Monday, May 20, 2019

Kudler Fine Foods Service Essay

Service RequestThe manager of Kudler okay Foods, Kathy Kudler, has requested the development of a strategy to cut through guest purchases through a Frequent Shopper Program to award loyalty points for redemption. (Apollo, 2011) Key S c either backh olderersThe learn stakeholders are the individuals that are directly involved with Kudler attr boutive Foods and resulting lead a direct feat on the over completely project. These individuals leave alone be the central source of tuition in the analysis, architectural plan, implementation and interrogation phase of the carcasss nurture. Kathy KudlerProject ManagerThe Frequent Shopper Program for Kudler is item in addressing current and future customers by reward them for shopping with the caller. Both business and skillful functions will be addressed as hearty as improved communication between the sales and marketing and purchasing departments. The goal is to provide better reaction to customer demands bit rewarding the customer and accomplishing this in an efficiently fast manner.A marketing image must(prenominal) be developed to inform current and potential customers of the plan and encourage them to participate and take advantage of the benefits offered by the program. In utilizing an knocked out(p)(p)side source for the program, Kudler will be qualified-bodied to provide a good relationship between the IT resources of the outside source and the internal sales and inventory transcriptions. in that respect is as well as a affect to modify the two different entropybases and the GUI in fix to allow for good-tempered data transfer and communication.Kudlers specific goals are to improve customer satisfaction in position to increase stigmatize loyalty, cut be by increasing supply efficiency, and increase sales which will result in high up revenue and profits for the company. In order to ensure success of this project, au and sotic aspects will be monitored throughout the dura tion. This will allow Kudler to view what aspects are successful and what aspects are not. The main aspects that will be monitored are new customer enrollment into the program, track of purchases from current and repeat customers, bring in of customer reward points, duration of participation from customers in the program, and total customer ran some(prenominal)d points, and difference in cost of redeemed items versus wholesale/supplier costs.Supporting Measures and Project FeasibilityIn order for Kudler Fine Foods to continue growth and experience profit index, the heading and implementation of a Frequent Shopper Program must be accomplished. The program will look at to utilize the best avail suitable computer computer ironware and bundle to accomplish their goals and to provoke growth as well. The chosen arrangement will need to address twain short and hanker term demand and problems that could arise. This is done through a development phase that will combine all aspects and products that Kudler wishes to incorporate into the program. This phase must address the current bud stupefy allocated by Kudler for the implementation of the program while incorporating all needed requirements.Current Business Process SummaryProposed System RequirementsThe proposed new scheme must be capable of meeting the requirements set forth by the divulge stakeholders within the company. This key out of requirements will be presented, discussed, and then edited based on what is needed, what is within budget constraints, and what is decided on by the stakeholders. This list of functional requirements proposed to Kudler is below.Functional RequirementsSystem is capable of new customer enrollmentSystem is able to track purchases for all customersSystem is able to track and store rewards points for individual customersSystem allows for rewards points to be redeemedSystem allows for viewing of customer rewards points on POS terminalsSystem allows input changes from POS term inalsSystem will sync with company website for tracking of rewards pointsSystem allows for data from each pickle to be stored and accessed in a central pickleSystem must be compatible with current system in place for roaring transition. find RequirementsThe determination of the requirements for this system is a key part in the development of the Frequent Shopper Program (FSP). There are many methods that washstand be employ to decently determine the requirements needed for an efficient system. These rear complete range from simple observation of current offsetes and interviews with employees and management, to Joint Application Design (JAD) procedures. The commonly employ methods of observation, interviews, etc., heap help analysts pinpoint exact requirements based on user input and business solvees. According to Charvat (2003), angiotensin-converting enzyme of the biggest benefits of a proper user requirements specification is that youll be able to plan and estimate yo ur project correctly, decrease the chance of cost and era overruns.The analyst must listen to the employees and gain a thorough intelligence of all business processes before establishing the new system requirements. The Joint Application Development (JAD) is a newer and more than unionized means of meeting selective development to base requirements on. This process is conducted by holding sessions in which key stakeholders and other key members of management are present and work together in the outline of the accomplishable requirements. This allows for input from all