Friday, May 31, 2019

Freedom of Choice in A Clockwork Orange Essays -- essays research pape

Freedom of ChoiceIn the novel A Clockwork chromatic, the author Anthony Burgess tells a story about a young man invoke Alex and his friends, every night they go around and start committing rough displaces. In the novel Alex expresses his freedom of pickax between honest and evil. The freedom of filling is a decision that every person must make by dint of and throughout his life in order to guide his actions and to institute go over of his own future. This Freedom of Choice, no matter what the outcome is, displays person strength as an mortal, and any efforts to control or influence this choice between well behaved and evil entrust take way the person free will and enslave him. In this novel the author uses this symbolism through imagery. He shows that through the character of Alex, and the first person narrative point of view to prove that without the ability to choose between good and evil person becomes a slave.In this novel Alex shows his freedom of choice between g ood and evil, which is that, his superiority over the innocent and the weak. In the beginning of the novel he chooses to be evil, he shows us that by committing violence act like stealing, raping, and also murdering an innocent person which he got arrested for and put into prison for about 12 years. The amount violence he commits shows his abuse of power and his decisions toward evil. The violent acts that are described in this novel are very graphical and are intended to shock the reader moreover they also show that the inhibition of others is wrong, because it is destructive to the natural rights of humans. Alex consistently chooses evil and violence to show his freedom of choice, ?Now I was ready for a modus operandi of twenty-to-one . . . then I loony this veck pg 7. Alex beats, rapes, and robs the weak and ... ...lence. This thought is crucial to the readers understanding of how close the freedom of choice is related to individual power. The demonstration of his free will and his loss of power through the absence of choice is effectively accomplished through the use of first person narration. Throughout this novel, author Anthony Burgess has shown us many aspects of freedom of choice and its abuse. Through strong symbols in imagery, Alexs characterization, and his point of view, the absence of choice is proven as the most overlooked depravation of person individual freedom. In everyones life, the struggle for power exists in all situations. The decision between good and evil is the freedom that everyone must have as an individual. The choice of which lane to take is dependant on the person and the situation, but the realization that both exist is a power unto itself. Freedom of Choice in A Clockwork Orange Essays -- essays research papeFreedom of ChoiceIn the novel A Clockwork Orange, the author Anthony Burgess tells a story about a young man name Alex and his friends, every night they go around and start committing violent acts. In the novel Alex expresses his freedom of choice between good and evil. The freedom of choice is a decision that every person must make throughout his life in order to guide his actions and to take control of his own future. This Freedom of Choice, no matter what the outcome is, displays person power as an individual, and any efforts to control or influence this choice between good and evil will take way the person free will and enslave him. In this novel the author uses this symbolism through imagery. He shows that through the character of Alex, and the first person narrative point of view to prove that without the ability to choose between good and evil person becomes a slave.In this novel Alex shows his freedom of choice between good and evil, which is that, his superiority over the innocent and the weak. In the beginning of the novel he chooses to be evil, he shows us that by committing violence act like stealing, raping, and also murdering an innocent person which he got arres ted for and put into prison for about 12 years. The amount violence he commits shows his abuse of power and his decisions toward evil. The violent acts that are described in this novel are very graphical and are intended to shock the reader but they also show that the suppression of others is wrong, because it is destructive to the natural rights of humans. Alex consistently chooses evil and violence to show his freedom of choice, ?Now I was ready for a bit of twenty-to-one . . . then I cracked this veck pg 7. Alex beats, rapes, and robs the weak and ... ...lence. This thought is crucial to the readers understanding of how close the freedom of choice is related to individual power. The demonstration of his free will and his loss of power through the absence of choice is effectively accomplished through the use of first person narration. Throughout this novel, author Anthony Burgess has shown us many aspects of freedom of choice and its abuse. Through strong symbols in imagery, Al exs characterization, and his point of view, the absence of choice is proven as the most overlooked depravation of person individual freedom. In everyones life, the struggle for power exists in all situations. The decision between good and evil is the freedom that everyone must have as an individual. The choice of which path to take is dependant on the person and the situation, but the realization that both exist is a power unto itself.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Aerosol Spray Cans :: essays research papers fc

Aerosol Spray CansSpray cans produce an aerosol, the technical term for a very o.k. dot.They do this by means of a pressurized dynamical, which is a liquid that boilsat everyday temperatures. Inside the can, a layer of ball upeous obligate increased,and eventually it becomes so high that boiling stops. when the nozzle is pressed,the gas pressure forces the product up the tube in the can and out of the nozzlein a spray or foam. The propellant may emerge as well yet, now under lesspressure, it immediately evaporates.First patented in the US in 1941, aerosol spray cans have been used asconvenient packages for an ever increasing range of products including paints,insecticides, and shaving cream to name a few. The can is modify with theproduct to be sprayed and the propellant, a compressed gas such as butane orFreon. The gas is partly liquefied by the pressure in the can, but there is alayer of free gas above the liquid. As the can empties liquefied gas vaporizesto fill the space. The valve is normal held shut by the pressure in the can, and by thecoil spring directly below the valve stem. When the push button is pressed, itforces the valve stem down in its housing, uncovering a small a small hole whichleads up through the stem to the nozzle in the button. This allows the productto be forced up the dip tube by the gas pressure in the can. The nozzle isshaped to give a spray or a continuous stream.To produce a fine mist, a propellant is used which mixes with theproduct. The two leave the nozzle together and the propellant evaporates a soonas it reaches the air, breaking the product in to tiny droplets. The same technique used with a more(prenominal) viscous liquid and a wider nozzle results in a foam.For a continuous stream of liquid or more viscous material, a nonmixingpropellant is used, and the dip tube reaches into the product.The widespread use of aerosol cans using Freon as the propellant ledscientists to believe by the tardy 1970s that the ozone layer in the upperatmosphere, which filters out harmful Ultraviolet radiation from the sun, couldbe destroyed by the large quantities of fluorocarbons in the gas be releaseinto the air. Federal controls were introduced to ban the use of Freon, andother propellants are now employed, notably butane which, however is dangerouslyflammable.Among young people in United States, schematic drug or alcohol abusehas given away-for an increasing number of teen-agers-to a practice called

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Becoming A Better Writer :: Teaching Education Essays

Becoming A Better WriterWhy did the chicken cross the road? We all hunch over the come of course. Yet we continue to ask this question in order to solicit the obvious response, get to the other side. Why do we ask questions or affectation problems that have only one solution? Weve all heard the excusesThats the way I learned how to do it.If it aint broke, dont fix itIm only doing what I was told.I dont know another way.Chances are, if youre perusing the contents of this paper, you have probably used, at one time or another, one or all of the above rationalizations. Dont get me wrong. Id be the first one to admit that rationalizations are an important part of life. Some, but not many, would argue that rationalizations are more important than sex. I mean, have you ever so gone a week without a rationalization? It is your ability to rationalize that allows you to continue to construct themes of generic babble. You know that the mindless banter that it is typical of such(preno minal) endeavors will get you a fair, if not exceptional, mark from the professor whose class for which you wrote it. There is certainly no shame in turning in such regurgitation. After all, you were just, ...doing what you were told, right? Youre not alone. This single rationalization allows half of the free world to sleep at night. The other half has a prescription.I call for to change, you cry halfway through what had been a restful night. Youve decided to kick the theme-writing habit. How do I do it? you ask the faithful rocking chair that you sat in as a child. Incidentally, if the chair answers, youre problems will be addressed in another paper. However, getting back to the task at hand, you can probably conclude that this theme writing vice will be hard to conquer. You get by for a quarter, or semester, without needing one and then BAM You need a fix. curtly outline the Kennedy administration, appears as an essay question on a 20th Century American History exam, for which you havent thoroughly prepared yourself. You casually glance approximately the room. No ones looking. Just one little theme, you say to yourself. But the pointless dribble doesnt stop with this essay. The next week youll do it again. Soon your up to a theme a day.Why is it so hard?

Catcher In The Rye :: essays research papers

In Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield goes by dint of manyevents in just three days that seemed to impact his life a lot.He began to realize things about himself, and changesoccurred within him. Now its 35 years later and Holden hasgrown up, and has finally place downed the real world. Holdennow works for a gamey school as a student counselor, anddeals with problems of children everyday. He is very wellliked at the school and he has only been there for threeyears. He sometimes gets attached with the studentsdilemmas, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. He is alsothe leader of the schools Students Reaching Out program.Holden has enjoyed his job ever since he has started andhas never thought of leaving it. Holden now lives in the smalltown of Wellingville in California. He is married to a womenhe met when he went back to college and they hire 2 kids,both girls. unity is 6 and the other is 3. Holdens wife has allthe qualities that Jane did. A very sweet women with a greatpe rsonality. They made a perfective aspect couple. He has gave hiskids financial and emotional support that his own parentsnever gave him. Cole Cuchna 12/2/99 Per7 He does thisbecause he doesnt want his kids to go through what he didgrowing up. Holden has made many compromises as he hasgrew up. Through his daily therapy he realized that he cantbe everything he wants to be. He cant uphold every child hemeets from growing up and entering the real world. Everychild loses their innocents sometime in their life, and Holdenbecomes to realize that. As he matures he doesnt try to savethem from the real world, but he helps them accept it. This iswhy Holden is a good counselor for teenagers becauseteenagers are usually just beginning to enter the real worldand Holden can help them through it. Also, as he grew hepicked up on a hobby. Everyday after work, Holden goes tothe local set and feeds the ducks. Everyday he does this, inthe winter time and everything. It gives him time to thinkabout wha t went on in the day and helps him concentrate onany issues he might be having at the time. As Holden grewup, he matured a lot but he also did retain some of hischildhood qualities. One of these such qualities is hisconstant changing of personalities. He will go from thinkinghe is crazy, to then thinking he is something else.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Federal Welfare Reform Essay -- Poverty

Fed datel welfare Reform A Critical PerspectiveAbstractThis project testament examine welfare reform, which was signified by the signing of the PersonalResponsibility and Work Opportunity Act (PRWOA) in 1996. PRWOA replaced the original welfareact of 1935, entitle Aid to Dependent Children (later changed to Aid to Families with DependentChildren), with the program Temporary Assistance to needy Families (TANF). Under PRWOA, TANFwas instated as a system of block grants allocated to states to implement their profess forms ofassistance and replaced programs like the cash-assistance program, Aid to Families with DependentChildren, and the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training. The most influential change of thislegislation among others has been the implementation of required work hours and strict sequence limitsto how long families may receive aid, implying that people can simply will their way out of povertyprovided they work hard enough. While the significant alight of TANF cash assistance caseloadswithin the programs first five years has been celebrated as proof of reforms success, the new eraof welfare can only be considered a success if America views the transformation of the welfarepoor to the working poor an achievement.Review of the LiteratureIn conducting my research, it was interesting to find dramatically divergent perspectives on thetopic of welfare reform, especially considering that each perspective gave the impression that theirargument was based on three-figure facts. The sources I consulted that were affiliated with thefederal government, such as statistics and fact sheets from the Administration for Children andFamilies (ACF) as well as the Whitehouse website, were the most optim... ...erg, Heidi. Recent TANF Proposals Would Hinder Successful dry land Efforts to Help FamiliesOvercome Barriers to Employment and Find Better- Paying Jobs. Center on Budget and PolicyPriorities. 9 May 2002.Melendez, Edwin et al. Community College Particip ation in Welfare Programs Do State PoliciesMatter? Community College Journal of Research and Practice. 27.3 (2003).Shipler, David K. The Working Poor Invisible in America. Vintage Books. New York, 2004.U.S. Department of Health and serviceman Services, Administration for Children and Families.Factsheets Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). October 2003..The White House. Office of the Press Secretary. Factsheet. President Calls for Action onWelfare Reform. 14 January 2003..

