Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Westward Hilton Hotel Competitive Advantages Case Study

Westward Hilton Hotel Competitive Advantages - Case Study ExampleIt is unornamented when Enz (472) says that hotel revenue per available board rose from a rate of $66.65 to $123.10 within a period of seven years. In addition, customers could quickly determine the hotel from afar due to its strategic position made it easy to access. The competitive advantages enjoyed by Westward hotel were sustainable. The hotel had the energy to accommodate many cursory travelers. Enz (456) says that the hotel was located in a 13-story building with 300 guest rooms. It is evident the hotel was spacious enough to hold a large number of patronagemen and visitors at a go. The hotel oversight had also employed enough staff to cater for the large visitor turn out. Additionally, though transient travelers do not have a demographic preference, the hotel was strategically located for the tourists acting as an added advantage. The kind-hearted practices and culture at Westward hotel were not easy to i mitate for competitors. For the to the highest degree competitor, time was an essential and noteworthy component in the production. Efficient utilization of time was the primary cause of success in most hotels. Few if none could allow their members of staff to sleep while on duty. Westward was different as they tolerated some of their elderly workers to take a nap. According to Enz (471), the Westward Company was tolerant and trusted their workers. They allowed an older woman, who worked at the laundry, thirty minutes nap daily while on duty. In addition, Westward had a family environment where managers interacted closely with employees. The hotel management took good care of their employees motivating them and their families. They showered their employees with a seasonal gift during spanking holidays like Christmas. Enz (471) further states that Westward gave their employees a chance to be and express themselves. In most business environments, employees are expected to stick to the company rules and regulations.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility in the Tobacco Industry Essay

Corporate Social Responsibility in the Tobacco Industry - Essay ExampleThis research will begin with the statement that the baccy perseverance has consistently increased its corporate social responsibility presence in the society as a humankind relations exercise. This is with the intention of negating the ills of its operations on the society. Nevertheless, regardless of its efforts, smoking continues to cause death, deforestation, child dig up and environmental degradation at a level that should be stopped by all kernel possible. The tobacco industry has capitalized on the wellness, social, economic and environmental problems its causes as a business opportunity to get ahead its image without sincerely addressing the problems CSR is supposed to tackle. Therefore, the industrys CSRP is not ethical and defeat the key heart and soul of CSR principles in the business terra firma. The corporate social responsibility attempts by the British American Tobacco Malaysia, which convo luted assistance to tobacco farmers, charitable donations, scholarships grants, and anti-smuggling enforcement, succeeded in improving the companys image in the public and negating criticism directed at its activities. The continued uncensored operations would lead to more public health and environmental problems for the world. Tobacco farming worldwide directly causes environmental degradation through soil depletion and erosion, and piddle table pollution. In developing countries, child laborers exposed to harmful pesticides and nicotine poisoning characterize tobacco farming. This is unethical and unacceptable. There are serious concerns for environmental sustainability as tobacco farming causes around 4 % of the worlds annual global deforestation and the company has no effective measures of dealing with these problems. Transnational tobacco companies CSR initiatives are deceptive and seek to increase smoking and tobacco farming, which Increases their profits. In my view, the tra nsnational tobacco companies cause violated various global business standards in their persistent effort to defeat the various strategies and regulations aimed at controlling the tobacco industry. The world health organization advances most of these schemes.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Analyzing Group Process and Skill Selection Research Paper

