Monday, September 9, 2019

Linguistics and Media Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Linguistics and Media - Term Paper Example It is the short form or ellipsis of a word or phrase. It is also called initialisms: using the initials of the words and compressing it into short form, such as in the word LOL taking L from ‘laughing’, O from ‘out’, and L from ‘loud’. 2. Abbreviations: 1. f2t? : free to talk 2. cul8r: see you later 3. Ruok? = Are you ok? 4. Xlnt! = excellent 5. 2day: today 6. B4: before 7. thN: then/than The word formation process used here is pseudo-acronym. These appear as acronym or abbreviation but they actually are not and they do not stand for anything. They are used because, when pronounced as intended, they resemble the sounds of other words. They are words or initials used to give the sound of an entire word or phrase. Such as the words given above: Before = b4. B. Frames: In the excerpt, the main structuring frame is the semantic frame, it is a coherent structure of concepts; a word, idea or a concept cannot give meaning unless all elements of the str ucture are present (Gelbukh 307-312). The extract is a pep talk, an encouraging speech that motivates the people and congratulates them on choosing the right option for themselves and their country. The major points of the passage were conveyed in empathic tones, choosing to use ‘we’ rather than ‘I’, it emphasizes the importance of the people and that only by standing together they can overcome obstacles. It constructs a mental state of unity and importance in listeners Attributes and values of the frame: 1. Attributes: The attributes in this frame is the victory that is being celebrated which brings with it a lot of challenges also. 2. Values: The individual instantiation is the phrase â€Å"I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight† - it represents the individual symbolization of the attribute: the victory that comes with challenges, that the individual is hopeful that they can be solved C. Metaphors: A conceptual metaphor refers to understa nding one idea or concept with the help of another idea. An idea or thought is explained in terms of another, they are a way of communication and shape our way of thinking and acting. Conceptual metaphors have become a regular part of our communication. The American public is hungry for a national policy that is coherent and cohesive: The conceptual metaphor in this sentence is â€Å"hungry for† which shows want and need of the American Public and the extent and depth of their need. This expresses the ferocity of their need so that the reader has an acute idea of the profundity of their wish. Last week I was depressed, my spirits sank and I was really low. But my best friend has cheered me up since, and I am feeling up now: The cognitive or conceptual metaphor in this sentence is â€Å"spirits sank and I was really low. I am feeling up now† it is trying to express emotions in terms of directionality. The term low refers to being down, less, dejected, morose, depressed etc.; sank also assumes the same meanings. It shows the direction of his emotions that they are low or have sunk, meaning he is very depressed. Opposing low is up; which has a positive meaning or perception in the human mind, up depicts a state of growth, happiness, acceleration, betterment etc. so saying that I am up now means that I am feeling better or happier now. We launched this campaign not far from here on a beautiful June day. It has been an extraordinary journey. The metaphor is â€Å"it has been an extraordinary journey†; journey is a source domain in this sentence, the word from which we draw the

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