Federal Welfare Reform Essay -- Poverty

Federal Welfare Reform A Critical PerspectiveAbstractThis project will examine welfare reform, which was signified by the signing of the PersonalResponsibility and Work Opportunity Act (PRWOA) in 1996. PRWOA replaced the original welfareact of 1935, titled Aid to underage Children (later changed to Aid to Families with mutualistChildren), with the program Temporary Assistance to needy Families (TANF). Under PRWOA, TANFwas instated as a system of block grants allocated to states to implement their own forms ofassistance and replaced programs like the cash-assistance program, Aid to Families with DependentChildren, and the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training. The most influential change of thislegislation among others has been the implementation of required work hours and strict time limitsto how long families may receive aid, implying that the great unwashed can simply will their way out of povertyprovided they work hard enough. While the significant fall of TANF cash assis tance caseloadswithin the programs first five years has been celebrated as proof of reforms success, the new eraof welfare can only be considered a success if America views the transformation of the welfarepoor to the working poor an achievement.Review of the LiteratureIn conducting my research, it was interesting to find dramatically diverging perspectives on thetopic of welfare reform, especially considering that each perspective gave the impression that theirargument was based on quantitative facts. The sources I consulted that were affiliated with thefederal government, such(prenominal) as statistics and fact sheets from the Administration for Children andFamilies (ACF) as well as the Whitehouse website, were the most optim... ...erg, Heidi. Recent TANF Proposals Would Hinder Successful State Efforts to Help FamiliesOvercome Barriers to Employment and decide Better- Paying Jobs. Center on Budget and PolicyPriorities. 9 May 2002.Melendez, Edwin et al. association College Parti cipation in Welfare Programs Do State PoliciesMatter? Community College Journal of Research and Practice. 27.3 (2003).Shipler, David K. The Working Poor Invisible in America. Vintage Books. New York, 2004.U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.Factsheets Temporary Assistance for destitute Families (TANF). October 2003..The White House. Office of the Press Secretary. Factsheet. President Calls for Action onWelfare Reform. 14 January 2003..

Monday, May 27, 2019

What’s so Amazing About Grace Book Report

Cameron Peterson Mr. Oswald Romans Period 4 11 January 2012 Whats So Amazing about Grace? Book encompass Whats So Amazing about Grace? is a book written by Philip Yancey. It begins with a twisted story of a prostitute dungeon on the streets. She is unable to feed her two-year old child and has to find another way to earn money. She could not think of any other alternatives and began merchandising her child out for prostitution. She could make much more money this way than she could in one night.The woman began counseling and when asked if she had ever considered going to church, her response was that care church would only make her feel worse about herself. Yancey describes Earth as a place full of un aggrandize. This is a term that Yancey uses to describe the absence seizure of grace. He goes on to talk about grace, calling it one of the last unspoiled words at once and highlighting the lack of it among the church. Yancey says that the world is filled with ungrace and that we bli stering in an atmosphere full of it. We are in danger of it becoming normal to us, and being desensitized to the lack of grace in the world.Yancey uses a few examples to fork up us what grace should be like in the world we live in. He gives an example using the movie Babettes Feast. He shows that grace is something prone with no set up attached or charge. In the movie, grace is given to those who definitely do not deserve it. In fact, these people barely bed how to receive grace in the first place. Yancey also uses Jesus parables as examples for grace. One example he uses is the parable of the lost sheep. He explains that the shepherd shows grace to the one sheep that was lost among the other ninety-nine sheep.He points out that grace is not mathematical, and that it is not logical. Yancey tells us that this is what grace is truly about. Illogical giving with no strings attached. Yancey also talks about how grace is for everybody. He uses Jesus as an example many times. Never di d Jesus tell someone that they could not be forgiven if they only came to Him. This all-extending property of grace is important to remember. Because Jesus extended grace to all, we should do the same. There are none who are not deserving or worthy of our grace. This is important for us to remember.It is true that grace does not come easy, and that it is not necessarily easy to give. Grace is not a small viewing of kindness it is a sacrifice and a gift to others. Just as Jesus gave us the gift of grace by suffering and dying on the cross for us, we should be able to give gifts of grace at our own expense to others. I very much enjoyed this book and was spiritually moved by it. I agree with most of what Philip Yancey has to say about lack of grace not only in the church, but in the world also. In todays day and age, it seems that everyone is in it for themselves.Most do not take the time of day to stop and give their grace to the needy. It helped to strengthen my view that all of d eserving of grace and that we, as Christians, should be reading to give our grace to others. While I do support that idea that we need to cure the world of ungrace, I do not feel that we need to do this in order to earn Gods grace. This is a view that Yancey supports in the book and I do not happen to agree with it. Grace is in fact, a gift and it is not something we have to earn by giving others grace.By following Gods example, we should also give others this same grace God gave us, but it is not a requirement in order for us to receive His grace. Overall, I feel spiritually strengthened by this book and would encourage others to read it. While it was difficult to understand sometimes, a little wordy, I find that many would also enjoy this book. It offers a lot of insight into grace and how it can be a blessing in our lives, both by receiving it and giving it. Works Cited Yancey, Philip. Whats So Amazing about Grace?. Zondervan, 1997.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Weekly Topics

Topics for in-class Debates Chapter 1 Mason talked about self-actualization as the zenith of human fulfillment. You can only fulfill yourself by owning your future. Thats what entrepreneurs do. Therefore if you are non an entrepreneur, you will never be any good talk over master and against. Chapter 2 In order to succeed in business, you must first finish three dragons family, friends and religion discuss pro and against.Chapter 4 The ends will always Justify the meaner. If you own face book no one cares if you are a good bloke Discuss pro and against. Chapter 5 Anyone can be an entrepreneur. Ideas are like the police. There is always one around the next coigne Discuss pro and against. Chapter 6 Entrepreneurs are made not born Discuss pro and against. Chapter 9 Entrepreneur or manager, you cant be both discuss pro and against. Chapter 10 Mimi dont need to be an entrepreneur to sell rice to China.You Just need a good advertising agency discuss pro and against. Chapter 13 A good lawyer can make anything ethical, given enough money and political influence discuss pro and against. Chapter 14 1 . The outstrip entrepreneurs are White, Christian and come from First World cultures discuss pro and against. Chapter 16 Every plan fails contact Erwin Roomer. Business plans are useless Discuss pro and against. Chapter 8 The bigger the ship, the harder it is to turn. You cant change big bureaucratic companies internally Discuss pro and against.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Ideas and Beliefs in Justine Larbalestier’s Liar Essay

Justine Larbalestiers enthralling novel prevaricator features unreliable protagonist, Micah Wilkins, dealing with issues of identity and truth. I give way come to realise, through studying Larbalestiers novel, that the ideas of truth and identity weed be extensively challenged, that lies can become someones identity. Micahs cryptic character has forced me to question what I impudence and who I entail I am. I have been faced with rethinking my views on sexuality, gender roles, guilt and the real meaning of truth due to Micahs uncertain and unpredictable words.Due to societys restrictive and sexist attitudes towards what is considered male or female, people who dont fit neatly into a stratum face issues of identity and belonging. Micahs relationship with her sexuality and how she perceives gender roles is extraordinarily untidy and indecisive. Being a teenage feminist myself, I can make out with Micah not desiring to subscribe to gender roles although Im not entirely sure Mica h is avoiding acting and looking conventionally feminine because of feminist views.I desire Micah is genderqueer or transgender and too afraid to embrace it because it is a hard truth for her to face, Being a boy was fast becoming my favourite lie (p. 8). When Micah negotiation about her taking the pill to supress her periods she says I wish I was a man and that Her mother thought having your period was what made you a woman (p. 57). Perhaps Larbalestier is imp hypocrisy that Micah is not a woman because she doesnt experience menstruation?Being a woman comes with oppression no matter what class or race you atomic number 18 in this oppression is more often than not related to sex. Micah constantly refers to being called a slut by her peers, By kissing Sarah and Tayshawn first I confirmed the thousand slut calls (p. 238). I intrust there is a part of Micah that subconsciously oppresses herself. Right after Micah tells the reader she never slept with Zach she said, See? I am a good girl after all (p. 116).This tells me that Micah believes being a good girl is not having sex- this only emphasises my suspicion that Micah desires to be a man because men are free of the slut label. She has desires that she feels she cant pursue without judgement due to her being a biological woman. Identity can be organise from the constructed truth and straight-out lies people can create their accept realities. The worst danger of being a liar is when you start to believe your own lies (p. 194).Micahs story suggests that when you begin to believe your own lies, it shapes who you are and becomes your truth. I believe Jordans death contributed to Micahs muddled identity, that his death was so traumatic that she created a world of her own to escape the reality. I believe that Micah was responsible for her brothers death because of how she refers to him vile, horrible and awful. Micah depicts Jordan as being this right smart so its easier for her to deal with her guilt, maybe the world is better the way I tell it (p. 34), We dont talk about Jordans death. I cant think about it (p. 284).My assumption with this theory was formed by my own experiences. Whenever I have lost something of value, I told myself that it wasnt that long or important anyway which resulted in less guilt and unhappiness we lie to ourselves in hope of finding protection from confronting notions. Perhaps the reality Micah has formed for herself actually becomes reality, her truth. Society has conditioned us to accept certain pieces of information without questionning whether it really is the truth.More than with any other work of fiction I have read, Liar led me to question whether what the protagonist said was true. In the first part of the novel Telling The Truth, Micah is supposedly being honest and real with the reader when she reveals she is a liar this idea in itself is problematic and intensely complicated. The way Larbalestier has written Liar challenged me, for the first time, t o question why I believe what I do why did this particular work of fiction spark such a notion, such a feeling of distrust and uncertainty?Should I have these feelings with everything I read? Whilst talking about her ability to spin detailed lies, Micah says Its odd how often telling the truth feels like lying and lying like the truth (p. 53). I believe this can be reversed and applied to the reader its easier to believe lies and reject truth. Constantly end-to-end the novel, Micah reassures the reader that she isnt lying and that shes a good girl this shows that she is trying to convince herself of those things and using the reader as a distraction, a scapegoat.Micah as well sounds condescending and makes the reader feel small by saying things like You buy everything, dont you? You make it too easy (p. 225). This directly links back to the idea that Larbalestier is forcing the reader to evaluate why we trust and believe what we do. Every story has an underlying moral, intentiona l or not, and I believe Liars is Dont believe everything you read. Liar has addressed many ideas and issues such as societys view towards gender roles, identities created by ones self, and being accepting of certain information despite the validity being possibly compromised.Larbalestier has made me question more about my determine and beliefs than I thought possible. Ive formed the belief that lies are a part of all of us, unintentionally or otherwise they become our truth. Micah has made me think about why we as humans try so hard to seek the truth and then lie to ourselves when its too unbelievable. Larbalestiers open-to-interpretation styled-writing is close to metaphorical in relation to life. No truth is absolute, nothing is exactly what it seems and everything is affected by an individuals perception.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Nationality Differentiation and Its Effect

