Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Knowledgenagment Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Knowledgenagment - Personal Statement ExampleKnowledge management in organizations has three dimensions that be characterized by strategic dimensions that highlight the importance of knowledge and its management in a firms strategy (Liebowitz and Dalkir 144). Managerial dimensions entail the management and assessment of organizational knowledge. According to Liebowitz and Dalkir (139), operational dimensions highlight the information and utilization of knowledge and intellectual assets. Blooms taxonomy means the classification of learning outcomes into three domains which include cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains.Cognitive domains are mostly emphasized by educators due to their ability to enhance the readiness and performance of workers in an organization (Liebowitz and Dalkir 94). This domain is divided into six domains namely knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Affective domains are characterized by peoples emotional abilities and skills to react to different situations and circumstances. This domain is mainly concerned with employee sentience and their growth in terms of attitudes, feelings and emotions towards their responsibilities. Affective domains have five divisions which include receiving, responding, valuing, characterization and organizing. Psychomotor domains refer to workers abilities to physically manipulate tools and gadgets like electric saws and screw drivers. The domain focuses on developing, growing and improving behaviour and skills (Liebowitz and Dalkir 173). Bloom never categorized this domain, but other educators have divided it into seven division. They include involved overt response, mechanism, perception, set, guided response, origination and

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