levels within the organisation and jackpot yield better results than other commonly used methods. While this process rout out be lengthy, it remarks all key members involved up to discover on the status of progress during the development phase and analysis.List of Confirmed RequirementsSystem is capable of new customer enrollmentMandatorySystem is able to track purchases for all customersMandatorySystem is able to track and store rewards points for individual customersMandatorySystem allows for rewards points to be redeemedMandatorySystem allows for viewing of customer rewards points on POS terminalsMandatorySystem allows input changes from POS terminalsMandatorySystem will sync with company website for tracking of rewards pointsMandatorySystem allows for data from each location to be stored and accessed in a central locationMandatorySystem must be compatible with current system in place for easy transitionOptionalProposed System Process ViewFunctional Allocation ModelingThis aspect is in truth important in ensuring all software program and hardware utilized for the new system is up to date and current as of the cartridge holder of this service request. Since technology advancements are made almost every day, it is important to stay on the cutting inch. This is why the use of computer systems with an Intel core i7 processor is being chosen. The hardware that will be used wil1l be purchase directly from Dell. This will give Kudler piece of oral sex with all hardware and full technical admit with the warranty provided from Dell.The systems chosen will have 8GB of ram down ( fund) and will include 22 LCD monitors, core i7 processors with 4.5GHz speed, and come preloaded with Windows 7.. Each system will to a fault be equipped with 10/100 ethernet capabilities to meet the standards of the current network in place at Kudler. The current server in place at Kudler will be replaced by Unix servers by SPARC try Software SAP system for retail environments. The POS terminals will be replaced by NCR RealPOS 82XRT terminals which offer s ordureners, cash drawers, butt against screen displays, and built in printing capabilities. VOIP phone systems and HP M521dn and HP 8015 printers will replace the overaged ones currently in use.Logical Model of SystemPreliminary Design ModelDesign trade-offIn order for Kudler Fine Foods to have a successful program, an examination of product roll out methodology must be performed. There will need to be a specific balance wheel in regards to the mixture of cost, schedule and performance. It is understood that a program cannot incorporate all three aspects at once which then leads to deciding what the appropriate trade-offs shall be within the requirements. The following depict possible scenarios of corporate trust two aspects but foregoing a third possible requirement.Cost and ScheduleBy having a program that is inexpensive and keeps to the specified timelines the company will ending up with one that is affordable and able to start up right away. If the schedule is large for integration of the system with the current system then the time to capitalize on the customers data would take time. The downside is that cheap is not always best and can result in a low performance record that is fraught with hardware and software failures. If the program cannot function properly at that place is a decent chance that it will fail outright ascribable to customers not wanting to take part in it.Schedule and PerformanceCreating a program that is schedule to finish on time and functions to specified standards will allow Kudler customers to enjoy the programs rewards with miniature to no problems. In this instance the design trade-off is cost. The cost of the new proposed system would be sort of moderate to high. The cost to get the correct and reliable information at every instance of time is the biggest challenge over the cost incurred in the infra construction. Not keeping up with costs for the creation though will result in a project that has a finishing cost much higher than was originally budgeted for. The result can pull funding from other much needed programs or can cause the program to change such as the customer receiving rewards that are of a lower superior than originally promised.Cost and PerformanceIf the project team up up is able to create the program at obedient costs while mai ntaining a high quality performance status the customers will be able to enjoy the benefits of the rewards while allowing the company to stay within appropriate budget levels. All the previous customers data would be inputted and further processed , which would take time The implementation of the new system would reduce costs of data transfer and catering the customers in a suitable manner. The performance of the system would improve with heighten ability to track information about customers , their preference pattern and any change in their port In addition to all the above , the company can reduce the extra cost of squirrel away of goods and can only customers preferences. The possible tradeoff is that the program may not be finished as scheduled. This can result in a backlog for future projects. In addition, if the project takes an exceedingly interminable amount of time than originally thought, it may become scrapped so a new plan can come in its place.Detailed Design Proce ssThe prototype will drive the design of the forms and reports. The forms need to document predefined data in a clear and concise manner. Forms are typically based on one database