Have you ever been picked on or made fun of because your nationality is different from someone elses or the color of your skin?If so, then the person who did it was probably a racist person. Racism still follows within all cultures. Some people wont admit theyre a racist, but their actions and words prove otherwise. nearly people wont directly discriminate other races, but that doesnt mean it doesnt happen everyday.Many will argue that their race is superior all over another, or that the actions of a few individuals of a certain race determines how that race of people are, therefore making them unequal. I think all people should be treated equally, no matter who they are or what they look like.However, there is no rights to govern how one person might perceive another person so every one can think or act on how they treat members of another race.Whos to say that if one group of people believes that they are superior over another group, that they wont display those actions if the y confronted by members of that group or race?Prejudice people think that their way is right and they have the freedom of speech to acquit how they feel. If you were to ask if they were racist, they would defend their actions by saying it is how it should be and it isnt wrong.Racism is broad topic to talk about but once everyone realizes it exists in the U.S. they can nonplus steps to trying to talk to their children about it and maybe even change some of their ways in knowing that racialism is wrong.It may not exist where you live, but any place that there will be adults, teens, or children of different races interact together there is a possibility of prejudice.Many other cultures are a target for racism, it isnt just black and white. Japanese, Indian, and Germans arent safe from racism. I witnessed all kinds of prejudice against a wide sort of races. Ive seen other races mistreat whites, blacks, and even Asians.Basically, racism affects us all. I dont think it will go away eve r because here in America there is such a wide variety of races, and when they are all mixed together, in the neither

Thursday, May 23, 2019

A Literary Analysis of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

This paper analyzes the bracing Frankenstein. It is subdivided into two parts. The low part is a thematic analysis of the tonic and the second part is a discourse analysis of the raw. Specifically it seeks to answer the following what atomic number 18 the major(ip) reputations of the novel what are the discourses contained in and articulated by the novel?Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus is a famous novel by bloody shame Shelley. It was completed on May 1817, when bloody shame was just nineteen years of age. It was made while she and her husband Percey Bysshe Shelley were on their summer vacation with Lord Byron in the Alps (Frankenstein ). With the best writers in England, Mary offered her contri furtherion to the literary classics, the famous Frankenstein novel, which became famous in two genres Science Fiction and horror (Milner, p.149).Thematic Analysis of FrankensteinThe novel Frankenstein is centered on four-spot major fundaments ignorance versus knowledge, injustic e in humankind, in a feminist viewpointequality of men and women, and murders explained from the viewpoint of the murderers. Among realityy other themes, these four, in my opinion, are the major themes and therefrom should be expounded.The novel was written in the early phase of the industrial revolution (Analysis of Frankenstein), that is, when science and technology was initially progressing. From this premise I notify say that the novel is an attempt to criticize the existing social condition, that is to say, the novel criticizes the progress of science and the acquisition of knowledge. Shelleys use of the character superior Frankenstein, the aesculapian doctor who created a being more superior to the present race of men, explains my point. Even though lord is knowledgeable enough to create life, he is nonetheless bounded by his imperfections. He created a fine-tuneing teras insteadThe Frankenstein nut. This suggests that science could unravel the mysteries of nature, b ut knowledge is still too dangerous for homosexual to acquire. The novel suggests that knowledge is dangerous like when Victor disc all overed the mystery of life. knowledge is a monster.Furthermore, the novel suggests that some knowledge should be kept unavowed from men. Some knowledge do more evil than good, as the novel suggests. It says that ignorance is good. Knowledge is evil (Remarks on Frankenstein).The other title for Frankenstein, The Modern Prometheus, is suggestive of the theme of this novel. Prometheus is a mythological character who gave fire to men to keep them warm (Prometheus gave fire to Men). But Zeus punished Prometheus for doing so. Prometheus received an eternal punishment. In connection, the fire symbolizes knowledge. In the myth, knowledge is forbidden to men just like in the novel Frankenstein. The fire croupe warm, but it lav also kill just as knowledge backside. The novel criticizes the scientist most especially, in their empirical quest for knowledge .The character of the Monster serves dual purpose in the novel, as removed my first and second themes are concerned. First, the character is a concrete articulation of knowledge. It is the product of Victors study and experimentation. And so, it symbolizes the fruit of knowledge. In the novel, the monster was show as ugly, abhorred, and disgusting and a killer. What does it say nigh knowledge? It suggests that knowledge is also ugly, abhorred and disgustinga killer, tooa monster.The second function of the Monster character in the novel points at the second theme of the novelinjustice in the world. First instance is when Victor created a lone monster, without a companion. It lamented saying that Even Satan had his companions, fellow devils, to admire and encourage him but I am solitary and abhorred (Shelley, p. 130). This points out that there is injustice committed to the Monster. Secondly, Victor denied the monster a companion when the monster pleads for it. It pleadsMy vices ar e the children of a forced solitude that I abhor, and my virtues will necessarily arise when I live in communion with an equal. I shall feel the affections of a sensitive being, and become linked to a chain of existence and events, which I am now excluded. (Shelley, 147)Instead of creating a skirt monster, Victor destroyed every little chance that the monster have of waiting for his lady companion by destroying the monster he was about to attain life to.Third, there is injustice in the world when the monster experienced ostracism because of its appearance. It was drawn by villagers away and was forced to live alone, and excluded from hu populaceity (Frankenstein).The theme on equality between sexes, in my opinion, is evident in the novel when the Monster pleads Victor to create a lady monster. There was no emergency in the novel that the monster will dominate the lady monster because all it wanted was to have a companion whom it shall feel affection to (p.147). The novel did not hint at the superiority of men over women, as far as the character of the monster is concerned.Lastly, the most obvious theme of the novel is murder. But in this case, there was no negative presentation of crime because the murders were explained from the viewpoint of the murderers. The murderers were presented to have logical reasons for committing the crimes this is unique (my emphasis). Let us take for instance the first murder casethe murder of Victors brother.Although the novel may have presented a shallow reason why the monster murdered Victors brother, that is, victors brother recited a litany of epithets to the monster, it somehow explained the reason behind the murder. The monster was too sensitive with its appearance thats why it has over reacted to the epithets.Another murder was committed when Victor destroyed the lady monster he was about to give life to. Victor is also a murderer. His reason was that if he let the lady monster live, he will bring tragedy to the world by producing a race of devils. Victors course of doing was paid for by the monsters killing of Victors fianceElizabeth. It was the price Victor has to pay for his murderous act.One good point about this novel was that it has presented murder from the viewpoint of the murderer. Shelley has produced characters with realistic motives, that is, the characters were driven by logical reasons for committing the crimes. This is something good about this novel.In conclusion, the novel Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus was centered on four major themes ignorance is good and knowledge is evil injustice in the world equality of men and women and murders as explained from the viewpoint of the murderers.A Discourse Analysis of the novelDiscourse theory of Foucault throne be applied to the Frankenstein Story. Foucault defines discourse as a way of thinking shared by a particular group of people at a particular place and succession producing truth and power and controlling actions. It is a l ived way of thinking deeply inculcated into individuals. Individuals become the subjects of discourses (Foucault, pp 21-30 ).Applying the theory of discourse, let us learn the discourses or ways of thinking which the story of Frankenstein articulate. What kinds of discourse are inculcated into individuals by the novel Frankenstein?Man as God and the Dawn of Scientific RevolutionThe story exemplifies man as a God. The giving of a life to an inanimate object is an act only reserved toa God. Yet in the story, man created life by Victors creation. It suggests an era where science has triumphed. It suggests that science could be a god, in this respect. It suggests that Science can offer man the impossible that man can be a god.Just like in the literary text, the movie Shelleys Frankenstein (dir. Branagh) explicates the dawn of scientific revolution. Below is an excerpt of the conversation between Clerval and VictorFrankenstein to begin with or later, the best way to cheat death will b e to create life.Clerval Now, youve gone too far. Theres only one God, victor.Frankenstein No, permit God out of this. Listen, if you love someone, they have a sick heart, wouldnt you give them a rosy-cheeked one?Clerval impossible.Frankenstein No its not impossible, we can do it, were steps away. And if we can do that, if we can replace one part of a human being, we can replace every part. If we can do that, we can design life. We can create a being that will not grow old or sicken. One that will be stronger than us, better than us, one that will be more intelligent than us, more civilized.From the above, we can see that what was impossible like a giving of a healthy heart, has become a possibility in the contemporary times. Heart transplant is a commonly practiced surgery these days. And it was made possible by science. The Frankenstein novel provides this transition.Even the creation of the monster symbolizes the triumph of Science. From this story of Frankenstein, we see t hat Science is like a God. Science can give life, too.Imperfect Beings and Unjust WorldIt is tell that we can neer be perfect like God. Whatever we do, we are still incomplete and imperfect. It is only God who is perfect. This way of thinking is also exemplified by the story of Frankenstein.Victor, a medical doctor and the creator of the monster, abhorred his very creation. In his attempt to create a being superior to human race, he had created a monster instead. This suggests that man, in his efforts, cannot create a being more superior to him. Victor has labored days and nights to create a being, yet a monster, instead, breathed to life. Even the monster itself abhorred his condition.Hateful the day when I received life I exclaimed in agony. Accursed Creator Why did you ever form a monster so repugnant that even you turned from me in disgust?Satan had his companion, fellow devils, to admire and encourage him, but I am solitary and abhorred. (Shelley, p.130)Similarly, God creat ed men in his own image and likeness, but then we are not like God who is perfect. More over, with imperfect beings came the imperfect and unjust world.Because of the grotesque appearance of the monster, the villagers attacked him. Everyone was stir by mere seeing the monster. Because of this, the monster too became malevolent to humans. It experienced injustice from the world.Remember, that I am thy creature I ought to be thy Adam but I am rather the fallen angel whom thou drivest from joy for no misdeed. Every where I see bliss, from which I alone am irrevocably excluded. I was benevolent and good misery made me a fiend. Make me happy, and I shall again be virtuous (Shelley, p.100)Another form of injustice made on the monster is thru Victors destruction of the lady monster. The monster had promised to live in peace and live in wilderness with his wife, the lady monster. The monster saidMy vices are the children of a forced solitude that I abhor, and my virtues will necessarily arise when I live in communion with an equal. I shall feel the affections of a sensitive being, and become linked to a chain of existence and events, from which I am now excluded (Shelley, p.147).It was injustice to give life to a being, and let it assemble without even a friend, a loved one,not even anybody.In conclusion, the novel Frankenstein articulates the following discourses man can be a God finished Science man is always imperfect and the world is unjust.ConclusionThe horror science fiction of Shelley entitled Frankenstein, as my arguments pointed out, is a critique of the existing social condition of Shelleys timethat isthe onset of industrial and scientific revolution.The novel is centered on the four major themes, namely ignorance is good and knowledge is evil injustice in the world equality of men and women and murders as explained from the viewpoint of the murderers.Frankenstein also articulates the following discourses or ways of thinking that man can be a god throu gh Science, and that man is always imperfect just as the world is always imperfect.Indeed, the novel has shown us that knowledge and science can bring chaos to man.Works CitedFoucault, Michel. archaeology of Knowledge and the discourse on Language. Trans. Smith, Sheridan A.M. USA Tavistock Publication Limited. 1972Mary Shelleys Frankenstein, dir. K. Branagh (Tristar, 1994, 118 mins)Milner, Andrews. Literature, Culture and Society. London UCL press, 1996Prometheus gave Fire to Men. No date published. A Hand-out in Mythology Class.Remarks on Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus A Novel. No date published. April 21, 2007.Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus. M.K. Joseph (ed) Oxford Oxford University Press, 1980

