Sunday, April 21, 2019

Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Project commission - Essay ExampleEurotunnel could not afford to delay the work as it had to incur huge loses of it. still the work got delayed due to the excogitation problems of the Shuttle Wagons. The safety norms were in truth important as the gestate tunnel was a 20 Km long enclosed tunnel under the sea. Fire accidents were very common in such situations. The IGC was responsible to evaluate the safety, security and environmental standards of the project. They found flaws in the design of the Shuttle black Maria. Due to this fact, the project was getting delayed. The company had to again redesign its Shuttle by install fire doors to secure the shuttle in times of fire accidents. The other changes in design lead to modifications in other parts of the shuttle wagon. Eurotunnel, the owner of the telephone line tunnel had to incur extra embody and pay high interest due to such delays (Kirkland, n. d.). Project BackgroundThe Channel Tunnel was inclined(p) keeping in mind the fire and the life safety issues. The designs of the channel tunnel and the shuttle wagon travelling through it were approved by the IGC. The channel tunnel comprised of two tunnels for shuttle wagons and in among these two tunnels there is a path or road mainly used for surveillance. These tunnels and the path be interconnected at three intervals and proper ventilation system was also there within the channel tunnel (Whitaker, n. d.).The shuttle wagon is the largest vehicle in the railway systems of the world. These shuttle wagons cover almost fractional of the tunnel space. The shuttle trains were about 776 m long and had 28 wagons and 2 locomotives. The shuttle wagons were manufactured by the Euroshuttle Wagons Consortium. These shuttle

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