Analyzing Group Process and Skill picking - Research Paper ExampleThe gathering has two Professors who act intermittently as pigeonholing facilitators and group therapists. The group is sitting in chairs in a small rotary converter in a comparatively large and empty room. The circle immediately sets the group up to get by issues around closeness and distance. The circle formed allows the members to make (or not make) eye contact. Additionally, who is to say that people ar comfortable sitting at such close proximity to each other In a physical structure where members efficiency feel they cant manage the intensity of the group experience physically, i.e. physically move away from the group, the members are left(p) to find other ways to regulate their experience. Let us look at how the members of this group manage being in a group and what the group is most interested in.The groups primary focus is individual(prenominal) survival and the self-regulation of sensations. The group initially focuses on films which tell stories of survival. However, as time passes, it becomes clear that the group members are talking roughly their own survival, their own struggles in life, and whether breaking down will leave them weak and overwhelmed.The group sets the establish early on by discussing very senseal challenges in their life through the objective vehicle of favorite film. This sets the pitch and the group is involved early on in a struggle of regulation. How much emotion How much is too much Professor Rullos routine is to encourage and facilitate emotion and self-disclosure. Meanwhile, Professor smiths role is to sum up emotional experiences for the group and to contain the boundary for the emotional expressions for the group. The group finds itself moving amid the people who are comfortable with emotions (Renee and Amy) and the people who are less comfortable (Roosevelt and Maria.) These two sub-groups within the group are partly generated by the Professo rs taking opposite positions which leaves the group in the position of taking sides. This tension is difficult for them to experience and there is an obvious tension after Amy cried about her 9-11 experience and Professor Smith interrupts her story and reminds her of Marias struggle to open up earlier, and how Professor Rullo told Maria, Thats enough. Amy hears Professor Smith say, thats enough and she bolts her emotion down. There is some silence in the group and Roosevelt expresses this discomfort and uncertainty by gesturing a alternate to leave the room he does this approximately three times. At this point, the group is at a joint to disclose or to be objective, to survive or breakdown.The next significant moment for the group is when Natasha B. responds to Renees concerns about being, Scared to open that box. Natasha B. sobs about how tough life is for her and for others in the group and she demonstrates the level of cohesion in the group. Immediately following her sobs, we see two things happen almost simultaneously. Firstly, Taryn smiles, presumably with discomfort. She has done this before when mortal else was in distress. Immediately after Taryns smile, Professor Smith captures the emotion in the room and begins to sum it up again, talking of The struggle, the accomplishments. Later on in the session we see this theme of emotional self-regulation once more. In this vignette, we see Professor Rullo redirect the group. Camille says, I dont want to have an emotional breakdown. Professor

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Bereavement & Aging According to Reality Theory Research Paper

Bereavement & Aging According to Reality Theory - Research Paper warningThe accessed memories trigger the individuals vibes or feelings, which in overrule motivate behavioral receipt to generate pleasant vibes and prevent the unpleasant one. This process is rapid and automatic, from the appearance of the stimulus to the ware or behavioral response. Basic to reality theory is the interaction of preconsciously and consciously held beliefs. In terms of adjustment, the nub of an event, derived from the experiential establishment, takes more precedence over the consciously held judicious beliefs (Stroebe, Stroebe, and Hansson, 1999). For instance, in the conscious state of an individual, his rational system could induce emotional distress due to the final stage of a sibling, but his experiential system could evoke a feeling of triumph, along with regrets, in the death of a rival. In this scenario, an individual experiences mental confusion on his inappropriate feelings.Aging is a n intricate multifactorial process which generally influence by the genes and the environment. The physiological and biological bases of aging measurements revealed the prevalent changes brought by the complex processes. These changes in the tissue, molecular and cellular organizations affect the inherent organ system of an animal. Most of these changes involve molecular mechanisms that cause cellular damage which in turn can adversely affect the individual (Cavanaugh and Blanchard-Fields, 2006). Hence, aging is generally described as a place of time-dependent changes which increase the probability of death as the organism gains progress in age. On the other hand, death is a prominent characteristic of biological aging. Death can occur at any microscope stage of human development, but is mostly ascribed to results and implications of the processes of aging. With aging, the function of liver, kidneys, and gut is reduced. Like all other organs, these also fabricate atrophie becau se cells are not being replaced after their