record and have a stylized form. Reports are business documents that contain predefined data and data from many un associate transactions or records used for reading or reviewing information. The forms and reports need to be end user friendly and clear to understand. They should not have simple rows or columns. The forms and reports can be designed using online graphical tools. This will help standardize them with other memorial tablets. The forms and reports should have a transparent gentle computer interface.In designing a form or report there are some fundamental questions that need to be addressed who will be the form/report user, the purpose, when will they be needed, who should have access to them, and who does it need to be delivered to? Answering these questions will allow the programmer to produ ce an in effect(p) form/report.The hardware and networks used should be consistent with what is already in use throughout the organization. Kudler Fine Foods uses UNIX operating system, HP blade server system and SAP as their software. The UNIX server needs to be upgraded to UNIX SPARC Enterprise software. The organization should upgrade their current version of SAP Retail SW to SAP for Retail. The HP Blade server should be upgraded to a Dell PowerEdge M620 blade server. The HP blade server is archaic and this may create problems if future support or maintenance is needed. The CM2320nf printer is obsolete and should be upgraded with the HP M521dn printer.The HP 3015 printers, VOIP phones, APC Smart UPS, POS terminals, 22 screens, and the NAS 10 TB storage server should all remain. If the organization is going to upgrade their software they should upgrade their hardware as indicated. This will allow the organization the ability to use state of the art hardware with state of the art software and get the most out of the system. They will be able to utilize the most current technological features currently available and cast up the life of their infrastructure.Human Computer InterfaceThe human computer interface should be designed with Microsoft ocular Basic. Net. Microsoft is a universal program that employees are beaten(prenominal) with. Using Microsoft will allow end users to live comfortable with the software because the commands for Microsoft can be applied. prep is easier for employees using Microsoft because so many of them are familiar with it. Microsoft reports can also be imported and exported to other mediums making it possible for end users to review the information in detail. They currently use Microsoft Windows 7. Using the most current version of software will bid the life of the system. Using outdated software will hinder the use of the most current applications and can make the program prematurely outdated. The organization should continu e using Dell computers but they need to upgrade them to Dell XPS 8700 with an i7 processor, and 4.0 GHz. CD drives are no longer necessary, most information is transferred or stored via a memory stick. tangible System ModelWhat are information computer architecture diagrams? A diagram architecture is not necessary an architecture produced through diagrams. Instead, diagram architecture is an architecture that behaves like a diagram, indifferent tothe specific means of its realization. (Par. 13) When it comes to these diagrams you are taking the knowledge of the architecture and molding it into a visual and understandable care laid out in sequence like patterns that show direction. And when these diagrams are designed of information architecture the process usually ends up back where it started making a loop back to the requirements. Producing this process of creating an information architecture diagrams can be a bit confusing and people end up getting information confused rather e asy. Until a man named Philippe Kruchten came up with a brilliant way to aspect at the diagram. He introduced the concept of viewing the diagram through the eyes of the stakeholders.This process became known as the 4+1 information view model. The 4 is for the some(prenominal) views in which he describes as the Physical view, Logical view, development view and the process view. And the +1 is added to describe the scenarios. Modeling the architecture of a software system can be presented in two areas known as the High level design and design patterns. High level is the use of the core components who work together for the one mission of fulfilling the requirements.And depending on if the system is large enough it is possible that each component will sustain its own high level setup that will provide descriptions of its smaller parts. Design patterns are used here and there in the particular designs of each of the components. A pattern is a waypoint that will direct you to the end fi rmness of purpose of the program in which it is accommodating. If the same pattern is used through the design of separate programs it will act as a money saver as it saves in the purchase of new software and saves time in the design process. Testing Process SummaryThis phase will be somewhat homogeneous to the installation and implementation phase in some ways. The overall functionality of every aspect within the system must be tested to ensure it meets the requirements of the original project plan. All new software and hardware must go through thorough examination and a system of checks to accomplish this. This phase must be continued throughout the life cycle of the system to continuously check for demerits and bugs to keep the system