may vary by country according to employment laws and practices) Marriott employees enjoy: Valuable room rate, food and beverage, and retail discounts at global  Marriott locations Well-known training and learning opportunities and educational assistance to ensure you’re equipped to do your job and prepared for the next step in your career Employees for the work they do everyday. In addition to competitive benefit packages (which may vary by country according to employment laws and practices) Marriott employees enjoy: Valuable room rate, food and beverage, and retail discounts at global Marriott locations Well-known training and learning opportunities and educational assistance to ensure you’re equipped to do your job and prepared for the next step in your career Workplace Recognition At Marriott they recognize their employees for their commitment to delivering exceptional guest experiences and their passion for our business, including recognition of: Non-management employees who demonstrate outstanding commitment to our guests, and recognition of managers who demonstrate exceptional leadership each quarter. Employees for their contributions to the success of their location as well as demonstrating commitment to their local communities. Years of service, at 5 year intervals. Employees with 25 years of service with free weekend stays at Marriott properties around the world. Best practices and related challenges As one of the world’s largest hotel brands, Marriott International employs approximately 110,000 associates in its 700 managed U.S. hotels. With a large staff and significant safety challenges, Marriott has developed a sophisticated and innovative workers’ compensation program, recognized by the 2007 Theodore Roosevelt Workers’ Compensation Award committee as one of the best programs in the country. The objectives of Marriott’s workers’ compensation program are simple: promptly respond to workplace injuries with quality medical care and return associates to work as quickly and safely as possible—all while controlling costs. The program has an impressive track record of success—over the past five years, its claims frequency has dropped by 15 percent, and claims costs also decreased by 15 percent. 2) Analyze how your company applies compensation practice to determine the positive or negative impact to the company and its stakeholders. The Compensation Policy Committee (the â€Å"Committee†), which is composed solely of independent members  of the Board, assists the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities relating to executive compensation. The Committee is responsible for overseeing compensation programs that enable the Company to attract, retain and motivate executives capable of establishing and implementing business plans in the best interests of the shareholders. The Committee, on behalf of and in certain instances subject to the approval of the Board, reviews and approves compensation programs for certain senior officer positions. In this context, the Committee reviewed and discussed with management the Company’s Compensation Discussion and Analysis required by Item 402(b) of SEC Regulation S-K. Following the reviews and discussions referred to above, the Committee recommended to the Board that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included in the Company’s annual report on Form 10-K and this proxy statement. The Committee reviews individual base salaries for the NEOs each February for the current fiscal year. As a part of this review, the Committee considers whether base salary levels are commensurate with the executives’ responsibilities and the external market. For 2011, management recommended a 3.5% salary increase for each of the NEOs, except for Mr. Berquist for whom management recommended a salary increase of 5.0% based on a review of market data. The increases, as shown in the table below, were consistent with the increase for all eligible management associates and with salary increases in the marketplace. The Compensation Consultant reviewed and supported the recommendation, which was approved by the Committee and, with respect to Messrs. Marriott and Sorenson, by the Board. To promote growth and profitability, the Company maintains two annual cash bonus plans: the Marriott International, Inc. Executive Officer Incentive Plan (â€Å"Incentive Plan†), which focuses on a diluted EPS objective, and the Marriott International, Inc. Executive Officer Individual Performance Plan (â€Å"Individual Plan†), which targets several other financial, operational and human capital objectives for the year. Together, the plans are designed to provide executives with appropriate compensation incentives to achieve identified annual corporate and individual performance objectives. At its February 2011 meeting, the Committee approved the specific performance objectives under each bonus plan for 2011. In February 2012, after the release of the 2011 fiscal year audited financial results, the Committee reviewed each NEO’s performance The Incentive Plan rewards executives for  the Company’s achievement of pre-established Company financial objectives . The Incentive Plan payout represents 60% of the total annual bonus opportunity under the combined Incentive Plan and Individual Plan for all named executives other than Mr. Capuano, for whom it represents 10%. For Mr. Capuano, the largest relative component of his annual bonus opportunity is room growth, consistent with his primary area of responsibility. In 2011, the Incentive Plan focused entirely on diluted EPS performance. The Company places a heavy emphasis on diluted EPS as a performance measure because diluted EPS is an important indicator of Company profitability and aligns the interests of management with those of shareholders. For the purpose of the Incentive Plan, the Company uses diluted EPS as reported under U.S. GAAP, as may be modified during the target-setting process for items that are not expected to have a direct impact on the business going forward. Although no such adjustments were made during the target-setting process for 2011, in February 2012 the Committee adjusted the diluted EPS target and diluted EPS results to reflect the spin-off of the Company’s timeshare business as described below. 