Friday, April 26, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 9

Rhetorical Analysis - study ExampleIt also informs the audience of the challenges faced by various individuals who went through the school. These people are more often than not blacks who sacrificed themselves to the betterment of the society. Obama as the president of the United States made the bringing. In the two speeches, Obama claims that Americas are the authors of their own destiny. He also amplifies the notion that no difference that exists between blacks and whites. Moreover, he concurs that no one should be give preferential treatment based on color, but he or she must work voteless to have such privileges. Obama use of ethos is highlighted in the two speeches and amplifies challenges and problems faced by American people. The perfect northward speech was made when Obama campaign was in jeopardy. This was due to racial profiling that was taking place in opposing camps and some sections of the media. Moreover, his relationship with Reverend Jeremiah Wright and being pa rt of his election campaign. He had been making speech considered offensive to some of the racial groups. These were mostly done during the Sunday sermons. For example, he talks of mistreatment of blacks by the whites (Carney and Sullivan 1). However, Obama disengages from the rector by showing the history of racial differences in United States. He believes that the sentiments of the Reverend are because of what he went through during his upbringing in the fifties. He informs the audience that resentment is a characteristic of both whites and the blacks that whitethorn be caused by either missing opportunities in their lifetime. Obama connection with Reverend Jeremiah Wright was a point of doctor to the audience. This is because he could be perceived as offering support to the blacks at the expense of the whites. This meant that most of the whites could observe vote for him during the democrat primaries and election that were few days ahead. Moreover, other could have denominate him as a racist and thus not suitable for the unification of the American people. However, the speech broadcast to all Americans helped alter most of the perceptions. This reached most of the people who had eligibility to vote. They identified themselves with the challenges Obama was going through. Consequently, they viewed Obama leadership as likely to be inclusive and not condoning racial profiling. Moreover, Obama strong appeals to ethos are seen as he distances himself from Wright. This occurs as he identifies himself as a person involved in the racial history of America. He considers himself a person of a assorted race background. In fact, he concurs to have been raised by white grandmother. He believes that his life has been border by racial inequality. On the other hand, he is an astute politician with a form of upbringing not achieved by many in the society. He manages to show that persons upbringing does not shape his or her destiny. This gives him authority to make cla ims. He also handles the issue of Reverend Wright without appearing to defile his character. He pleads with black Americans to embrace the burden of our past without becoming victims of our past (Jones 1). Obama understands these burdens as he is labeled as a racist during primaries. Moreover, he once heard the white grandmother-talking saying that she was cautious of the downcast Americans in their neighborhood. Moreover, he puts Wrights views on the mistreatment of the blacks into historical context. He did this with

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Professional Statement for Psychology Counseling BA degree Personal

Professional for Psychology Counseling BA degree - Personal Statement idealAs an single(a) who has deep concerns for the miseries and issues faced by the fellow human beings, I have very much regarded the career of a professional practitioner of psychological counseling as an effective way to give my service to the well being of the society and the people around me. Similarly, a reflective self judgement of my strengths, weaknesses, and personal qualities also offers me the good reason for selecting a career in Psychology and Counseling. As an individual who has successfully completed Bible college graduation, I am most concerned about the psychological personal matters of the people around. I also have great experience of working among people who need intellectual strength and support. Along with my regular preaching in various religious programs, I also orchestrate Bible studies for women at a rescue mission. The experience that I gathered from such activities, significantl y, strengths and personal qualities as a person qualified for the career in Psychology and Counseling. I share great pardon with people who are in distress and miseries, and have a strong desire to armed service them touch their goals. I have often been excited to find positive changes in the lives of people around me through care, compassion and divine understanding. My Christian values and spirit of compassion and charity also have put upd to my finish to opt for this career and course. Therefore, a self appraisal of my strengths, weaknesses, personal qualities definitely confirm that my experiences and qualifications will contribute to my chosen field, which is Psychology and Counseling (BA) degree.The career of Psychology and Counseling has a great scope in the development of my personal life and achievement of my life-goals. As a person who has ever been interested in assisting people in need, the career of a professional practitioner of psychological counseling can help me realize my career goals, and I understand Psychology

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Creativity and entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

creative thinking and entrepreneurship - Essay ExampleThe favorable network studies scholars had claimed that creativity of an individual or a concern is significantly dependent on social networks that are static over time. The static network concepts are fundamentally maven network point at a time. Here networks are either described on the basis of their position or strength. However, it should be noted that the precise relationship existing between social network and creativity is not clearly known. Even so, it is believed that creativity of an individual or an organization is a component of social process. At the initial stages it was believed that social networking viewpoint of creativity was only a one dimensional static concept (Perry-Smith and Shalley, 2003). However, over time it is found that the concept can be 4-dimensional in nature, including both static and dynamic berths. Creativity and progress of an organization can only be tackled by its promoters or entrepreneu rs. This essay will analyze the most appropriate approach of social networking perspective of creativity in context of entrepreneurship.The social network perspective has been advocated by Perry-Smith and Shalley (2003), which identifies interpersonal interaction and interpersonal communication as two important antecedents or precursors to creativity. This concept has been previously agreed upon by diverse scholars such as Amabile (1996) and Woodman, Sawyer and Griffin (1993), proposing that communication of information and ideas enhance creativity. Interpersonal communication has been cogitate to creativity and knowledge level skills. Similarly, interpersonal interaction includes communication with people across diverse backgrounds, long suit areas and responsibilities (Woodman et al., 1993). Thus, one of the major factors differentiating social network perspective is its dynamic relationship and