performing at optimum capacity. To properly complete this phase there are filmlines to follow for testing that will cover all aspects of the system. ironware and Software instauration Process/Training PlanIn order to accomplish the implementation of the Frequent Shopper Program Successfully Kudler will need to implement the POS horde database flawlessly into the system in order to avoid data loss or corruption of data. The online exchange Registers and the in-store cash registers will be communicating to the same database and a seamless integration of these three components is life-and-death during the early implementation phase of the installation. The challenge during this phase of the installation is the software that will be used to bring these three components together. Continuous testing of the POS, The CMS, and the store website are needed to ensure that any bugs in the system are pointed out early. Once this is complete the Kudler will be able to focus on the smaller aspects of the program such as ensuring that all merchandise are coded correctly and the scanners are properly transmitting the data.The timeline for the implementation of this project is 2-3 months. The company should take measures during the implem entation and installation regarding marketing tomaintain the competitory edge and afford customers needed time to adjust to the idea of this new system. Time will be needed to train staff on the proper procedures for issuing and Frequent Shopper Cards, and the support teams will need knowledge on how to troubleshoot system errors. The cashiers will need training on methods of marketing the programs and procedures for how to use, issue, and reissue card game to customers enrolling or already enrolled in the program. One of the keys to success of the program is ensuring the cashiers have a clear understanding of how to market the program. Failure to ensure marketing or the cards is upheld and train employees on how to properly process cards will be counterproductive to the program and could lower customer value.Installation ProcessInstallation is the organizational process of change over from the current information system to the new one. Managing the change to a new systemwhether or not it is computerized is one of the most difficult tasks in any organization (George, Hoffer, & Valacich, 2012). After system construction, final acceptance tests performed during systems installation and evaluation ensures the development team has completed all tasks for the project. After determination that system operations are fully functional, the system is ready for installation. During the installation process, the old system becomes disabled and subsequently, the new system activated. The project manager and developers assemble the resources required for installation as the work begins.Resources required for installation of the system includes development team members and their various programming tools, including software. Project constraints in this instance have a comparatively narrow degree because of the streamlined and limited changes. The installation team begins by changing the modems over to broadband, and activating broadband connections at each store. At this stage, the installed applications including updates to the Point of exchange system software, the database management system, credit card interface software, and printer applications undergo testing for appropriate functionality. The consummate system is then tested, and confirmed successful for use (George, Hoffer, & Valacich, 2012). The installation of the Kudler Fine Foods Frequent Shopper Program and related plans for training will correspond with the timeline illustrated.Training PlanThe training and installation timeline provides a sufficient and organized schedule for installation and system testing, also providing an expedient finish to the system implementation processes. The project team develops training actuals and documentation for training classes. The next misuse in the implementation phase is training system users, managers, and IT staff.Diagram 1 Installation and Training TimelineUser training and training documentation should include an overview of system feat ures, capabilities and limitations, data entry and menu screen options, contents, and processing instructions, and procedures for requesting changes and insurance coverage problems. Other important inclusions are troubleshooting examples and error situations including resolutions, and a section on frequently asked questions (Cashman, Rosenblatt, & Shelly, 2013). As illustrated, Frequent Shopper Program System Training, the specific elaborate for training specific groups vary according to employee function and extent.Documentation Plan SummaryDocumentation needs to be accurate and will also be a determining factor on the softwares success or failure. Documentation needs to include how to work the system, navigate it, its potential, how to use the data, and reportage methods. This should be done early on so the end user has reference materials. The documentation process should begin when developing the system. This will provide supporting material for developers and help develop fut ure training materials. If the end user does not understand how to use the system or call information for reporting purposes, the software is not serving its purpose. Most systems in place today are for information gathering and storage. If the end user cant access the collected information, then the software will be rendered