Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Strategic Information Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Strategic Information Management - Essay Example The following paper describes the various e-business strategies that can be employed for effectiveness approach to promote business online and opportunities offered by e-commerce systems to enable organizations to enjoy more effective supply chain management. However, with the advancement of technology that is taking place and the incremental amount of businesses going online, many business organizations are also interested in starting online operations as well. The new emerging companies are interested in going online and making the business a click and effective business. With access to the internet, the companies exposed to larger target market. They would be able to sell their products to the target market outside of the political and state boundaries of their local region. This will significantly impact the operations of the business, which will expand and can then go global in the long run. However, in order to be able to start a business or a retail option online, the new comp anies will have to brand itself and its products to stand out from the competition. In this regard, the new companies can use their current image of the business and leverage it to build the same high class and high quality product oriented approach and effective supply chain management for the online business. 2. E-Commerce - its Effectiveness to Promote Business Online "E-Commerce is defined as selling goods and services over the Internet, both businesses to consumer (B2C), consumer to consumer (C2C), and business to business (B2B), the latter is sometimes also referred to as e-business". 2.1 The death of Distance Distance was, in the pre modern world, a variable of the greatest marketing significance. As the real estate maxim has it, the three rules of real estate valuation are location, location, location. In global marketing, strategies and practice reflected the importance of distance. The most important variable impacting trade behavior, for example is the distance. The primary trading partners of every county are the proximate neighbors: for the United States they are Canada and Mexico, for Canada and Mexico it is the United States. For France it is Germany, and for Germany it is France, and so on around the world. There has always been a positive correlation between trade and proximity. However, the internet is totally independent of distance. Electrons traveling at the speed of light get to anywhere in the world in the same time and at the same cost. An e-mail send, does not make a difference in time or cost whether the mail is addressed to next door neighbor or to someone halfway aro und the world. The same thing is true of a Web site: The location of the site does not affect the cost or speed of access. For the first time in history, the world has become

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