Thursday, June 6, 2019

Characters in Teechers Essay Example for Free

Characters in Teechers EssayThe characters that I maped were Mr Basford and Doug the Caretaker. Mr Basford is the de beaty head, a typical child hater, a nasty piece of work while Doug the Caretaker is, a miserable old man who hates kids and drama.I think I was very(prenominal) well suited to play these characters, as I like to sh erupt a lot and use my voice to project what Im saying.With Mr Basford my face was in a permanent frown, as thats how I would imagine him to be, barely a man that would never ever smile, even at anything that everybody else would find funny. I dont think that I did any specific gestures as Mr Basford. I know that when I was shouting, I was rocking back and forth on my feet to try and emphasise that I was angry and to try and show that I was so angry that I couldnt check out myself.I walked around the room like I owned it, to try and show that I was in total control as I think that Mr Basford would just have a lot of authority so thats what I was try ing to show. I put my back substantial and led my walk with my nose, as if I was looking down it at people because I had a higher status then them.My favourite show that I used was May the Lord thy God have mercy on your soul, for I, my child, certainly will not I used this one seemingly to show what Mr Basford would be like, using ridiculous phrases to show how angry and crazy he is, which I said in a sarcastic tone.I didnt inevitably put a specific accent on, but I did raise my voice quite a lot because I think that he would just be shouting all the time.I think that if I could choose a costume for Mr Basford then he would be wearing a grey, dumb dull coloured suit with an equally dull shirt and tie, just to emphasise how boring and dull he is. He would probably wear the equivalent clothes all through the week only washing it at weekends so that he had a quite stale smell. He would also be wearing some sensible black shoes because he is in general a sensible man that wouldnt really be caught wearing trainers.My other(a) character, Doug the Caretaker I think was quite an easy character to play as he was sort of a stereotype of a caretaker. He wasnt a very smart character and only moaned about was everybody else not permit him do his job.Again, with Doug, I had a frown on all the time I was in fibre as him. As I said earlier Doug is a miserable old man who hates kids and drama. So because of this I thought it would be a good idea to make him look as grumpy and miserable and unhappy as possible. I tried to show this by changing my seventh cranial nerve expressions accordingly. When I was arguing with Mr Nixon, I tried to show as clearly as possible that I was not very happy that he wasnt letting me clean the hall.All the way through, I had my buffer out and tried to show that I wanted to clean so I held my arms out to try and show that I really had it to try and show it realistically.When I moved, I was hunched over and I was on a quite downhearted l evel. I did this for this character because I think he would have quite a low status and that all of those years of cleaning would have through his back in so therefore he would have to hunch over so he didnt do anymore damage to it.With Doug, I put on a Norfolk-come-Farmer accent. I used this because I tried to make him sound different and kind of uneducated. I think that my accent was quite legal and it had a bit of a comedic effect on the audience, as it was so unexpected. I didnt use any specific phrases while I was in role as Doug but I said things like Arghget out of my hall, I need to do my job and youre not letting me

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