Compare and contrast the relative competitiveness of small firms and Essay

Comp atomic number 18 and contrast the relative scrap of small firms and large firms - Essay ExampleHowever, there be legion(predicate) definitions for the firms among various economists and researchers be electrostatic on their efforts to study more on the competitive factors between large firms and small firms. weakened firms Small scale firms are privately owned and operated military control undertakings, classified on their characteristics like small enactment of employees and lower disorder. They usually occupy only a tiny segment of the market place where they are operating. For the purpose of simplifying the accounting requirements, section 382 and 465 of the Companies Act 2006 defined the Small and Medium sized firms on the foothold of the amount of business carried out by the company. They define, a small company is one that has a turnover of non more than ?6.5 million, a balance sheet total of not more than ?3.26 million and not more than 50 employees (Small and medium sized enterprises, 2011). Large firms Large firm is often considered as an scotch cluster of large profit-making corporations who have the ability to directly influence the social and political policy. Large firms are usually identified on the basis of national ranking rather than their actual size. They have more advantages in the market which the small firms do not possess, such as the flexible pricing policies. They are capable of changing the price at frequent intervals. Rebecca Hellerstein and Pinelopi Goberg (cited by Derby, 2011) write that large firms are changing their overlaps prices more frequently than the small firms do, and by smaller amounts. Competitiveness Competitiveness is a word having numerous definitions. Here we will take the business aspect of engagement into account. Chikan (2006, p.46) gives one of the most acceptable definitions and it says, business competitiveness is a competence of the company that allows the company to provide products and services for customers within the standards of social responsibilities, that (i) are preferred to the products and services of other competitors and (ii) provide profit for the company (ed. Reine, 2009, p. 179). Competitiveness is considered to be a multi-dimensional perception. This circumstance has a three diverse but interconnected stages firm, industry, and country take aim. And we are concentrating on the firm level competitiveness. As both firms are taken into consideration, growth is an important point and is a performance stones throw that gives and additional vision of the strength and competitiveness of the firms. Firms can benefit in many ways from the competitiveness, if put-upon efficiently, which includes higher efficiency in the market, improved power, capacity to withstand the changes of environment, higher profits, and enlarged prestige for the firm. The competitiveness exists not only depending on the associationalism of firms but also determined by the allianc e between the local anaesthetic businesses and governments. Not many other economic factors have gained attention as competitiveness has done. Competitiveness is apply often to deal with any aspect regarding the market performance. The most important factors affecting the competitiveness are, product quality, capability towards innovation, being able to adjust easily according to customers need. Price competitiveness As we conference about the price competitiveness between the small and large firms, the most disputed issue that comes to the approach is predatory pricing, a practice implemented by the large business firms, which offers massive discounts to the consumers. This

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Role of United nation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Role of United nation - engraft about ExampleUN plays a critical role in Iraq in terms of the reconstruction, promotion and support of semipolitical and national reconciliation. This is enhanced by its efforts to coordinate with donors as well as international financial institutions with a common course. Ideally, there is funding, planning and implementation of reintegration programs for convert illegal armed militias. Also there is the help of the national as well as local government institutions. Other insights include them upholding of the bump of law in Iraq, advising the Iraqs High Independent Electoral Commission on ways to strengthen electoral processes, coordinating efforts for reliable census occurrence within the state, addressing of the human rights issues and commendably support the return of refugees and internally displaced persons. It should be imperative to note that reform of the economy is the most important role it serves to date. (Berdal, 2004)Amid sluggish global growth and declining aid flows, the United Nations has been able to achieve development and is scaling to higher heights to set forth development globally through the millennium development goals. In its course include obliteration of extreme poverty and hunger, support towards achievement of universal primary education, promotion of gender equality and dominance of women, reduction of child mortality, and enhancement of maternal health, addressing ways to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases and assurance of environmental sustainability. Through all these, development is achieved tremendously. (Millennium, 2000)Millenium Report of the Secretary General (2000) we the peoples The Role of the United Nations in the twenty-first Century, A/54/2000, UN.org, (New York United Nations), ,

