Thursday, May 9, 2019

Juvenile Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Juvenile Justice - Essay ExampleDelinquent offender is a crime or antisocial behavior that is committed by juveniles and is also considered as a crime if committed by adults. spot wickednesss be just committed by juveniles (Elrod and Ryder 362). Juveniles costs have come ind in the lives of shape offenders. There are several arguments that have been put forward for and against for the legal basis of juvenile courts intervening in the lives of position offenders (Elrod and Ryder 363). Proponents of juvenile court intervention assert that status offenders have unique needs that tail assembly only be provided by the juvenile court intervention. For instance, many status offenders suffer from family neglect (Elrod and Ryder 363). Treatment of the status offenders require more financial resources than delinquent offenders treatment thus this services can only be provided by juvenile courts. Status offenses will escalate to more criminal behaviors in the future since running awa y from home may lead to robbery if the courts fail to intervene. Status offenders are at more risk of victimization and death since incorrigibility expose the youths to drugs and prostitution. Juvenile courts have a first mission of protecting the interests of children thus they have a duty of supporting lawful parental authority. commanding education laws would be undermined if juvenile courts relinquish authority over status offenders (Elrod and Ryder 363). On the other hand, critics of juvenile court involvement in Status offender lives assert that such intervention is ineffective and contrasted since it may lead to more harm (Elrod and Ryder 364). Social agencies are better equipped to deal with Status offenders since juvenile courts lack the necessary expertise and financial resources to offer the required services. The processing of the status offense lead to labeling thus status offenders receive harsh punishment and are likely to engage in more antisocial behaviors (Elrod and Ryder 364). Status offenses revolve around family problems thus no need of juvenile court intervention since it hinders the responsibility of schools and social institutions in solving the community problems (Elrod and Ryder 364). In my opinion, the juvenile courts should not intervene in Status offenses since it is a violation of the constitution since all citizens should be protected equally no matter of age, race or color. The laws tend to be harsh towards children from poor families who are more likely to be subjected to cruel punishment like the delinquent offenders. Such intervention removes the parental responsibility on the behavior of juveniles and transfers it to the children. Juvenile courts involvement in the lives of status offenders dates back to the development of the parens patriae legal concept (Elrod and Ryder 365). Juvenile courts were designed to deal with delinquent juveniles and also troublesome children. The state has the duty to protect children and sev eral statutes outline the duties of parents and teachers to the children. sound statutes require the children to attend school regularly and obey curfews, and not to run away from the family (Elrod and Ryder 366). Some states interrelate status offenders as children in need of supervision (CHINS). The historical basis for juvenile courts intervention in status offenders is rooted in the Biblical passage that children are supposed to obey their parents

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