Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Role of United nation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Role of United nation - engraft about ExampleUN plays a critical role in Iraq in terms of the reconstruction, promotion and support of semipolitical and national reconciliation. This is enhanced by its efforts to coordinate with donors as well as international financial institutions with a common course. Ideally, there is funding, planning and implementation of reintegration programs for convert illegal armed militias. Also there is the help of the national as well as local government institutions. Other insights include them upholding of the bump of law in Iraq, advising the Iraqs High Independent Electoral Commission on ways to strengthen electoral processes, coordinating efforts for reliable census occurrence within the state, addressing of the human rights issues and commendably support the return of refugees and internally displaced persons. It should be imperative to note that reform of the economy is the most important role it serves to date. (Berdal, 2004)Amid sluggish global growth and declining aid flows, the United Nations has been able to achieve development and is scaling to higher heights to set forth development globally through the millennium development goals. In its course include obliteration of extreme poverty and hunger, support towards achievement of universal primary education, promotion of gender equality and dominance of women, reduction of child mortality, and enhancement of maternal health, addressing ways to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases and assurance of environmental sustainability. Through all these, development is achieved tremendously. (Millennium, 2000)Millenium Report of the Secretary General (2000) we the peoples The Role of the United Nations in the twenty-first Century, A/54/2000, UN.org, (New York United Nations), ,

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