Monday, April 22, 2019

Emerging Wireless Technology in the Healthcare Industry Assignment

emergent Wireless Technology in the Healthcare Industry - Assignment ExampleIn fact, these investments have cause deepen efficiency, the implementation of new processes and high quality of services. In spite of all these developments the health care vault of heaven failed to way out pleasure in the efficiency and improvements since the healthcare sector has always been working under inadequate resources. With the public life of time, the strategy makers, decision makers, operators, and other stakeholders realized the importance of information and communication technology, in particular radiocommunication technology and observed a chance to deal with some of the major issues the healthcare industry is liner (Hafeez-Baig & Gururajan, 2009). This paper discusses the use of wireless technologies in healthcare sector. The paper also outlines the advantages and drawbacks of wireless technologies in the linguistic context of the healthcare sector. A large number of researches have s hown that the use of wireless computing understructure aid healthcare firms deal with some of the critical problems for instance reduction in expenditures, quality of care, reduction in errors, shortages of human resources, reduction in financial support, and high satisfaction levels among employees and customers. For instance, an electronically readable code roll in the hay be assigned to a patient registering in a hospital and an employee using wireless devices sens insert vital information straightforwardly into the hospital network. In the same way, wireless devices can be utilized to connect a patients body to a variety of hospital machines and devices with the purpose of keeping records of medical checkup data for instance heart function, blood pressure and these important features can be straightforwardly recorded, on a regular basis monitored and assessed by healthcare professionals both within and outside the hospital (Hafeez-Baig & Gururajan, 2009). According to (Guru rajan & Murugesan, 2005), in healthcare sector wireless technology is utilized as an umbrella term which involves the use of a wide diverge of wireless devices such as personal digital assistants, mobile and handheld computers, mobile phones, wireless computer networks pagers and mobile and wireless communications. As discussed above, in healthcare sector wireless technologies can be used for completing a wide variety of t needs. For instance, wireless technologies can be utilized by healthcare professionals to access patient data and records, to collect and store data and records of patients at the point of entry or to enter or update definite predefined data/information with the purpose of processing billing related issues (Gururajan & Murugesan, 2005). In addition, through these wireless technologies and handheld devices, healthcare professionals can perform different tests, advise medicines, and ask for additional services straightforwardly from the patients bed. One of the mo st important advantages for the healthcare sector is that wireless devices can offer care as well as other connected services, anywhere, at any time, and at an affordable price, at the point of care in extremely competitive surroundings. For that reason, it can be utter that the implementation and use of wireless technologies can be significant for successful survival and improvement of healthcare sector. In fact, in addition to a reduction in the need for additional hardware/ direct

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Project commission - Essay ExampleEurotunnel could not afford to delay the work as it had to incur huge loses of it. still the work got delayed due to the excogitation problems of the Shuttle Wagons. The safety norms were in truth important as the gestate tunnel was a 20 Km long enclosed tunnel under the sea. Fire accidents were very common in such situations. The IGC was responsible to evaluate the safety, security and environmental standards of the project. They found flaws in the design of the Shuttle black Maria. Due to this fact, the project was getting delayed. The company had to again redesign its Shuttle by install fire doors to secure the shuttle in times of fire accidents. The other changes in design lead to modifications in other parts of the shuttle wagon. Eurotunnel, the owner of the telephone line tunnel had to incur extra embody and pay high interest due to such delays (Kirkland, n. d.). Project BackgroundThe Channel Tunnel was inclined(p) keeping in mind the fire and the life safety issues. The designs of the channel tunnel and the shuttle wagon travelling through it were approved by the IGC. The channel tunnel comprised of two tunnels for shuttle wagons and in among these two tunnels there is a path or road mainly used for surveillance. These tunnels and the path be interconnected at three intervals and proper ventilation system was also there within the channel tunnel (Whitaker, n. d.).The shuttle wagon is the largest vehicle in the railway systems of the world. These shuttle wagons cover almost fractional of the tunnel space. The shuttle trains were about 776 m long and had 28 wagons and 2 locomotives. The shuttle wagons were manufactured by the Euroshuttle Wagons Consortium. These shuttle

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Discussion Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 34