useless.The system will need to be maintained so a maintenance manual should be available to guide developers on how to make fixes and update the system. An operational manual should be available for the outcome material expert, designers and users. This manual will help when they have questions on a process or how to get a certain part of the program to produce or collectthe proper data. A technical manual will be necessary so the technical writers can refer to the system structure when they have questions. The technical manual should include drawings, flowcharts, and the database structure.The system should have a training manual that has step by step instr uctions that a user can follow. It should also have a list of any codes, available reports, system outputs, a troubleshooting guide, work a rounds, and be current on updates. The Training manual or user manual will help the user by providing a guide for future reference and for training. The training manual will help decrease questions and improve efficiency. The more information that is available for the user the more proficient they will be at using it.Training end users is very important. This could mean the difference between an efficient and easy flowing system or a cumbersome, difficult to use nightmare. Visuals should be used to make training easier and provide future training material references. If there are inquiries that are not frequently performed, the end user might not recall how to initiate the inquiries and having a visual to refer to, might help the end user be more efficient when conducting these inquires.Support & Maintenance PlanIts not enough to just implement a system and fully integrate it into the new business system. There must be a support system that covers common mistakes and helps people locate answers to their technical questions. And along with the system support there also must be some type of maintenance schedule that keeps the system healthy, like frequent updates to keep the system up to date and as free from bugs as possible.Software SupportIn order for a system to operate at full potential the software must remain up to date with all of the bug fixes and security issues that comes with having software. Having your software up to date could very well be the lifeline of your company. If your software fails, then the work production conducted on that system will also fail.Hardware SupportJust as important as software support is hardware support. Hardware consists of several critical and physical components of an IT system. These components include but are not limited to servers, systems used to store data, individual(prenomi nal) computers (PC) and the networks that tie them all together. When it comes to business communication is the key, and this doesnt exclude the communication of the IT systems.Network Support uniform previously mentioned, networks are the communication for IT systems. Keeping your network up and runway can be a little difficult to deal with. When a network goes down then every piece of hardware on that network has no communication. Unfortunately network issues usually get dealt with as soon as they happen. What is recommended is to have a preventative maintenance schedule in increments of monthly, bimonthly, semiannually, annually or biannually to periodically check the condition of the network before it fails resulting in a downed network.When software is merged over into a company system there are user manuals and lists of known and unmapped bugs for the system. Each member should have been briefed on the new software and also provided the information included in the user manua ls and the known and unknown bug reports. For the hardware and network, preventative maintenance is the best way to avoid a downed asset. And a well maintained support system with frequent updates will ensure your software stays up todate with the latest security and bugs fixes.ConclusionThis thorough analysis and all aspects carefully and fully examined, the proposed project will not only meet, but exceed the request of Kudler Fine Foods for implementing a rewards program. The use of cutting edge technology in both hardware and software aspects will ensure a smooth running system for years to come. The incorporation of the rewards program and the system upgrades should not only increase profitability, but brand loyalty from customers as well. The system meets all required needs of Kudler Fine Foods to include time scheduling, budget, and both short and long term goals.ReferencesApollo Group Inc. (2011). Kudler Fine Foods. Service Request SR-kf-013. Retrieved from https//ecampus.pho Fine Foods Cashman, G. B., Rosenblatt, H. J., & Shelly, G. B. (2013). Systems abbreviation and Design (10th ed.). Boston, MA Thomson Course Technology. Charvat, Jason. (June 30, 2013). Determine User Requirements Now to Avoid Problems Later. TechRepublic. Retreived from http// Dennis, A., Wixom, B. H., & Roth, R. M. (2012). Systems analysis & design (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ John Wiley & Sons. Federal Bureau of Investigation (2013). The Insider Threat An introduction to detecting and deterring an insider spy. Retrieved from http// George, J. F., Hoffer, J. A., & Valacich, J. S. (2012). Essentials of Systems analytic thinking and Design. Retrieved from http// Riordan Manufacturing Intranet Website (2014). Retrieved from https//ecampus (2010, 05). Diagram Architecture. Retrieved 05, 2010, from http//

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