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Thesis topic: Violence in the Movies

Studies have recognized a direct link showing the effects of movie violence exposure and the increase in violent crimes and doings involving todays children. Positive evidence speckles to the fact that the high quantity of violence in movies and on television has harmful consequence on todays younker. Reiner (1999) states, Of course we can chief fingers at Hollywood (p28) however, the responsibility lies with all of us.With the constant exposure to violent crimes on television and in movies, it is shown to make it more acceptable in the minds of our youth to act cruel or violent toward others in various ways. Hollywood is responsible for too much violence in movies and there is a essential for creative executives to sprout responsibility for what they produce. It is everyones responsibility to address this issue (Reiner, 1999). The mind set seems to be that the T. V. bad person did it and got away with it, I can too. over time, it becomes less of an issue, no big deal. What or who is hurt or damaged does not matter any longer. With the inability to differentiate between real and pretend, equitable and bad, right and wrong the inappropriate behaviors, crudeness, obscenity, physical violence, law breaking, anger, and hatred to name a few increase significantly. According to Harbert (1993), his three-year-old daughter Emily totally changed the way I look at television. What our children see on television does affect them (Allen, 2004).With this increase, the seriousness of offences amplifies to further deteriorate the behavior of our youth. Conclusion Close consideration must be paid to decreasing violence on television for the long-term benefit of our children. The negative effects of the continued exposure to violent movies and television shows are prove to have a permanent effect on how conflicts are resolved. Quotation and Paraphrase from Article 1 Direct Quotation Reiner (1999) states, Of course we can point fingers at Hollywood. Paraphrase of above quotation Hollywood is responsible for too much violence in movies and there is a need for creative executives to take responsibility for what they produce. It is everyones responsibility to address this issue (Reiner,1999). Quotation and Paraphrase from Article 2 Direct Quotation According to Harbert (1993), his three-year-old daughter Emily totally changed the way I look at television. Paraphrase of above quotation What our children see on television does affect them (Allen, 2004).

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Investigating the effectiveness of Mobile Antivirus Application on Android and Windows Mobile Phone Essay

Chapter 1 Anti-virus Applications on roving DevicesMobile echo anti-virus packet refers to security software programs which arouse been professionally developed to protect device users from viruses, worms, Trojans and other malicious programs and removing them where possible. Anti-virus software programs have lately gained popularity due the increased incidences of malicious threats of attack on the web. There are several new viruses that are detected on a day to day buns on the cyberspace. While some of these viruses whitethorn be harmless, others are annoying and quite destructive. Certain viruses replicate themselves, but others may cause serious problems to the extent of erasing all data on a device drive. The use of anti-virus for device protection can be applied to multiple operating administrations including Mobile Windows and mechanical man unstable earpieces (iSoftwareReviews 2010).Antivirus software works in various technical ways to give protection to and remove viruses from restless devices. This normally occur with two security scanning functions namely On-Access scan and On-Demand Scanning. The On-Access scanning works in real-time to ensure a alert device is protected at all times by monitoring for viruses to all accessing in the mobile device, for example while opening a file or opening an industry. Despite of the fact that this software slows down the speed of a device, its role in antivirus protection is so critical and should thus be enabled at all times. On-Demand Scanning offers antivirus protection only when activated to scan whatsoever particular area, folder, file, or drive. The program then provides a scan report about how many viruses that have been found in the scanned item. In the event that a virus is detected, the program will nonify the user and recommend an action which includes either to deleting or quarantine the virus (iSoftwareReviews 2010).The rapidly increasing advancements of mobile forebode technology to include a number of useful features have made humanoid and windows mobile phones very popular pocket personal computers. This increased popularity has not however come with its own setbacks. Just like the ordinary personal computers, android and windows mobile phones have also been subjected to increased viruses attack. Virus attack has thus become the latest and single biggest threat to the mobile phone industry. Subsequently, numerous companies dealing in software have come up with anti-virus for use in the android and windows mobile phones. These are mainly anti-virus software software products developed to provide anti-virus protection to mobile phones (iSoftwareReviews 2010).There are a number of anti-virus software programs for mobile phones that are available to the users. The main mobile phone anti-virus software includes AhnLab Mobile Security, Avast PDA Edition, Avira Antivir Mobile, BitDefender Mobile Security, BullGuard Mobile Antivirus, Dr.Web Mobile Security rooms , F-Secure Mobile Security, Kaspersky Mobile Security, and Norton Smartphone Security. AhnLab Mobile Security software provides a solution for viruses and worms protection and remotion. It runs under windows mobile and android mobile phones. Avast PDA Edition is an antivirus protection for PalmOS and Windows CE, Android phones, and Pocket PC based devices (iSoftwareReviews 2010).Avira AntiVir Mobile provides professional virus and malware protection for pocket PCs, Windows mobile and Android mobile phones. BitDefender Mobile Security provides solution for virus protection and removal for PDAs and Smartphone that run on Windows mobile or Android mobile phones. BullGuard Mobile Antivirus provides solutions for protecting Pocket PCs and Windows mobile against viruses and other malicious programs. Dr.Web Mobile Security Suite is designed to provide anti-virus security solutions for pocket PCs that runs on Windows Mobile operating establishment. F-Secure Mobile Security is a complete mo bile security software package that includes anti-virus, anti-spyware, a firewall and a remote control anti-theft feature for protection. Kaspersky Mobile Security also provides a complete protection package including Anti-theft protection, virus protection, firewall and anti-spam for SMS, EMS, and MMS. Norton Smartphone Security offers anti-virus, anti-spam, and firewall for Windows mobile and Android mobile protection (iSoftwareReviews 2010).Protecting an android and window mobile phone from attack requires a complete understanding of all industry communication. This is burning(prenominal) because software can only protect a device if and only if it is able to read the same study as the mobile phone device, later on application layer threats. It may not be possible deep down the technological framework for antivirus software to understand application communications or crumble application demeanor through the deep inspection of intrusion prevention packets, whether on indivi dual basis or when reassembled into their original sequence. Similarly, network-level antivirus may detect a small number of known, easily identifiable security threats by simply examining pre-programmed patterns (Citrix Systems 2006).Installation of antivirus is the outgo known way of protecting android and windows mobile phones. The best types of antivirus are the application firewalls since they operate at the application layer instead of the network level. The application firewalls are able to enforce correct application behavior while preventing any malicious activity. This is because the firewalls are able to inspect the actual internet communication and understand the context of all client requests and application responses through which they are sent to the internet. A complete mobile phone security application needs to offer full protection of all the elements of an application as well as users of the application. In most cases however, security applications for mobile ph ones are only limited to the application programme and application data (Citrix Systems 2006).Thesis statementDespite web devices continuing to face significant security threats, mobile phones go completely unprotected while web browsing, downloading applications, checking e-mail, conducting online banking and connecting to social networking sites like chirrup and Facebook. While mobile attacks are increasing rapidly and hackers are financially motivated to steal data, identities, and intercept corporate communications, it has become critical to protect mobile devices such as android phone and Windows phones.Background of the studySmartphone security is the influence of preventing and detecting unofficial use of your system. Prevention measures help you to s outperform unauthorized users (also known as intruders) from accessing any part of your mobile phone system. Detection helps you to determine whether or not someone attempted to break into your system, if they were successful , and what they may have done. We use android and windows mobile for everything from banking and investing to shopping and communicating with others through email or chat programs. Although you may not consider your communications top secret, you probably do not want strangers reading your email, using your phone to attack other systems, sending forged email from your phone, or examining personal information stored on your phone (such as financial statements).There are a variety of antivirus software packages that operate in many different ways, depending on how the vender chose to implement their software. What they have in common, though, is that they all aroma for patterns in the files or computer memory of your Smartphone that indicate the possible presence of a known virus. Antivirus packages know what to look for through the use of virus profiles (sometimes called spots) provided by the vendor. New viruses are discovered daily. The effectiveness of antivirus software is dep endent on having the latest virus profiles installed on your Smartphone so that it can look for recently discovered viruses. It is important to keep these profiles up to date.Chapter 2 Android Phone EmulatorsAn android mobile phone is a phone fitted with a set of software consisting of operating systems, middleware and other major applications. The main features of android include application framework for facilitating reuse and replacement of components, Dalvik virtual railcar which is optimised for mobile devices, optimised graphics, an integrated browser, media tools for common audio, video and still image formats, SQLite for structured data storage, and GSM Telephony. Other features include Bluetooth, Camera, and Rich development consisting of a device emulator, tools for debugging, memory and performance profiling. Android technology is dependent on Linux version 2.6 to power the main system servicing including security, memory management, process management, network stack, an d driver models (Android Developers 2010).Android technology is made up of a multi-process system in which each application runs in its own process. A standard Linux induction is responsible for organise security between different applications such as user and group identifications assigned to the applications in Android mobile phone. The crux of the security applications is on the basis of the concept that no application, by default, has access to perform any operation with a potential of adversely impacting on other applications, the operating system, or the user. The applications that the Linux facility must grant permission include reading or writing the users private data, reading or writing other applications file, performing network access, and keeping the device awake. The permission that an application requires is statistically declared in that application so that Linux facility can surpass the upfront during installation and not subject to change thereafter (Android De velopers 2010).The antivirus software for mobile forms utilises various virus sensing methods. The two main virus detection methods include tinge based detection and behaviour based detection. Signature base Detection makes use of virus signatures dictionary to compare the files when checking for viruses. A signature dictionary is a database containing very many virus signatures which the software manufacturer has so far found. The user is expected to continually update the virus signature directory as when new viruses, worms, Trojans, and other malicious programs appear. Failure to update the dictionary may lead to failure of the software to detect emerging viruses. The behaviour Based Detection is designed to monitor and control any activities in the device system for wary program behaviour. In the event that a suspicious behaviour is detected, the software probes further into that suspicious behaviour by applying the signature based detection to countercheck whether the activ ity is malicious or not. In the event that the suspicious program is malicious, an alert will be generated to notify the user.Android emulator is a virtual mobile device which runs on a phone system and allows the user to prototype, develop, and test android applications for possible malicious programs without necessarily using a physical device. This device mimics all the hardware and software features of a phone save for the fact that it cannot receive or make a call. As soon as a particular application starts to run on the emulator, it may make use of the services of the android platform to invoke other applications, access the network, and notify the user. The emulators also contain various debug capabilities like comfort from which the user can log kernel output, simulate application interrupts, and simulate latency effects and dropouts on the data channel (Android developers 2010).As stated earlier, android utilises a multi-process system in which each and every application r uns on its own process. Since majority of the security between applications is granted at the process level, android emulators provide more detailed security features through a permission mechanism that enforces restriction on the specific operations that any particular process can perform and permission for granting ad-hoc access to specific pieces of data. While the emulators ensures that no application acts in a manner that can adversely affect another application, it is still possible for an application to encroach into the actions of another application as long as permission is forehand obtained in order to perform the contrasted function not provided by the basic nucleus (Vennon 2010).The android emulators can also disallow these extraneous permissions on the basis of the certificates that were used to sign the application or by simply prompting the user. The permission that an application will require to function outside its nucleus is statistically declared by the emulators within the application and will be relayed to the Smartphone user, and the permission will not change. The android emulators consider malware to be malicious software designed to infiltrate a Smartphone system without the users informed consent (Vennon 2010).