Discussion - Coursework ExampleOne of the best treatments for VTE prophylaxis in stroke patients is the Trans esophageal echo-Doppler arrangement (TEDS). Research by (Maltagliati, Galli, Tamborini, Calligaris, Doria, Salehi, Pepi, 2006) shows that this treatment is useful in coagulation that will aid in the improve of the patients. The patients can, therefore, be treated with the help of the Advanced Practice Nurses. scds, and Heparin or Lovenox are also resign useful in the treatment of VTE prophylaxis in stroke patients when the nurse properly administers the drugs.When nurses and physicians in an organization bind used to doing things in a certain way, then this forms a particular organizational culture. This culture whitethorn interfere with the executing of new things into the organization. One of the things that may be hindered by organizational culture is the implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP) (Aarons, Sawitzky, 2006). This research means that it may be diffi cult to implement some changes the TEDS treatment. However, with proper perplexity and instructions the evidence-based research can be used to help patients in the organization.Maltagliati, A., Galli, C. A., Tamborini, G., Calligaris, A., Doria, E., Salehi, R., & Pepi, M. (2006). Usefulness of transoesophageal echocardiography before cardioversion in patients with atrial fibrillation and different anticoagulant regimens. Heart, 92(7),

Friday, April 19, 2019

The Level of Empathy in Waste Land Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Level of Empathy in profusion Land - Essay ExampleThe task of having to go through the process of capturing events on film without instigation to preserve objectivity is one that is an integral part of the entire process. At the same time, to be able to keep in mind that they are working with people yields the necessity of participating. The fact that Muniz was already composite and is in charge of the process gives the filmmakers the chance to encapsulate the interaction between the world-renowned Brazilian contemporary artist and his advocacy to help. As the director herself has pointed out, Theres no limit to the responsibility you have as a documentary filmmaker to portray ordinary people. I think its fantastic that in the film, you see Vik arguing with his wife about whether to bring to London or not for the auction (Steinberg, n.p.). This icon actually built the most tension and a thought-provoking one in fact as both sides have equally persuasive arguments. The level of empathy that was instilled throughout the documentary set out the stirred flow that enabled to send its message across. Near the end of the film, the audience sees Muniz in a pensive sense of humour contemplating how his life could easily have been in the same direction as the garbage-pickers. Vik Muniz diligently cleared a trail for himself, which he studied, expanded, and further elaborated, until gleefully setting a distinctive course for his work (Amaral, par.2). This may have been the case but his life has been one of amazement from the cause which led him to New York to his succeeder as a modern artist. Halfway through the film, any viewer would realize that the story is not about him and how he helped the poor people of Brazil. No, right after Isis posing for the camera one straightway realizes that there is more than charity that fuels it.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Questions 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Questions 2 - Essay ExampleIsaac Newtown (1642-1727) advanced the existent theories on astronomy and formulated a comprehensive model on the workings of the universe based on gravitational law (Hatch, mirror symmetry 6). He is also accredited to have developed calculus through his theories. Newton advanced Copernicus guessing of the earth being a planet, and that the interplanetary space is empty.Johannes Keppler (1571-1630) developed the cosmographic mystery accounting for the planetary orbits. Keplerarian astronomy was also a credited with the heliocentric Copernican with uniform circular motion (Barrow, 56). Keppler defined the orbital characteristics of planets, and he thought he had exhausted the structural reality of the cosmos that he sought new(a) celestial physics. He also had various contributions to mathematics (Hatch, Para 3).The scientific revolution had profound impacts on both religious and education beliefs. One of its proceedss was the rise of skepticism such(pre nominal) that a figure bid Descartes even doubted its own existence. He later realized that his thinking proved his own existence.Another consequence of the scientific revolution was the challenge to religion where science proposed that the universe worked within mechanical laws, thus without theologys intervention. The friction surrounded by science and religion led to suffering of some of the pioneers of this revolution such as Galileo in the hands of the catholic church. The new science also led to decline in the belief of natural and demonic magic. Since there had been an established religious culture, science brought about the divide between the learned and the popular culture (Brian et. al. Chapter