3) Examine the ways in which laws, labor u nions, and market factors impact the company’s compensation practices. Provide specific examples to support your response. There are six main forces in any company’s Macro-environment. Political Political factors can affect the company’s macro-economy. As it did when there was a blast in Islamabad in 2008, which had a negative effect on the business of the company. People get scared and loyalty guests of Marriott were lost to some extent. Economic Keeping in mind the competition by major hotels like Hilton the Marriott has an extensive growth plan with many projects pipelined in 2011 in many countries like India, Vietnam, China, etc. Socio-cultural Marriott contributes towards American Red Cross societies by driving towards the blood donation rides by the employees contributing towards disaster relief and it contributes towards the Red Cross relief fund annually. The company supports Children Miracle Network’s since 1983 and was the first to support. Marriott Vienna started supporting the SOS children groups in 2004. Marriott got many rewards  ³America most admired company award. ´- (fortune magazine 2000-2007) 250 properties of Marriott hotels have  ³ENERGY STAR ´ label Technological Marriott have developed a lot since 1998. Earlier reservations were just done by calling on particular numbers or by travel agents, tour operators. Currently they have centralized reservation system where you can book the hotels from anywhere in the world. They have accurate room rates on their website. Environmental factors Marriott international is very environmental friendly brand. Most of the amenities used are eco-friendly and have water recycling plan 4) Evaluate the effectiveness of traditional bases for pay at the company you researched. Key Objectives for an Effective Pay System †¢ It should encourage people to develop the kind of skills that will make them more productive, will enhance their self-esteem/self-worth, and will help the organization become more effective. †¢ The pay system needs to attract and retain the right kind of individuals for the organization. †¢ It should reinforce the kind of behaviors the organization needs in order to be effective. †¢ It must motivate performance †¢ It should impact the culture of the organization in a positive way. Some specifics could include: – Have at worst a neutral impact on labor management cooperation – Contribute to teamwork or at least not get in the way of teamwork – Support the idea of life long learning as appropriate †¢ It should have some cost dimensions that are favorable for the organization such as being competitive in the marketplace. Center for competitive management

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Prejudice, Stereotypes, and Discrimination Essay

â€Å"We all decry prejudice, yet are all prejudiced. † Herbert Spencer. One of the greatest problem that our world faces is prejudice, we discrimination and stereotype those that we find not to be the same as us or even slightly different. In some form or another we all have experience some form of stereotype or discrimination. It has an effect on the way we think and act. Here we try to understand the reason for prejudice, why we stereotypes and discrimination that has continue to affect out world. What is prejudice? â€Å"Prejudice is the act of judging an individual of a certain group based on perceived notions about that particular group. Prejudice is linked to discrimination but prejudice is an attitude whereas discrimination is the action associated with that attitude. †(Prejudice 2001). Many times we dislike something or someone just because they look or act differently from us. â€Å"A group that you are a part of is called your in-group. Ingroups might include gender, race, or city or state of residence, as well as groups you might intentionally join, like Kiwanis or a bowling league. A group that you do not identify with is called your outgroup. † ( Feenstra, 2013) everyone belongs to a certain group and we all know who is in our group and those that do not fit in our groups. Most time adult do not realize when they somehow out a person from there groups, but some do it intentionally. When we out a person from our group we really do not take the time to get to know or find out who they are, but we tend to pass judgment on them anyways. â€Å"Stereotypes are beliefs about the characteristics of particular groups or members of those groups. †( Feenstra, 2013) people tend to place into categories things and people, gathering them together without learn who or what they are. For example; that everyone that speaks Spanish is Mexican, when in reality there is a total of 21 Spanish country and they do not all speak the same Spanish. When we stereotype people into groups, we form opinion about them without getting to know there person, this sometime causing prejudice and discrimination against them. â€Å"They not only reflect beliefs about the traits that characterize the typical member of a group but also contain information about other qualities, such as social roles, the degree to which members of the group share a quality, and emotional reactions. Stereotypes imply a substantial amount of other information about a person besides what is immediately apparent and generate expectations about individual group members beyond the current situation ). One important time frame in the world would be the holocaust were the Jewish people were separated from other people because they were believed to be lower than the German and the cause of their problem lead them to torture and abuse the Jewish people as well as kill thousands of Jewish men woman and children. The people that suffer the most from prejudice and any form of discrimination are woman and children especially those living in third world country were at time it is the root of wars. I have been lucky not have been affected by any form of prejudice or discrimination. But as a teen in high school there was always that one person that felt like stereotyping a few people to try to hurt them. Only thru education can we combat any form of stereotypes, discrimination and Prejudice. In conclusion stereotypes, discrimination and Prejudice has influence the way people think and act. It has been the cause of suffering to those effected, as well as the cause of war and separation. Prejudice is a form of ignorance; it is a lack of knowledge, a lack of understanding toward others. Thru education and tolerances we can learn to accept other no matter where they.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Synthesis Paper