Monday, May 20, 2019

Kudler Fine Foods Service Essay

Service RequestThe manager of Kudler okay Foods, Kathy Kudler, has requested the development of a strategy to cut through guest purchases through a Frequent Shopper Program to award loyalty points for redemption. (Apollo, 2011) Key S c either backh olderersThe learn stakeholders are the individuals that are directly involved with Kudler attr boutive Foods and resulting lead a direct feat on the over completely project. These individuals leave alone be the central source of tuition in the analysis, architectural plan, implementation and interrogation phase of the carcasss nurture. Kathy KudlerProject ManagerThe Frequent Shopper Program for Kudler is item in addressing current and future customers by reward them for shopping with the caller. Both business and skillful functions will be addressed as hearty as improved communication between the sales and marketing and purchasing departments. The goal is to provide better reaction to customer demands bit rewarding the customer and accomplishing this in an efficiently fast manner.A marketing image must(prenominal) be developed to inform current and potential customers of the plan and encourage them to participate and take advantage of the benefits offered by the program. In utilizing an knocked out(p)(p)side source for the program, Kudler will be qualified-bodied to provide a good relationship between the IT resources of the outside source and the internal sales and inventory transcriptions. in that respect is as well as a affect to modify the two different entropybases and the GUI in fix to allow for good-tempered data transfer and communication.Kudlers specific goals are to improve customer satisfaction in position to increase stigmatize loyalty, cut be by increasing supply efficiency, and increase sales which will result in high up revenue and profits for the company. In order to ensure success of this project, au and sotic aspects will be monitored throughout the dura tion. This will allow Kudler to view what aspects are successful and what aspects are not. The main aspects that will be monitored are new customer enrollment into the program, track of purchases from current and repeat customers, bring in of customer reward points, duration of participation from customers in the program, and total customer ran some(prenominal)d points, and difference in cost of redeemed items versus wholesale/supplier costs.Supporting Measures and Project FeasibilityIn order for Kudler Fine Foods to continue growth and experience profit index, the heading and implementation of a Frequent Shopper Program must be accomplished. The program will look at to utilize the best avail suitable computer computer ironware and bundle to accomplish their goals and to provoke growth as well. The chosen arrangement will need to address twain short and hanker term demand and problems that could arise. This is done through a development phase that will combine all aspects and products that Kudler wishes to incorporate into the program. This phase must address the current bud stupefy allocated by Kudler for the implementation of the program while incorporating all needed requirements.Current Business Process SummaryProposed System RequirementsThe proposed new scheme must be capable of meeting the requirements set forth by the divulge stakeholders within the company. This key out of requirements will be presented, discussed, and then edited based on what is needed, what is within budget constraints, and what is decided on by the stakeholders. This list of functional requirements proposed to Kudler is below.Functional RequirementsSystem is capable of new customer enrollmentSystem is able to track purchases for all customersSystem is able to track and store rewards points for individual customersSystem allows for rewards points to be redeemedSystem allows for viewing of customer rewards points on POS terminalsSystem allows input changes from POS term inalsSystem will sync with company website for tracking of rewards pointsSystem allows for data from each pickle to be stored and accessed in a central pickleSystem must be compatible with current system in place for roaring transition. find RequirementsThe determination of the requirements for this system is a key part in the development of the Frequent Shopper Program (FSP). There are many methods that washstand be employ to decently determine the requirements needed for an efficient system. These rear complete range from simple observation of current offsetes and interviews with employees and management, to Joint Application Design (JAD) procedures. The commonly employ methods of observation, interviews, etc., heap help analysts pinpoint exact requirements based on user input and business solvees. According to Charvat (2003), angiotensin-converting enzyme of the biggest benefits of a proper user requirements specification is that youll be able to plan and estimate yo ur project correctly, decrease the chance of cost and era overruns.The analyst must listen to the employees and gain a thorough intelligence of all business processes before establishing the new system requirements. The Joint Application Development (JAD) is a newer and more than unionized means of meeting selective development to base requirements on. This process is conducted by holding sessions in which key stakeholders and other key members of management are present and work together in the outline of the accomplishable requirements. This allows for input from all levels within the organisation and jackpot yield better results than other commonly used methods. While this process rout out be lengthy, it remarks all key members involved up to discover on the status of progress during the development phase and analysis.List of Confirmed RequirementsSystem is capable of new customer enrollmentMandatorySystem is able to track purchases for all customersMandatorySystem is able to track and store rewards points for individual customersMandatorySystem allows for rewards points to be redeemedMandatorySystem allows for viewing of customer rewards points on POS terminalsMandatorySystem allows input changes from POS terminalsMandatorySystem will sync with company website for tracking of rewards pointsMandatorySystem allows for data from each location to be stored and accessed in a central locationMandatorySystem must be compatible with current system in place for easy transitionOptionalProposed System Process ViewFunctional Allocation ModelingThis aspect is in truth important in ensuring all software program and hardware utilized for the new system is up to date and current as of the cartridge holder of this service request. Since technology advancements are made almost every day, it is important to stay on the cutting inch. This is why the use of computer systems with an Intel core i7 processor is being chosen. The hardware that will be used wil1l be purchase directly from Dell. This will give Kudler piece of oral sex with all hardware and full technical admit with the warranty provided from Dell.The systems chosen will have 8GB of ram down ( fund) and will include 22 LCD monitors, core i7 processors with 4.5GHz speed, and come preloaded with Windows 7.. Each system will to a fault be equipped with 10/100 ethernet capabilities to meet the standards of the current network in place at Kudler. The current server in place at Kudler will be replaced by Unix servers by SPARC try Software SAP system for retail environments. The POS terminals will be replaced by NCR RealPOS 82XRT terminals which offer s ordureners, cash drawers, butt against screen displays, and built in printing capabilities. VOIP phone systems and HP M521dn and HP 8015 printers will replace the overaged ones currently in use.Logical Model of SystemPreliminary Design ModelDesign trade-offIn order for Kudler Fine Foods to have a successful program, an examination of product roll out methodology must be performed. There will need to be a specific balance wheel in regards to the mixture of cost, schedule and performance. It is understood that a program cannot incorporate all three aspects at once which then leads to deciding what the appropriate trade-offs shall be within the requirements. The following depict possible scenarios of corporate trust two aspects but foregoing a third possible requirement.Cost and ScheduleBy having a program that is inexpensive and keeps to the specified timelines the company will ending up with one that is affordable and able to start up right away. If the schedule is large for integration of the system with the current system then the time to capitalize on the customers data would take time. The downside is that cheap is not always best and can result in a low performance record that is fraught with hardware and software failures. If the program cannot function properly at that place is a decent chance that it will fail outright ascribable to customers not wanting to take part in it.Schedule and PerformanceCreating a program that is schedule to finish on time and functions to specified standards will allow Kudler customers to enjoy the programs rewards with miniature to no problems. In this instance the design trade-off is cost. The cost of the new proposed system would be sort of moderate to high. The cost to get the correct and reliable information at every instance of time is the biggest challenge over the cost incurred in the infra construction. Not keeping up with costs for the creation though will result in a project that has a finishing cost much higher than was originally budgeted for. The result can pull funding from other much needed programs or can cause the program to change such as the customer receiving rewards that are of a lower superior than originally promised.Cost and PerformanceIf the project team up up is able to create the program at obedient costs while mai ntaining a high quality performance status the customers will be able to enjoy the benefits of the rewards while allowing the company to stay within appropriate budget levels. All the previous customers data would be inputted and further processed , which would take time The implementation of the new system would reduce costs of data transfer and catering the customers in a suitable manner. The performance of the system would improve with heighten ability to track information about customers , their preference pattern and any change in their port In addition to all the above , the company can reduce the extra cost of squirrel away of goods and can only customers preferences. The possible tradeoff is that the program may not be finished as scheduled. This can result in a backlog for future projects. In addition, if the project takes an exceedingly interminable amount of time than originally thought, it may become scrapped so a new plan can come in its place.Detailed Design Proce ssThe prototype will drive the design of the forms and reports. The forms need to document predefined data in a clear and concise manner. Forms are typically based on one database record and have a stylized form. Reports are business documents that contain predefined data and data from many un associate transactions or records used for reading or reviewing information. The forms and reports need to be end user friendly and clear to understand. They should not have simple rows or columns. The forms and reports can be designed using online graphical tools. This will help standardize them with other memorial tablets. The forms and reports should have a transparent gentle computer interface.In designing a form or report there are some fundamental questions that need to be addressed who will be the form/report user, the purpose, when will they be needed, who should have access to them, and who does it need to be delivered to? Answering these questions will allow the programmer to produ ce an in effect(p) form/report.The hardware and networks used should be consistent with what is already in use throughout the organization. Kudler Fine Foods uses UNIX operating system, HP blade server system and SAP as their software. The UNIX server needs to be upgraded to UNIX SPARC Enterprise software. The organization should upgrade their current version of SAP Retail SW to SAP for Retail. The HP Blade server should be upgraded to a Dell PowerEdge M620 blade server. The HP blade server is archaic and this may create problems if future support or maintenance is needed. The CM2320nf printer is obsolete and should be upgraded with the HP M521dn printer.The HP 3015 printers, VOIP phones, APC Smart UPS, POS terminals, 22 screens, and the NAS 10 TB storage server should all remain. If the organization is going to upgrade their software they should upgrade their hardware as indicated. This will allow the organization the ability to use state of the art hardware with state of the art software and get the most out of the system. They will be able to utilize the most current technological features currently available and cast up the life of their infrastructure.Human Computer InterfaceThe human computer interface should be designed with Microsoft ocular Basic. Net. Microsoft is a universal program that employees are beaten(prenominal) with. Using Microsoft will allow end users to live comfortable with the software because the commands for Microsoft can be applied. prep is easier for employees using Microsoft because so many of them are familiar with it. Microsoft reports can also be imported and exported to other mediums making it possible for end users to review the information in detail. They currently use Microsoft Windows 7. Using the most current version of software will bid the life of the system. Using outdated software will hinder the use of the most current applications and can make the