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Software to support assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Software to abet estimate - Essay ExampleI would also have the ability to look at the assimilators examine and test scores, as well as time spent in answering individual questions and how oft time was spent in finishing the test. Results from the assessment would aid me in the identification of the areas that students did not perceive satisfactorily. Following the analysis of the results, it is easy to reconstruct the methods of teaching that would leave behind me, as an educator, to teach lessons in a mode that the students can comprehend (Russell 1). Formative assessment is embedded, typically, within the process of instruction. A simple way of defining formative assessment is that it is used during instructions. It can be utilized to determine the topics or involve that require addressing with a student. It can be used to identify gaps in what has been learnt and the reason they are attempt (Hickey 1). It includes homework, tests, and interaction with the students. For i nstance, discussions can include allowing children to put down questions and answers before learning topics. nonpareil very rich component of this assessment process is descriptive feedback where, using technology, the teacher can point out the areas the student did well in, as well as offering suggestions for specific improvement. Summative assessment, on the other hand, is attached to students following specific instruction points to measure how they understand a message. Various examples include final and midterm examination exams, interim or districts tests, standardized state exams, and high stakes exams (Hickey 1). They can be utilized for checking subject mastery after a few months or weeks. Technology can be used dart questions to parents to conduct summative assessment using provided questions. Use of technology to assess student learning has unlike advantages. First, it can improve authenticity, as well as alignment with outcomes of learning. TEA can take umteen for ms and the flexibility of design allows for the assessment of a wide array of competencies and skills. It also provides the educator with opportunities to replicate tasks expect of students in a workplace in an environment that is risk free (Penuel & Yarnall 1). Secondly, it also helps in the illuminance of marking criteria. Virtual learning environments allow the educator to present criteria for assessment in the module, which ensures the criteria, is accessible and transparent. Thirdly, it spreads, for students and staff, the assessment load. TEA eases resource re-use and repurposing while enabling automatic marking that reduces the workload. Finally, it improves engagement with students, as well as the promotion of deeper learning. Technology used in assessment-enhancement enables diverse methods to be used in improving grades, allow frequent formative assessment, and support active learning (Penuel & Yarnall 1). However, TEA use has a number of disadvantages. One major issue in the implementation has to do with cost in terms of effort, time, and money that should be weighed against pedagogic benefits (Penuel & Yarnall 1). There are also issues with accessibility as most staff and students digital literacy is not on a level playing field, making some uncomfortable in using TEA. excess students

Satire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Satire - evidence ExampleThe Boy-animal brought the news from his spies posted in Washington that shocked Fox and social lion. America planned to ruin a forest surface area of about 100 sq. miles within its own country, which was known for its flora and animate being and habituated by a rich variety of animals, birds and rare insects. It planned to burn the entire forest to fasten its intentions clear and to give a crushing blow to the fighting will of the Animal Forum. The forest area was at a distance of about 5-6 miles from one of the important industrial and commercial hub of America with a population of more than a million. The forest was guarded by security and had many observation posts. On orders, all of them vacated their qu dodgeers and moved out of the forest area with apprehensions that something unusual was going to happen. The confirmed tuition was that the dishonour would take place after 72 hours at 18.00 hrs. The boy-animal reported, Army personnel in plaincl othes dedicate encircled the area, for every 50 meters, one armed soldier has been posted and all of them at a specified magazine, will pour gallons of petrol on the borders of the forest and set it on fire. Not a fly should escape and not a blade of grass should be left. If any animal tries to escape, out-of-doors fire The orders on protected species, are suspended forthwith. I would like to see a clutch of ash in this forest area. This was the order of the Commanding Officer. The fox and the lion huddled together for consultations. The time for resolute action was in the offing. Let this country have the taste of the power of our counter-attack. Fox and the Lion constituted a special task force of animals, and birds to launch an attack on the city a day before the action intended by the American Forces. The orders were Each one of you will be given a specified task and the action plan will be delivered to you personally by the Boy-animal at the Forest Guard Resort, which has be en vacated by the security personnel. Your responsibilities have been defined and they are in var. with your nature. In addition, the impact of devastation that will happen with your combined and varied attacks would be so horrible that no human being will ever think of attacking you. On conclusion of the war, hold off instructions to move to another forest. You will be escorted by bats at night. The American proceeding was codenamed as Turn All and Burn All. The Area Commander of the force had established his temporary headquarters in a Community, a distance of about 1000 meters from the forest. He was assisted by 4 commissioned officers and a platoon of dare-devil commandoes. The soldiers were devils by disposition as compared to their daring These men had specialized in the art of inflicting cruelty on animals. Everything was ready twenty-four hours before the action would commence. Each soldier was provided with a blind drunk can of petrol to be emptied on the forest border on getting the signal for action. He would also remain battle-ready to shoot any creature that would try to escape from the forest. Fox had designated the Tiger to attack the commander and his force assisted by four big identical looking wild cats, to crucify the ranks, whether they are being attacked by one tiger or five. With a day to go for the operation, the commander and the soldiers were in a relaxed mood