For example, Tony Parker is a good person with a good heart wherein he helps those needy people. This comes from his winnings against their past opponents giving support on their charity. The achievement is not only for him but also to those people who need their help. These traits are passing from one person to the other. It could be his son who will continue what he had started. When they grew up, they will know more about the things they haven't done and understand yet. One factor that a person had adapted is also from the environment, the people around who encourage them.Behavior involves responding to or interacting with the environment. The total response mechanism involves systems like the nervous system, glands, muscles and sense organs. The five senses, sense of sight, hear, smell, taste and touch; you will be able to do daily activities. For example, when you are blind you lost your sense of sight. So how could you identify things behind you or what will you do. This lack c an lead you to accidents. Sensation is the process by which our senses gather information and send it to the brain. It is a passive process of bringing information from the outside world into the DOD and to the brain.This works when the sensory organs absorb energy from a physical stimulus in the environment and sensory receptors convert this energy into neural impulses and send them to the brain. A large amount of information is being sensed at any one time such as room temperature, brightness of the lights, someone talking, a distant train, or the smell of perfume. With all this information coming into our senses, the majority of our world never gets recognized. We don't notice radio waves, x-rays, or the microscopic parasites crawling on our skin.We don't sense all the odors round us or taste every individual spice in our gourmet dinner. We only sense those things we are able too since we don't have the sense of smell like a bloodhound or the sense of sight like a hawk; our thres holds are different from these animals and often even from each other. Perception is the active process of selecting, organizing and interpreting the information brought to the brain by the senses. This works when the brain organizes the information and translates it into something meaningful. For example, when he/she is in pain, you comfort him/her.Why did you act like that? This only means that o are worried if something happens because you have a feeling of admiration. Your brain tells you to make him/her happy for him/her to be able to forget about it even for a day, much better for a lifetime. It may seem that learning and memory would be an easy thing to talk about since they're such universal phenomena. But because they're so universal many people often use different words to refer to the same thing and sometimes the same words to refer to different things. That can lead to a wealth of confusion.Learning is a durable change in behavior or knowledge due to experience. This act ually covers a lot of ground. For example, a guy watching a basketball strategy lessons so he can play well to impress girls. At first you don't want to learn more strategy on how to play a basketball but because it has an advantage, you are pursuing to learn. You ask guidance from your friends who knows how to play well or this way which is now commonly used preferably teenagers who were fun of watching videos on Youth. In this way it is easy for them to learn because there are many ways on how to do it.You learn when you really want too, especially when it gives you a pleasing resonantly and others do it for fame. Fame in which from the start they were craving but now they were masters. How will you able to learn when you're too lazy? Laziness is the most commonly reasons wherein they don't have learning specially students. How will you able to get good grades without learning. Types of learning aren't all the same, don't all use the same psychological processes or require the sam e parts of the brain, but they're still learning according to our definition.Memory means by which past experience is drawn on to guide or direct behavior or thoughts in the present. For example, an adult playing basketball and dribbling it like he did when he was a kid 20 years ago. Remembering this times make him remember the good times when he is still young. He could play with his friends at the streets during their free time. Taking a look at the past makes him happy, but there were also experiences which are suppose not to bring out anymore. It might be a painful past or a bad dream you have encountered. It's difficult when you lost your memory where in fact this is one of the most important things.Ever wonder why some people meme to be very successful, highly motivated individuals? Where does the energy, the drive, or the direction come from? Motivation is an area of psychology that has gotten a great deal of attention. You are motivated by your family, friends and of course God. For example, a guy who wants to play basketball. He plays because he was motivated by his friends to gain fame and impress someone whom he admires most. So he practices during his break time. Motivation helps you also gain self confidence facing unknown people around you. You also don't feel that tired and helpless.The reason is cause we all want to be successful, we all want direction and drive, and we all want to be seen as motivated. Consciousness is the awareness of external events, internal sensations, the self, and thoughts about experiences. The conscious state is a state of awareness where the mind knows exactly what it is thinking of. We can be highly conscious, or unconscious. We get drowsy as we wake up in the morning getting more aware of our thoughts and feelings. High-level of awareness in the conscious state involves controlled processing, where attention is most alert and selective, allowing us to focus.Sleeping is essentially important to us because our mental and physical functioning can deteriorate if we go without it for extended period. Our sleep and wakefulness are regulated in accordance with our external events. For example, you play basketball last day with your friends; you are really tired because you like your team to won against you're opponents because they were strong combination also. Because of that, you sleep early but wake up in the morning late. Your body needs rest to gain back the energy you had used the other day.Intelligence has been defined in many different ways such as n terms of one's capacity. It can also be more generally described as the ability to perceive and retain knowledge. For example, for your team to be able to win in a basketball, you and your teammates are supposed to have knowledge on how to do that or to do this especially defends and offensives. Within the discipline of psychology, various approaches to human intelligence have been adopted. The psychometric approach is especially familiar to the general public, as well as being the most researched and by far the most widely used in practical settings