program prematurely outdated. The organization should continu e using Dell computers but they need to upgrade them to Dell XPS 8700 with an i7 processor, and 4.0 GHz. CD drives are no longer necessary, most information is transferred or stored via a memory stick. tangible System ModelWhat are information computer architecture diagrams? A diagram architecture is not necessary an architecture produced through diagrams. Instead, diagram architecture is an architecture that behaves like a diagram, indifferent tothe specific means of its realization. (Par. 13) When it comes to these diagrams you are taking the knowledge of the architecture and molding it into a visual and understandable care laid out in sequence like patterns that show direction. And when these diagrams are designed of information architecture the process usually ends up back where it started making a loop back to the requirements. Producing this process of creating an information architecture diagrams can be a bit confusing and people end up getting information confused rather e asy. Until a man named Philippe Kruchten came up with a brilliant way to aspect at the diagram. He introduced the concept of viewing the diagram through the eyes of the stakeholders.This process became known as the 4+1 information view model. The 4 is for the some(prenominal) views in which he describes as the Physical view, Logical view, development view and the process view. And the +1 is added to describe the scenarios. Modeling the architecture of a software system can be presented in two areas known as the High level design and design patterns. High level is the use of the core components who work together for the one mission of fulfilling the requirements.And depending on if the system is large enough it is possible that each component will sustain its own high level setup that will provide descriptions of its smaller parts. Design patterns are used here and there in the particular designs of each of the components. A pattern is a waypoint that will direct you to the end fi rmness of purpose of the program in which it is accommodating. If the same pattern is used through the design of separate programs it will act as a money saver as it saves in the purchase of new software and saves time in the design process. Testing Process SummaryThis phase will be somewhat homogeneous to the installation and implementation phase in some ways. The overall functionality of every aspect within the system must be tested to ensure it meets the requirements of the original project plan. All new software and hardware must go through thorough examination and a system of checks to accomplish this. This phase must be continued throughout the life cycle of the system to continuously check for demerits and bugs to keep the system performing at optimum capacity. To properly complete this phase there are filmlines to follow for testing that will cover all aspects of the system. ironware and Software instauration Process/Training PlanIn order to accomplish the implementation of the Frequent Shopper Program Successfully Kudler will need to implement the POS horde database flawlessly into the system in order to avoid data loss or corruption of data. The online exchange Registers and the in-store cash registers will be communicating to the same database and a seamless integration of these three components is life-and-death during the early implementation phase of the installation. The challenge during this phase of the installation is the software that will be used to bring these three components together. Continuous testing of the POS, The CMS, and the store website are needed to ensure that any bugs in the system are pointed out early. Once this is complete the Kudler will be able to focus on the smaller aspects of the program such as ensuring that all merchandise are coded correctly and the scanners are properly transmitting the data.The timeline for the implementation of this project is 2-3 months. The company should take measures during the implem entation and installation regarding marketing tomaintain the competitory edge and afford customers needed time to adjust to the idea of this new system. Time will be needed to train staff on the proper procedures for issuing and Frequent Shopper Cards, and the support teams will need knowledge on how to troubleshoot system errors. The cashiers will need training on methods of marketing the programs and procedures for how to use, issue, and reissue card game to customers enrolling or already enrolled in the program. One of the keys to success of the program is ensuring the cashiers have a clear understanding of how to market the program. Failure to ensure marketing or the cards is upheld and train employees on how to properly process cards will be counterproductive to the program and could lower customer value.Installation ProcessInstallation is the organizational process of change over from the current information system to the new one. Managing the change to a new systemwhether or not it is computerized is one of the most difficult tasks in any organization (George, Hoffer, & Valacich, 2012). After system construction, final acceptance tests performed during systems installation and evaluation ensures the development team has completed all tasks for the project. After determination that system operations are fully functional, the system is ready for installation. During the installation process, the old system becomes disabled and subsequently, the new system activated. The project manager and developers assemble the resources required for installation as the work begins.Resources required for installation of the system includes development team members and their various programming tools, including software. Project constraints in this instance have a comparatively narrow degree because of the streamlined and limited changes. The installation team begins by changing the modems over to broadband, and activating broadband connections at each store. At this stage, the installed applications including updates to the Point of exchange system software, the database management system, credit card interface software, and printer applications undergo testing for appropriate functionality. The consummate system is then tested, and confirmed successful for use (George, Hoffer, & Valacich, 2012). The installation of the Kudler Fine Foods Frequent Shopper Program and related plans for training will correspond with the timeline illustrated.Training PlanThe training and installation timeline provides a sufficient and organized schedule for installation and system testing, also providing an expedient finish to the system implementation processes. The project team develops training actuals and documentation for training classes. The next misuse in the implementation phase is training system users, managers, and IT staff.Diagram 1 Installation and Training TimelineUser training and training documentation should include an overview of system feat ures, capabilities and limitations, data entry and menu screen options, contents, and processing instructions, and procedures for requesting changes and insurance coverage problems. Other important inclusions are troubleshooting examples and error situations including resolutions, and a section on frequently asked questions (Cashman, Rosenblatt, & Shelly, 2013). As illustrated, Frequent Shopper Program System Training, the specific elaborate for training specific groups vary according to employee function and extent.Documentation Plan SummaryDocumentation needs to be accurate and will also be a determining factor on the softwares success or failure. Documentation needs to include how to work the system, navigate it, its potential, how to use the data, and reportage methods. This should be done early on so the end user has reference materials. The documentation process should begin when developing the system. This will provide supporting material for developers and help develop fut ure training materials. If the end user does not understand how to use the system or call information for reporting purposes, the software is not serving its purpose. Most systems in place today are for information gathering and storage. If the end user cant access the collected information, then the software will be rendered useless.The system will need to be maintained so a maintenance manual should be available to guide developers on how to make fixes and update the system. An operational manual should be available for the outcome material expert, designers and users. This manual will help when they have questions on a process or how to get a certain part of the program to produce or collectthe proper data. A technical manual will be necessary so the technical writers can refer to the system structure when they have questions. The technical manual should include drawings, flowcharts, and the database structure.The system should have a training manual that has step by step instr uctions that a user can follow. It should also have a list of any codes, available reports, system outputs, a troubleshooting guide, work a rounds, and be current on updates. The Training manual or user manual will help the user by providing a guide for future reference and for training. The training manual will help decrease questions and improve efficiency. The more information that is available for the user the more proficient they will be at using it.Training end users is very important. This could mean the difference between an efficient and easy flowing system or a cumbersome, difficult to use nightmare. Visuals should be used to make training easier and provide future training material references. If there are inquiries that are not frequently performed, the end user might not recall how to initiate the inquiries and having a visual to refer to, might help the end user be more efficient when conducting these inquires.Support & Maintenance PlanIts not enough to just implement a system and fully integrate it into the new business system. There must be a support system that covers common mistakes and helps people locate answers to their technical questions. And along with the system support there also must be some type of maintenance schedule that keeps the system healthy, like frequent updates to keep the system up to date and as free from bugs as possible.Software SupportIn order for a system to operate at full potential the software must remain up to date with all of the bug fixes and security issues that comes with having software. Having your software up to date could very well be the lifeline of your company. If your software fails, then the work production conducted on that system will also fail.Hardware SupportJust as important as software support is hardware support. Hardware consists of several critical and physical components of an IT system. These components include but are not limited to servers, systems used to store data, individual(prenomi nal) computers (PC) and the networks that tie them all together. When it comes to business communication is the key, and this doesnt exclude the communication of the IT systems.Network Support uniform previously mentioned, networks are the communication for IT systems. Keeping your network up and runway can be a little difficult to deal with. When a network goes down then every piece of hardware on that network has no communication. Unfortunately network issues usually get dealt with as soon as they happen. What is recommended is to have a preventative maintenance schedule in increments of monthly, bimonthly, semiannually, annually or biannually to periodically check the condition of the network before it fails resulting in a downed network.When software is merged over into a company system there are user manuals and lists of known and unmapped bugs for the system. Each member should have been briefed on the new software and also provided the information included in the user manua ls and the known and unknown bug reports. For the hardware and network, preventative maintenance is the best way to avoid a downed asset. And a well maintained support system with frequent updates will ensure your software stays up todate with the latest security and bugs fixes.ConclusionThis thorough analysis and all aspects carefully and fully examined, the proposed project will not only meet, but exceed the request of Kudler Fine Foods for implementing a rewards program. The use of cutting edge technology in both hardware and software aspects will ensure a smooth running system for years to come. The incorporation of the rewards program and the system upgrades should not only increase profitability, but brand loyalty from customers as well. The system meets all required needs of Kudler Fine Foods to include time scheduling, budget, and both short and long term goals.ReferencesApollo Group Inc. (2011). Kudler Fine Foods. Service Request SR-kf-013. Retrieved from https//ecampus.pho Fine Foods Cashman, G. B., Rosenblatt, H. J., & Shelly, G. B. (2013). Systems abbreviation and Design (10th ed.). Boston, MA Thomson Course Technology. Charvat, Jason. (June 30, 2013). Determine User Requirements Now to Avoid Problems Later. TechRepublic. Retreived from http// Dennis, A., Wixom, B. H., & Roth, R. M. (2012). Systems analysis & design (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ John Wiley & Sons. Federal Bureau of Investigation (2013). The Insider Threat An introduction to detecting and deterring an insider spy. Retrieved from http// George, J. F., Hoffer, J. A., & Valacich, J. S. (2012). Essentials of Systems analytic thinking and Design. Retrieved from http// Riordan Manufacturing Intranet Website (2014). Retrieved from https//ecampus (2010, 05). Diagram Architecture. Retrieved 05, 2010, from http//

