Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Satire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Satire - evidence ExampleThe Boy-animal brought the news from his spies posted in Washington that shocked Fox and social lion. America planned to ruin a forest surface area of about 100 sq. miles within its own country, which was known for its flora and animate being and habituated by a rich variety of animals, birds and rare insects. It planned to burn the entire forest to fasten its intentions clear and to give a crushing blow to the fighting will of the Animal Forum. The forest area was at a distance of about 5-6 miles from one of the important industrial and commercial hub of America with a population of more than a million. The forest was guarded by security and had many observation posts. On orders, all of them vacated their qu dodgeers and moved out of the forest area with apprehensions that something unusual was going to happen. The confirmed tuition was that the dishonour would take place after 72 hours at 18.00 hrs. The boy-animal reported, Army personnel in plaincl othes dedicate encircled the area, for every 50 meters, one armed soldier has been posted and all of them at a specified magazine, will pour gallons of petrol on the borders of the forest and set it on fire. Not a fly should escape and not a blade of grass should be left. If any animal tries to escape, out-of-doors fire The orders on protected species, are suspended forthwith. I would like to see a clutch of ash in this forest area. This was the order of the Commanding Officer. The fox and the lion huddled together for consultations. The time for resolute action was in the offing. Let this country have the taste of the power of our counter-attack. Fox and the Lion constituted a special task force of animals, and birds to launch an attack on the city a day before the action intended by the American Forces. The orders were Each one of you will be given a specified task and the action plan will be delivered to you personally by the Boy-animal at the Forest Guard Resort, which has be en vacated by the security personnel. Your responsibilities have been defined and they are in var. with your nature. In addition, the impact of devastation that will happen with your combined and varied attacks would be so horrible that no human being will ever think of attacking you. On conclusion of the war, hold off instructions to move to another forest. You will be escorted by bats at night. The American proceeding was codenamed as Turn All and Burn All. The Area Commander of the force had established his temporary headquarters in a Community, a distance of about 1000 meters from the forest. He was assisted by 4 commissioned officers and a platoon of dare-devil commandoes. The soldiers were devils by disposition as compared to their daring These men had specialized in the art of inflicting cruelty on animals. Everything was ready twenty-four hours before the action would commence. Each soldier was provided with a blind drunk can of petrol to be emptied on the forest border on getting the signal for action. He would also remain battle-ready to shoot any creature that would try to escape from the forest. Fox had designated the Tiger to attack the commander and his force assisted by four big identical looking wild cats, to crucify the ranks, whether they are being attacked by one tiger or five. With a day to go for the operation, the commander and the soldiers were in a relaxed mood

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