Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Catcher In The Rye :: essays research papers

In Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield goes by dint of manyevents in just three days that seemed to impact his life a lot.He began to realize things about himself, and changesoccurred within him. Now its 35 years later and Holden hasgrown up, and has finally place downed the real world. Holdennow works for a gamey school as a student counselor, anddeals with problems of children everyday. He is very wellliked at the school and he has only been there for threeyears. He sometimes gets attached with the studentsdilemmas, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. He is alsothe leader of the schools Students Reaching Out program.Holden has enjoyed his job ever since he has started andhas never thought of leaving it. Holden now lives in the smalltown of Wellingville in California. He is married to a womenhe met when he went back to college and they hire 2 kids,both girls. unity is 6 and the other is 3. Holdens wife has allthe qualities that Jane did. A very sweet women with a greatpe rsonality. They made a perfective aspect couple. He has gave hiskids financial and emotional support that his own parentsnever gave him. Cole Cuchna 12/2/99 Per7 He does thisbecause he doesnt want his kids to go through what he didgrowing up. Holden has made many compromises as he hasgrew up. Through his daily therapy he realized that he cantbe everything he wants to be. He cant uphold every child hemeets from growing up and entering the real world. Everychild loses their innocents sometime in their life, and Holdenbecomes to realize that. As he matures he doesnt try to savethem from the real world, but he helps them accept it. This iswhy Holden is a good counselor for teenagers becauseteenagers are usually just beginning to enter the real worldand Holden can help them through it. Also, as he grew hepicked up on a hobby. Everyday after work, Holden goes tothe local set and feeds the ducks. Everyday he does this, inthe winter time and everything. It gives him time to thinkabout wha t went on in the day and helps him concentrate onany issues he might be having at the time. As Holden grewup, he matured a lot but he also did retain some of hischildhood qualities. One of these such qualities is hisconstant changing of personalities. He will go from thinkinghe is crazy, to then thinking he is something else.

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