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Pillars of Citizenship in the U.S.

The pillars of citizenship in our country, the United States of America, draw been constructed through three essential documents. The Declaration of emancipation, US Constitution, and the news report of Rights have furnished much of our countries civic rights and liberties of the US political system. The Declaration of Independence of 1776 was a document that stated official separation amongst the 13 colonies and Great Britain.The Declaration mainly argued for the colonies most central law, which was that all men are created meet and there are certain unalienable rights that governments need to respect such as the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It also argued Intolerable Acts would be considered unconstitutional under the tonic nation. It also argued if a government is not supporting the rights described in the document, citizens should and could overthrow that government as devoted citizens.The declaration of Independence was created to cast a new gov ernment thats main duty was to support the rights of citizens through only the magnate of the people that it represented. The US Constitution was constructed after we won our independence from Great Britain, which resulted in the formation of our new Government. It was the foundational document that setup all of our nations branches of our newly constructed Government. As a whole, this documents main purpose was the construction of our affinity between the Federal Government and the United States Citizens.When the US Constitution was constructed there was many debates between the Anti-Federalists and Federalists. The Anti-Federalists were scare that there would be to much Government regulation and the citizens would lose some of their rights. In regards to this, both sides concord on the US constitution, but only if there would be a construction of a Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights sole purpose was to maintain the United States citizens liberties including freedom of speech, religion and the right to a honest trial by a jury.In all, the construction of these documents each argued for the right of the US citizens to be treated with respect, fairness, and of course, equally. thither were numerous abuses that were committed by King George III that are documented in the Declaration of Independence towards the colonists of the United States. In result to this, each of these documents were created because the colonists were tired of the King of Great Britain.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

How far is it applicable to management and employee motivation in contemporary Chinese organizations? Essay

critically evaluate McGregors supposition X and surmise Y. How far is it applicable to management and employee motivation in contemporary Chinese organizations? During the 1960s the number of psychologists invented motivational theories, which aimed to increase organizations productivity. One of those is McGregors Theory X and Theory Y, in which he claimed that people can be managed in two extremes, based on the grounds of their needs.After publishing his work had a significant impact on management ideas. channelise (2011) states, that in present days, his approaches of management can be successfully applied in distinguishable countries, as well as in China. However, de suffer the modernization of modern work environment in China, at that place are still the number of gruelingships that make the adaptation of his theories complex and difficult. From the year of publication, McGregors work make a significant influence on the management philosophy. Most of the management books i nclude his theory as an example of the substantial step of management insights (Jastolka, 2009). It was stated by Head (2011), that most of the managers prefer to custom one of those, instead of otherwise approaches. Later, after McGregors publication the contribution for a deeper research of get the pictures motivation was made. Also, McGregors work persuaded managers to believe that employees behavior can be predicted using scientific methods. Afterwards the research has been conducted, therefore the deeper understanding of humans motivation can be gained (Head, 2011). The devisal of both methods can be successful, depending on which sphere the company is specializing in.According to Bobic and Davis (2003), adaptive approach, or Theory X works with highly routine and detailed tasks. Additionally, it is more than appropriate for firms with bureaucratic structures (Kirton, 1978 cited in Bobic and Davis, 2003). much(prenominal)(prenominal) organizations grow hierarchical syste ms with clearly distinguished responsibilities and roles. Regarding to the innovative technique, or Theory Y, it responds more efficiently with abstr use up tasks that require special skills (Sorensen, 2011). In spite of listed advantages, McGregors work was criticized for the number of weaknesses. Firstly, technological development, new forms of businesses and other improvements in the organization of production leaded to the alteration of employees responsibilities, and formed new types of jobs. It was claimed by Bobic and Davis (2003), that present workers have different working settings, in the comparison to the working environment in1960s.Thus, it is fallaciously to regard this theory as a beneficial explanation of contemporary humans motivation. Secondly, people have a set of characteristics, which makes every(prenominal) person unique, and it is far too complex to distinguish them amongst only two groups. For example, Theory X does not take the diversity of individuals int o the consideration (Miner, 2002 cited in Jastolka, 2009). Finally, McGregors hypothesis is mostly founded on Maslows hierarchy of needs, which validity is criticized (Heylighen, 1992 cited in Bobic and Davis, 2003).Furthermore, Maslows work was based on the empirical base of America, and its pertinency to other countries has not been successfully proven yet. In case of China, its working environment is slightly enough similar to Western, because in 1979 Chinese government began to implement economic policies to create an economy with capitalistic features, such as profit orientation, private owning and market forces (Francesco and Gold, 2005). Such changes significantly influenced the way, in which Chinese workers are interact by their managers, forcing them to practice methods that used in Western nations, however despite these changes, implementing of McGregors methods is hard for genuine reasons. First of all, according to Francesco and Gold (2005), the management style of a country, such as China, with strong traditions and remained patriarchy, is hard to be transformed or altered.For example, Garg and Ma (2005) conducted a research, which shows the difference between frameworks of organizations. The participants of survey were three groups of firms, with different introduction of non-Chinese executives, who use Western management approaches complete, partial and blank, and result shows a significant difference between these companies in some aspects of working conditions. In organizations with only Chinese executives, most of employees experience an unavailability of managers, privation of encouragement to be innovative and lack of support most of the time. However, it could be argued that the conditions described above could be associated with Theory X. Secondly, Chinese employees in firms function as a group where each member is working for the prosperity of the whole company (Francesco and Gold, 2005).This feature restrains the enthusiasm of work ers to be innovative in their job in order to maximize the profit of his/her company, but coerce them to do their tasks conventionally, because employees are anxious to harm their firm, succession Theory Y assumes that people must have more freedom. Then,Tsui et al. (cited in Huang, 2006), argue that communist ideology force Chinese employees to make efforts in their work to the favor of the commune. Finally, due to the listed characteristics most of the Chinese managers use commune-based leadership style. This means that Chinese workers are mostly dependent on their command and thus it is more appropriate to implement the ideas of Theory X in Chinese organizations (Jackson and Bak, 1998 cited in Huang, 2006). However, an interview made by Jamal and Xie (1991), shows that satisfaction and motivation of employees are in direct relationship to managers level of participation.To sum up, both Theory X and Theory Y have been successfully adopted in Western and some of the create countr ies. With regard to China, which economy type has changed only 30 years before and traditional values of Chinese people remain fundamental, which in turn reduce the probability of prosperous adaptation of McGregors ideas. equivalence both theories, Theory X is more applicable to China than Theory Y, because of traditional command-style of leadership. However, in spite of the number of successful implementations of these approaches in completely Chinese organizations, with the goal to maximize the profit of a company, the applying of methods, which bounce the nature of a worker in China, who is different from the Western employee is preferable to McGregors work.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Predestination: Christianity and Romans

foreordination is maven and only(a) of the most widely debated topics in the deliverymanian world among musical compositiony denominations today. in that respect ar whiley differing views and it is a big(a)er topic to explain and understand. Often this topic is argued by twisting or taking the bible knocked out(p) of context. On the other hand many people truly tangle witht understand preordination and what it means or what it is. Others dont want to understand necessity beca do of their fear that it might be truth. This paper ordain be outlining foreordination and Calvinism by explaining this view as well as taking a deeper look into how Romans & Galatians fits into this view. fate has been defined in many ways by the many different denominations. Predestination is ultimately defined in our final destination is decided by perfection in the beginning we were as yet innate(p). god decides if we atomic number 18 to be relieve or not. He has predestine any things that arrive come to pass and will continue into the future. It is the act that immortal carrys those whom he wants to be saved and the rest be left for eternal punishment in madhouse. This is not because perfection is detached just because he is just and righteous. In the terminus the goal and duty as saviorians are to sour laurels to graven image and to evangelize as many as possible.Our concentration should be on deliveryman. Predestination is divided into two parts alternative and reprobation. Election is peremptory and irresponsible it is immortals election of man to salvation, not because of mans works or merit. Election and reprobation prepare their groundwork in the good pleasure of immortal. Reprobation is defined as preterition and objurgation. Preterition is the passing oer of almost in the decree of election. God owes man nothing further judgment sh avow in prostrate 2015. God chooses whom he wants and man shadowernot justly argue against God for passing over him in election, which is Gods excerpt of condemnation.Gods excerption of saving people is the same as Gods choice of the condemnation of others. Condemnation is an act of God as a sovereign judge. This condemnation comes from sin, which besides damns man to hell. In order for God to be righteous and glorified those who are in sin should be punished. Everything is d integrity for the annulus of God 2 Tim 19, Heb. 210. The fact that many are elected and others are not is explained with Gods glory and sovereignty. Anything that God does is for his glory and this is best demonstrated through his decrees. The decrees of God are his eternal purpose according to the council of His will, w here(predicate) by for His own glory, He hath foreordained what so ever comes to pass (Shorter Catechism 8). Gods decrees are free, sovereign, absolute, and efficacious. Gods decrees are free in that he moves by his own good pleasure. Gods decrees are sovereign because nothing occurs outside of Gods control or knowledge. God is a God who reigns and is in control and not limited in any way. Gods decrees are absolute because they are not dependent upon any conditions that are not themselves determined by divine decree.Gods decrees are efficacious in that they in occuribly determine the certainty of the future events decreed. These decrees are for Gods glory alone and not either ways for the good of the creature. Gods decrees relate to totally events and embrace all things in heaven and in earth. Therefore His providence is determined through his decrees. Though Gods providence he preserves and directs all his creatures. In the view of predestination God cares specially for his elect. In predestination the more debated topic is that of mans free will. This free will is the choice that man has to choose God or choose to let the hallowed facial expression work.This free will feces be defined as freedom of indeterminacy or uncertainty, freedom of self-determina tion, and the power to opposed choice. Self-determination is directing ones self from the inside with no direction from the outside. The argument against predestination determines that a sinner freely chooses God or rejects Christ. The question of will is not whether man wills or even has a will, but whether God determines their will for good. Likewise the question is not whether a man chooses but whether his choice has a cause or reason.This choice or lack there of is shown through the fact that man is a slave to sin John 834. As a slave to sin can man truly choose that which is good? One example of this is in the truth that God cannot lie. It is against his nature. God does not want to lie, so he cannot lie through his own free will Titus 12. Some rhymes talking about(predicate) the will of man include John 665 which states, no one can come to me unless it has been granted to him by the father. In John 1712 messiah says that he has kept all those whom God has addicted him. A ccording to John 6 man in his free will cannot believe because it is not in his watch to do so.Predestination suggests that if man can choose God by the free will of his corrupt and perverse heart, it gives him more liberty and power than God himself. There is a barrier that every man cannot over come. That is the barrier of sin. It is not that he doesnt want to choose God, although that is involved, it is that he cannot come to God, because he does not cook the olfactionual capacity to potpourri his own heart and deny his own nature. Man always chooses sin and that which is corrupt unless he has a changed heart. Man is full of corruption.Therefore, mans free will gives man nothing and is not the mention of his salvation. The issue comes up that God is not fairly and that he is not loving. If God were just and fair all humans would be in hell suffering eternal damnation. Mat 2214 suggests that many are called but few are chosen. Here is al list of verses supporting predestinat ion John 86-7 Rom 115-7 John 612, 37-39, 44, 46, 65 John 1516 John 35-7, 19-20 John 1516-19 2 Cor 514-17 2 Tim 19 Matt. 2016 John 834 Romans 86-7 and 2 Tim 226. Predestination came about through the works of Calvin, which later was named Calvinism.This view has give major requests known in the word Tulip which is total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of the saints. Romans & Galatians include many verses on the national of Calvinism and many of this view use Romans as one of the most sinewy books toward their argument. The first taper total depravity is strongly upheld in Romans. This is the total inability of man. Mans nature is corrupt, perverse, and sinful throughout. The word total in this horizontal surface refers to the whole man and being are depraved.Mans nature is sinful because of the sin that Adam connected in the very beginning. We are dead in sin. Man is utterly depraved and cannot come to God on his own acc ord. This is what capital of Minnesota was trying to portray to the Romans. Chapter 3 best demonstrates this truth about mans state in this world. The first verse in Romans that points to mans sinful nature and inability to pass judgment God is in Rom 120 which states, For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the mental home of the world in the things that have been made.So they are without excuse. This verse emphasizes that God has given man enough knowledge about himself through this world and nature to condemn man. This shows that evangelism doesnt even have to be present for man to be condemned. Humanity was condemned the day it was born. Man is depraved from the heart and cannot come to God unless the hallowed Spirit calls him and changes his heart. Chapter 1 in any case demonstrates the vileness and depravity of the people in Rome. rhymes 24-25 say, Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their h earts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Paul continues this same topic into chapter 2 and 3 of Romans. Verse 6 of chapter 2 says, He will render to each one according to his works. God punishes those whom he wants because He is a just God. This same judgment is taken through verses 12-29. Paul thusly continues in chapter 3 preaching on the inability of man.This chapter is the strongest support of this point of Calvinism. Verse 9 begins to show that Jews are no better than any other human being. Paul was preaching directly to the Jews telling them that no one is righteous, not even one vs. 10. He continues in vs. 11-12 no one understands no one seeks for God. All have turned aside together they have become worthless no one does good, not even one. There are none righteous in the whole world. The second point of Calvinism is the unconditional election of man. God chooses certain individuals from fallen sinners to receive grace and salvation.God could have saved all men from condemnation or he could have chosen to save none but by his grace he has chosen those whom he wants. This choice was not because of mans works but instead by the mercy and will of God 1 Thes. 59, Eph. 15. This point is alike shown through Galatians revealing that our salvation is through grace not of works lest any one should boast. In Romans 1 also shows that God passes over some and chooses others. Verse 6 calls the elect the chosen ones of Christ. He chose to give over these Roman sinners to the desires of their heart in order that they may receive their due punishment.God also darkens the hearts of those he chooses. Romans 828-30 states, And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the first-born among many brothers. And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified. This verse most specifically talks about predestination because it mentions the word as well as how God works in the process of salvation.In these verses we see that God does predestine mankind to be saved or for condemnation. Those he chose he also called. Later in vs. 33 Paul directly references Gods elect. The strongest passage for unconditional election is Romans 9 speaking on the subject of Gods sovereign choice. Paul was taking examples from the Old Testament. Paul calls the elect as the children of scream in vs. 8. God chooses not because of what man did but because of hi own will. Verse 10-24 talks about Gods purpose in election. He chose man before he was even born having done nothing bad or good vs. 1. Verse 13 states that Jacob have I loved , but Esau I have hated. This shows the will and sovereignty of God. Paul continues to emphasize that God is fair and he does what he chooses with whom he chooses. Many suggest that God is not fair and that God is showing discrimination when he chooses some and not others but God himself says in vs. 15 I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion. Romans continues to show that as creator God can do whatever he wants with his creation and creatures.God uses us for specific purposes in this life and we are all apart of Gods plan. It is hard to understand Gods decision to create creatures just for condemnation but this is reality. Romans 922 states, What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction. In the end man chooses sin and can only choose sin. Whether or not predestination is true, man goes to hell because of his decision. Some other vers es regarding the election are found in Romans 115, 7, and 28.The third point in Calvinism is particular redemption known more commonly as limited atonement. This is explained through the work of Christ on the Cross. Christ only atoned for those whom God chose to be saved by grace. Therefore Christ didnt die for the whole world but instead died for those who were called (the elect). Romans 830 also demonstrates this point. Christs power on the Cross was eternal. Therefore with this kind of power Christ had to only died for those who God chose and believed in Him because if Christ had redeemed the whole world then the whole world would be blameless before God and saved.If Christ had died for the world then he would have died for those who have already gone to hell. This limits Christs power and ultimately makes Christs role in this world for sinners meaningless. The fourth point of Calvinism is the efficacious call of the Holy Spirit also known as irresistible grace. The Holy Spirit u ses the gospel to call people to himself and God. He calls the elect from the inside and places a desire for God in their hearts. This call of the Holy Spirit is irresistible meaning that man cannot resist the power of the Holy Spirit.Those who were called by the Spirit were saved by Christ on the Cross and justified in the sight of God. The Holy Spirit is also powerful and his calling is irresistible. Whenever the bible speaks of the calling of God this is reference to the calling of the Holy Spirit. Galatians 115-16 states, But when he who called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son to me, in order that I might preach him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately consult with anyone. Paul constantly suggests that we are called by his Grace.The fifth and final point of Calvinism is the perseverance of the saints. This is the security that believers have in Christ to never fall away from the hand and hold of Christ. All believers are eternally secure in Him. No one or not hing can separate God from His elected. We are saints in Gods sight. Romans 838-39 proves this point which states, For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. This shows that nothing can be taken away from Gods hands or snatched out of His fingers. Christ is powerful and Satan can do nothing against the power of God. This verse specifically names many things and some powerful things but nothing can take believers away from Christ. Believers cannot loose their salvation. If believers could loose their salvation then God is limited and the devil is more powerful than God. This would also negate Jesus and his role on earth. Paul speaks of the righteousness of believers in Christ in Galatians 3.Paul begins to talk about being in the spirit or having salvation and suggesting to them tha t they are foolish because they are in sin and their fleshly desires are dominating. Paul continues to talk about the promise given to Abraham, which is eternal life. This covenant and promise that believers have in Christ is eternal and not moving or changing. This shows that believers cannot loose their salvation but instead they were not saved in the beginning or they are struggling with their sin. Predestination is clear to some but not to others many also use verses in Romans and Galatians that point away from Calvinism.Romans 518-19 states, Therefore, as one encroachment led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men. For as by the ones mans disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one mans obedience the many will be made righteous. This verse shows that condemnation is for all men, which is direct and true but then Paul says that Christs act on the transit leads to justification and life for all men. If th is were true then all men would be saved. Therefore, Paul here is talking about all believers.Romans 1013-14,17 also states, For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. But how are they to call on him whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? So faith comes form listening, and hearing from the word of Christ. This verse also shows that those who call on Christ are saved. Many take this verse to mean that humans have a choice to call on God while they are in sin and that this leaves no grounds for unconditional election.Man cannot call unto God unless the Holy Spirit has worked in their hearts so that they no longer are subject to the power of sin and the blindness that comes from sin. Predestination is a powerful view and is debated among many but the most important fact about the Christian life is not the small things of doctrine but instead the Christian duty t o go out into the world and preach the Gospel to the nations. Christians are called to serve Christ and build up one other not argue about doctrine. Christ is the most important part of being a Christian and that fact many times is overlooked.